Parents' smartphone use could be the new secondhand smoke
By Theresa H. Rodgers
"Anyone raising or caring for children today should know this hard truth: When parents or caregivers spend too much time turning away from their kids and toward technology, the foundation for a child's communication skills is weakened. In a world with competing priorities and limited time, experts...are already seeing the impacts on children who have missed out on hours of essential, real-life face time..." This article
is a great reminder of the importance of spending quality, technology-free time with your children and family.
How do we teach our children to value and
respect race?
By Claire Avidon
"We are all image bearers, beautiful, and worthy of His affections...Our differences are the recipe for the richness of life...He crafted us all in His image with skin that serves the same purpose yet is shaded in an array of different hues...I want {my children} to love their neighbors fiercely. I want them to be tiny image bearers who draw their friends closer to God, even if those who surround them do not realize Who or What is bringing them closer." This article is a powerful reminder of Christ's call to love and serve others without partiality.
8 Things That Bond Families Together Forever
By Karen Whiting
"Strong family bonds make a lifelong difference. Members lean on one another, enjoy time together, and continue to build memories...The relationships are reinforced through shared memories that reflect time invested in one another, both the happy experiences and the struggles they overcame together." Through both long-term commitments (traditions, routines, etc.) and simple, short-term activities (eating dinner together, taking a trip, etc.), this article suggests eight ways you can create meaningful family bonds.
7 Ways to Activate the Heart of a Boy
By Bobby Cooley
" Think back to when you
were a little boy. What is your best memory?...Chances are, if you think hard enough, your greatest memories are connected with when your heart came
alive. You experienced something for the
first time or finally completed a goal." Whether you're a dad who needs to be reminded of what it's like to be a young
boy, or whether you're a mom who wants some insight into the mind & heart of your son, this article suggests great ways to connect with your son.
How to Argue Well In Your Family
By Sarah Anderson
"Conflict is inevitable. And in case any of us doubted it, being sheltered in
place due to COVID-19 clarified it. Living under the same roof as other people can be challenging...With school being out and summer ahead of us, I suspect that I am not the only parent getting clammy hands at the thought of what will end up being
a six month stretch of kids at home, parents at home and an incredibly pared down social life...How do we navigate the arguing between kids and between us and the kids? How do
we diffuse conflict before it gets out of control? How do we make peace the goal, but
without ignoring real tensions and offenses that come up?" This article gives five tips for guiding your family through disagreements, tips for communication, and how your family
can 'argue well.'
While we support the information given in each article linked above, the views presented in the overall blogs or websites are not necessarily the views held by FBC Amarillo or the FBC Amarillo Children's Ministry.