Boredom Isn't a Bad Thing for Kids
By Suzanne Bouffard
"Boredom gets a bad rap. Kids whine about it, grown-ups dread it, entire industries aim to eliminate it. It might come as a surprise, then, to hear that being bored sometimes is good for kids." This article gives several benefits of boredom and suggests ways you can help your child find ways to fill his/her time without the use of technology.
'Meet them with Jesus': Responding Biblically to our Kids' Problems
By Cynthia Yanof
" I realized...I haven't taken time to search God's word for his wisdom in many of the issues my kids have come to me with...I tend to spout out whatever comes to mind...instead of having the automatic default of God's word." This article serves as a parenting cheat-sheet for answering your child's problems with scripture.
3 Ways Porn is Finding
Your Kids
By BJ Foster
"Some of the most dangerous predators in the world of tablets, iPads, and phones are purveyors of pornography, who are seeking to hook an entire new generation into addiction...But you can't {protect them} if you don't know where they are vulnerable." This article is an important reminder that while setting parental controls on all devices in your home is important, no safeguards can replace having conversations with your child about technology and sexual purity.
Discipline vs Punishment
By Scott Turansky
"When parents understand and embrace the difference between punishment and discipline, it changes the way they relate to their kids. Instead of giving a consequence to balance the scales of justice, they use consequences to teach and to train. Instead of viewing discipline times as annoying detours on the path of life, they see them as opportunities to further develop character in their kids." This great article reminds you to look to scripture as a guide for disciplining and leading your child.
3-2-1 Launch! Three Keys to Helping Kids Launch into the Teen Years
By Focus on the Family
"While every stage of parenting has its trials, there is something uniquely challenging about adolescence. Many parents remember their own turbulent teen years. They wonder if they're truly ready to walk with their kids through all the emotional drama, the conversations about sex and dating, and the challenges of resisting the corrupting influence of a secular culture...As you prepare them for this launch into the teen years, you can equip your kids to have stability and direction during this time of change..." This article offers encouragement as the teen years approach and suggests Biblical ways you can address and face all that the teen years will bring.
While we support the information given in each article linked above, the views presented in the overall blogs or websites are not necessarily the views held by FBC Amarillo or the FBC Amarillo Children's Ministry.