The Power of Believing in Your Kids
By Jim Burns
"{Kids} need someone in their lives who believes in them, even when they can't believe in themselves. Don't forget this: Most often the difference between kids who make it and kids who
don't is one caring adult." This article is a great reminder of how you can follow Jesus' example of believing in others--and how that can entirely change your child's life!
6 A's of Good Parenting
By Mark W. Merrill
"Parenting is all about relating. The better our relationships with our children, the better our chances at effective parenting." Based on ideas from Josh McDowell, this article identifies factors that play an important role in good parenting and gives simple steps to strengthening your relationship with your child.
How to Address Bedtime Issues
By Scott Turansky
"Before becoming a parent, you may have envisioned bedtime as the sweetest time of the day as you tucked in your little cherubs, kissed them on their foreheads, and watched them peacefully drift off to sleep...The reality is that bedtime is usually when tiredness and selfishness peak (sometimes for parents as well as children)." This article gives some great tips for revamping and adjusting your bedtime routines.
The Question Your Elementary Child is Asking
By Kristen Ivy & Reggie Joiner
"Parenting is hard. Just when you think you understand your child, everything changes. And then you have to get re-acquainted and figure out a new way to parent. It might be helpful to know that every kid at every phase is asking a unique and fundamental question. How you answer that question for your child will communicate the one thing they need most: Love." This article suggests ways you can connect with your child, engage in his/her interests, and make the most of every phase.
7 Best Ways to Spend Summer Days with the Kids
By Mike Landry
Looking for some fun activities to get you through the last few weeks of the longest Spring Break ever? (Oops, we mean summer!) This article has some fun ideas as your family wraps up summer and begins the new school year.
While we support the information given in each article linked above, the views presented in the overall blogs or websites are not necessarily the views held by FBC Amarillo or the FBC Amarillo Children's Ministry.