The First Sunday of Advent

December 1, 2024

Mission Statement

Our Vision Friends and neighbors joyfully sharing and living the Gospel and the transforming love of Jesus Christ through our Parish Family

Our Mission To invite and welcome people of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life to embrace and celebrate our vocations.  "To be Christ to the world.”

Explore this Sunday's Scriptures Here
Family Zone - Activities for all ages

The days are coming, says the LORD, 

   when I will fulfill the promise 

   I made to the house of Israel and Judah.

In those days, in that time, 

   I will raise up for David a just shoot ; 

   he shall do what is right and just in the land.

In those days Judah shall be safe 

   and Jerusalem shall dwell secure; 

   this is what they shall call her: 

   “The LORD our justice.”

Jeremiah 33 

From our Pastor

Dear Parishioners and Friends,


Today we celebrate the First Sunday in Advent with the lighting of the first candle on our Advent Wreath.  Lots of preparations will be made in our churches, our homes and our hearts for Christ at Christmas.  We need these days of preparation so that we can allow God's grace to rekindle our own desire to be more like that of Christ.  


Be sure to check the bulletin for the many Advent activities we have.


May the start of this season and your preparations this Advent be a time of God's grace and mercy for you and your family!

May God bless you!

 Fr. Gonyo

From our Parochial Vicar

Liturgy of the Eucharist (Part II)

After the prayer over the gifts, we enter into the Eucharistic prayer. The Eucharistic Prayer begins with the Preface which focuses our attention on the specific mystery we are celebrating in the Mass. I encourage you to really listen to the text of the Preface. They are all extremely beautiful and a great expression of what we believe. The Preface is followed by the Holy, Holy, Holy which reminds us of the worship of the angels and saints in heaven to which we join our voices. The remainder of the Eucharistic Prayer which follows is comprised of various parts: the first epiclesis (the calling of the Holy Spirit on the gifts of bread and wine); the institution narrative and consecration (when the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ); the anamnesis (“the mystery of faith” and its response); the oblation (the offering of the sacrifice to the Father); the second epiclesis (the calling of the Holy Spirit on the community to form us into the Body of Christ); the intercessions (for the pope, the bishop, the clergy, the deceased, and asking the intercession of the saints); the Doxology (“Through him, and with him, and in him…”); the Great Amen.

The Communion Rite follows the Eucharistic Prayer. The Communion Rite includes the Our Father, the Sign of Peace, the Lamb of God, the reception of Holy Communion, and the Prayer After Communion. It is important to remember that Mass does not end once you receive Communion!! There is still more to come. Once you receive Communion, don’t leave. Go back to your seat and enter into prayer with Jesus whom you have just received. You are carrying God within you! You have just received the very real presence of God himself. Sit in that mystery, and allow him to transform your life. The time after communion should be a period of intense prayer for each of us where we seek to encounter the living God. Don’t waste that opportunity.

Next time, I will turn to the concluding rites of the Mass.


 Fr. Aaron, Parochial Vicar

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Baptisms and Deaths

Congratulations and may

God’s blessings be upon these children:

Giovanni Michael Horner

Please remember in prayer our Beloved who have recently passed away:

Angeline Mahonsky

Marie Pronti

Sue Morrell

Carol Giacobbe

Florence Abert

Robert Abert 

Parish Happenings

During the upcoming holiday season, gift card scams will be on the rise.

No member of the Saint Kateri Staff or Clergy will email or text you to purchase a gift card and send us the card number!

If you get such a call, text, or email it is a scam.



Giving Tree Gift request update:

We have requests to provide gifts for 358 individuals. Today, 310 of those requests have been taken. We are very grateful for the generosity of our parish.

The remaining 48 gift requests have been moved from the trees in church to Sign Up Genius.

One can access the requests by clicking on this link….

One can scroll through to see all 48 requests. Directions are at the site. One can submit questions about the requests when signing up. Thank you for your generosity!

Wednesday Evening Discussion Group

All are invited to join us on Wednesday evenings for faith-based discussions.

Every Wednesday

7:00 - 8:30 PM

In the

Saint Kateri Center

Beginning Wednesday, December 4th

We will be discussing

The Reed of God

by Caryll Houselander

Available from Amazon

or other fine booksellers

Contact Mark Keller ( for more information

Faith Formation

Saint Kateri Parish offers a variety of

Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation programs for your family

Faith Formation:

(Religious Education for children enrolled in Public School)

*For children in Pre-K through Grade 7, this program is offered during the school year, September - May. We partner with parents and guardians in supporting and continuing their child’s faith journey. This program consists of monthly meetings and extra faith-filled activities.

Contact Anna Steele

Sacramental Preparation:

First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion:

For children in Grade 2 and over, to help them prepare to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Celebration of First Reconciliation is in

the fall and First Holy Communion is celebrated

parish-wide in May.

Contact Anna Steele


A two-year journey for those in Grade 8 and older to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Contact Christine Bondi


This process is for anyone over the age of 16 that wants to become fully initiated into the faith of the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation or any combination of the three.

Contact Mark Keller

Adult Formation

Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

OCIA is a process of spiritual formation which prepares adults for full initiation into the faith.

At Saint Kateri Parish, we meet as a small group to explore and discuss the foundations of our Catholic faith and help each other to grow in our relationship with the Lord.

OCIA is for:

  • Anyone who is curious about the Catholic Church
  • Anyone who is interested in becoming Catholic
  • Adult Catholics who have not completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation).

Parishioners are welcome to join any of our sessions.


7:00 PM

In the

Saint Kateri Center at Christ the King

December 5, 2024

Places in a Catholic Church

The People of God 

December 12, 2024

The Early Church

Church History

December 19, 2024

 The Sacraments: An Introduction


For more information contact

Mark Keller

(585) 544-8880


Young Adult

Community News


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