50 Summer Bucket List Ideas For Families
By Tony Myles
This article suggests fun activities to keep your family busy all summer! Use their list or come up with your own ideas!
How to Talk to Skeptical Kids About Heaven
By Jenny Manley
"What do we do when our children are unimpressed by the promise of God's holy presence in heaven? How do we react when the idea of eternity downright terrifies them? First, don't panic. Most of my children still think McDonald's is better than a five-star steak dinner. Still, we should remember the high calling parents have to 'teach them diligently.'" This article suggests simple ways you can guide your child to a deeper understanding of spending eternity in heaven with God.
Play Produces Affirmation and Support
By Jim Burns
"We know instinctively that play produces family togetherness and support. We know that when we play together, we have a deeper sense of belonging and community in the family...The goal of family togetherness is a sense of belonging and joy, a feeling of community...Affirmation and support are also key ingredients. With busy families and sibling rivalries, a proactive time of affirmation makes a big difference." This article is a great reminder of the importance of quality time together as a family.
Five Biblical Truths to Anchor Your Children's Identity in Christ
By Nikki Evanson
"I couldn't help but care about what others thought about me. Did I say the right thing? Were my feelings and thoughts in line with what others expected from me? I wanted to be liked and accepted. These thoughts started when I was young because I noticed my family cared about how others perceived us...When I became a parent, it was imperative for me not to put this pressure on my children and for them not to grow up with this mindset. I knew that the only way to do this was to raise them to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and as the center of their lives. I wanted them to be confident in who God had made them to be--that they would love themselves for how God had crafted them and flourish in abundant life." This article gives great truths to instill in your child as he/she grows into the person God has created him/her to be.
How to Explain Confidence to a Child
By Liz Hansen
"Confidence is easy to see, hard to define. Confidence is learning to see yourself the way God sees you. When you learn to see yourself through God's eyes, you feel secure. You know you've got what it takes to handle the everyday challenges that come your way...Our kids desperately need this kind of confidence." This article gives simple, practical ways you can help your child develop true confidence in Christ.
While we support the information given in each article linked above, the views presented in the overall blogs or websites are not necessarily the views held by FBC Amarillo or the FBC Amarillo Children's Ministry.