Summer Family Challenge
By Parent Cue
Summer is half-way over, and your kids might be getting restless. This article suggests fun and silly ways your family can spend time together.
3 Important Things to Do With Your Gamer Kids
By Bobby Cooley
"Raising kids playing video games can be difficult to navigate at times. Regardless of how you feel about video games, if you have gamer kids, here are 3 important things you need to do with them." From learning to set limits to grabbing a remote to play alongside of them, this article gives great tips for connecting with your child on his/her level.
8 Ways to Salvage a Bad Parenting Day
By Holly Crawshaw
"We all have them--bad parenting days. Days when tempers are high and patience is short. Days when our kids seem to know exactly which of our buttons to press...But just because you have a bad parenting day doesn't mean you have to stay in that bad parenting day. Nope. We have the ability to reset a day, no matter how off-kilter it's gotten." This article offers simple, practical ways you can reverse and reset on hard days.
Seven Ways Children React to Grief
By Lisa Appelo
"As parents, we need to discern our kids' signs of grief to help them through. Because this is certain--if our children don't grieve now on their terms, grief will come back later on its own terms." This great article gives insight into how kids process grief, how you can help them navigate their feelings, and how you can point them to Christ in the midst of their grieving.
Making Family Memories In a Fast-Paced World On a Limited Budget
By Jen Altrogge
"I assume I'm not the only one who is aware of my parental failings on a daily basis...The last thing I'm here to do is to add to your guilt. To increase the heavy, ambiguous condemnation you feel. I want to highlight the ways you're already spending meaningful time with your kids, point you to small ways to make the most of little snippets of time with them, and motivate you to plan to make time for quality family time." This article is a great reminder that the small, meaningful moments shared with your child are just as important as the big moments.
While we support the information given in each article linked above, the views presented in the overall blogs or websites are not necessarily the views held by FBC Amarillo or the FBC Amarillo Children's Ministry.