The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA) was one of the largest bills ever passed by Congress. The latest CAA requirement for Plan Sponsors and Issuers is the Gag Clause Prohibition and the annual Attestation that must be made through the CMS HIOS system. This course discusses the prohibition on gag clauses and what that means, the relationship between Gag Clause Prohibition and Transparency rules, the attestation of compliance and entities who must comply. Dorothy and Marilyn will provide you with the latest informataion on which carriers, PBMs and Networks are providing the attestations for employer groups and which are not. They will also discuss the details of what plan sponsor employers need to do, for both self-funded and fully insured health plans, including a look into the CMS HIOS Portal for the Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestation (GCPCA), and what the roles are for the persons involved with attestations. (1-HR CE| Course: 389623). |