Weekly Newsletter of the Florida-Georgia District

Equip, Empower, Engage - Connecting People to Jesus

February 17, 2024


Rev. Chris Patterson continues to recover from his health crisis last year. Please rejoice in prayer with him as he continues to improve.

Rev. James Drummond (Emeritus) is battling melanoma cancer that has now spread. Please pray for him and his medical team as they begin treatment. 

Rev. Joe Adams (Christ the King, Largo, FL) had successful brain surgery to remove a tumor. Please pray for continued recovery and good results from the biopsy.

Please pray for Rev. Andy Ritchie (St. Paul, Lakeland, FL). He has a tumor on his pancreas that is precancerous. Please pray for peace as Andy and his healthcare team prepare for a procedure to treat the tumor.

Please pray for Nancy Volz (FLGA District Board of Directors Member) as she continues her recovery from spinal fusion surgery. Pray specifically for the nerves in her feet to be awakened to eliminate neuropathy so she can walk without assistance. 

Michael Rottman (Principal, Grace, Winter Haven, FL) has begun radiation treatment for vocal cord cancer. Please continue to pray for healing.

Roy Heflin (DCE Emeritus) is now in Stage 5 Kidney Disease. Dialysis is the next step unless he gets a donor. Please pray for the Lord's continued strength, provision, and peace. Have you considered becoming an organ transplant donor?

Please pray for the men and women who are deployed. Pray for their safety, their health, and their spiritual care. Pray also for their families who live their lives without their loved ones with them.

How can we pray for you?

Submit a prayer request so our office and others in the District, if you choose, can lift your need or thanksgiving to our loving Father.


to submit.

District News & Events

Open Letter Regarding Concordia Ann Arbor

In light of the Concordia Ann Arbor news this week, please take a few moments to read the important letter linked below from FLGA District President Rockey. 

Click Here to Read Letter

Daily Lenten Devotions

Subscribe for daily Lenten devotions written by workers of the FLGA District. The 2024 theme continues to explore the theme of Living as Along-Siders, yet this series of devotions will focus solely upon the most powerful aspect of this way of life…how Jesus is our Along-sider! 

The devotions are also available on the FLGA District's Lenten Devotions webpage after 10 am daily.

Rev. Phil Ressler was installed as the Lead Pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church & School in Brandon, FL, on February 11. Please pray for Phil and God's ministry through him and Immanuel Lutheran Church & School!

Pictured FRONT row: President James Rockey, Rev. Mark Mast, Rev. Phil Ressler, Rev. Miguel Sanabria, Jr., Rev. Gilbert Kuehn, Rev. Miguel Sanabria Sr., Rev. Dan Ritter; BACK row: Rev. Steve Massey, Rev. Dr. Dan Prugh, Rev. David Haara, Rev. Kevin Yoakum, Rev. Dr. David Brockhoff, Rev. Dr. Kent Fuqua, Rev. Kurt Steinbrueck.

Congratulations, Master DCE Jeremy Becker

Please join us in congratulating Master DCE Jeremy Becker (St. Paul, Weston, FL).

"In ministry, we are Called to make disciples who make disciples. It has been an honor trying to accomplish this over the years with youth, children, and adults. When leading people, it is a joy to walk alongside them in life and through ministry opportunities." Jeremy Becky, from his acceptance speech.

Every two years, NADCE presents the Master DCE Award and Outstanding New DCE Award. These awards, presented at their biennial National NADCE Conference, are given to deserving individuals nominated and selected by their peers and partners in ministry through NADCE.

FLGA District Treasurer Workshop

The Florida Georgia District will host a FREE Treasurer's Workshop via ZOOM on February 24 from 10 am to 1:30 pm.

Individuals within the church who have financial responsibilities should participate. This session will be a high-level general overview, and you will have an opportunity to get your questions answered.

Discussion topics include ensuring compliance with tax rules, organization administration, understanding income from other sources, pitfalls in compensation planning, and other tax-exempt status requirements.

You can learn more and register here.

Apply to Serve

as a Gathering Ambassador

ENDURE will bring thousands of LCMS youth and adults to New Orleans in 2025. Volunteers are a highly valued and deeply needed element of the Gathering experience and its success. Adults ages 26+ are encouraged to prayerfully consider serving as a Gathering Ambassador. Ambassador Application Closes: March 15, 2024

Visit the FLGA District webpage to learn more about serving as a Gathering Ambassador.


District Events

2024 Lenten Devotions

75th Anniversary Capital Campaign

2024 FLGA District Lutheran School Music Festival

2024 Veterans of the Cross Gathering

2024 Ministry Wives Retreat

Events Around the District

District Resources

January/ February 2024

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Lutheran LIFE here!

Find a Kidney Donor for

Roy Heflin

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Other News

Training Modules for Early Childhood Consultants, Administrators & Educators

A five-part Early Childhood video series titled Spiritual Nurture in the Lutheran Early Childhood Classroom is available for purchase and viewing. This series was developed for early childhood educators and provides practical strategies to promote the integration of the Christian faith into classroom environments, curricular experiences, and the homes of school families. Each of the five videos is accompanied by a document containing resources and practical ideas.

You can learn more about these trainings and register today.

Impact the World for Jesus Christ through Short-Term Ministry

MOST Ministries has several "Open for Registration" mission trips in 2023 to Guatemala, Kenya, and Mexico. These eyeglass or clean water teams will stay with hosts well-known to MOST Ministries. During a week-long (or more) mission trip, participants will share the Gospel, support the ministry of a local Lutheran church, and show mercy to those who need vision correction or safe potable water.

For details or to apply, visit MOST Ministries' website.

Center for Biblical Studies: The Book of Psalms

The Center for Biblical Studies offers preaching, teaching, and practical resources to increase biblical knowledge, enhance faith in Christ, and enrich the local church's ministry. Working collaboratively with Concordia St. Paul's Department of Theology and Ministry, they offer annual workshops and seminars with biblical focus.

You don't want to miss the study of the Psalms with Dr. Reed Lessing! On March 16, 2024, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm on campus or online. This will be an in-depth and practical seminar on the book of Psalms. PowerPoint slides plus a Bible study will thoroughly equip participants to take their new insights and teach others how to pray.

Learn more and register today!

James' List
A place to give away or sell items no longer used by your church or school, find items you need/want, or feature employment opportunities.

Advertise Here!!

Do you have job openings or items to give away?

Contact Meridith Swanson at the FLGA District office to advertise in the weekly newsletter.

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