What Not to Do When Your Kid Really Blows It
By Andrew Linder
"As a parent, you can mark it down--all kids mess up, and when they do, your response can have just as big an impact as their mistakes." This article suggests three things to avoid when your child messes up.
Does Disney Plus Have Parental Controls?
By Chris McKenna
Disney's new streaming service gives access to many childhood favorite movies. This article gives a video how-to for setting up parental controls to make sure content isn't too mature for your child.
The Masks We Love to Wear
By Adriana Howard
"...When the whole world is working hard to promote notions of what perfect parenting looks like, putting on a mask can be really tempting." This article is a great reminder of the value of vulnerability and encouraging one another.
We Need Not Parent In Fear
By Adrien Segal
"...When we parent in fear, there's a greater chance we will raise up fearful children." This great article offers practical ways (with lots of Scripture references) you can keep your faith in God through the pressures of parenting.
Stanford Psychology Expert: This is the No. 1 skill parents need to teach their kids--but most don't
By Nir Eyal
"...One of the biggest mistakes I see parents making is not empowering their kids with the autonomy to control their own time...it's only when they learn to practice monitoring their own behavior that they learn how to manage their own time and attention." This interesting article suggests ways you can help your child develop important life skills.
While we support the information given in each article linked above, the views presented in the overall blogs or websites are not necessarily the views held by FBC Amarillo or the FBC Amarillo Children's Ministry.