St. Rose School

September 22, 2023

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."

-2 Corinthians 13:14

Greetings from Dr. G

Alive in the Spirit, the theme of the First Days of School video, is a wonderful theme for our school year. God has brought us all together as a community where we share our various talents to make this an exceptional learning journey for students in Preschool - 8th grade. Thank you for you partnership.

Back to School Night was a success. It is always uplifting to make in person connections. My thanks to the HSA Board, our Faculty/Staff and parents for making it a positive night. Special thanks to Monsignor who continues to inspire us and to our School Advisory Board Chairperson, Mrs. DeBartolomeo, for capturing the spirit of our first days in her video which you can view here.

Key points discussed at the meeting were:

* Strong enrollment and retention

*Impressive national test scores

* Critical safety measures in place including new system for internet security, parent safety training, close relationship with Newtown Police

*Importance of daily routine especially on time arrivals and departures from school

*Exciting Student Life activities and plans

*Community building

Additionally, at the Back to School Night all parents who attended received a copy of the uniform/dress code and the absence policy as they appear in the handbook. Parents who did not attend should have received this information from school today. If you did not receive a copy, please see the attached . Beginning Monday, students and parents will be alerted to out-of-uniform and dress code violations. We ask all families to adhere to these policies as it is in the best interest of all students to provide a calm, consistent, safe learning environment. 

Click here for school presentation slides

Click here for HSA presentation slides

Click here for student handbook and uniform dress code

Last night you also heard about how critical fundraising is to the ongoing vitality of our school. We are excited about our first and biggest event of the year, An Evening in Paris, the Blooms Benefit, at which we will honor Monsignor Bob. Invitations were sent home this week. We hope to fill the room that night so please consider coming and share the word with your friends and family. Our Fundraising committee is hard at work to make this a night to remember. If you have any questions email Laura Moulder, [email protected].

School safety officer Sargent Chapman gave a meaningful internet safety presentation to grades 6, 7 ad 8 this week. While the internet has benefits, we are aware of the dangers it presents to our youth. Please monitor your children's electronic communications on all of their personal devices at all times.

We are seeking a part time school counselor as well as an After School Care Director. If you know anyone who may be interested in these positions please ask them to email a resume to [email protected].

Please be sure to read Mrs. B's Adventures in Student Life every Thursday. It provides a window into daily life in our halls and also contains information about Enrichment programs, Athletics and all things pertaining to Student Life.

We are pleased to offer access to the online family directory for all parents who have given permission to be included in it. Please read this from Mrs. Doane:

Parent Directory Now Available in PlusPortals

The parent directory is now visible on PlusPortals. Families who completed the opt-out form during registration do not appear in the directory. If you did not complete the form but wish to be removed from the directory, login to and go to your name and then "Directory Settings". Changes take effect immediately. You can also customize which of your contact information appears in the directory. If you need any assistance using PlusPortals, please contact Katelyn Doane at [email protected]

Note: You have the ability to edit your demographic information such as address and phone number in PlusPortals. If you make any changes in PlusPortals, please let Katelyn Doane know so that your edits can be pulled into the system and the changes can go into effect.

I will be attending the annual Diocesan Principals conference next Thursday and Friday but I know the school will be in capable hands with Mrs. B. We will also acknowledge Monsignor Bob's birthday at Mass next Friday, the 29th, so please join us if you can.

Have a wonderful weekend. Please note that St. Rose School is IN SESSION on Monday, September 25; we look forward to seeing your children back in our halls.

God bless,

Dr. G

Alive in the Spirit! First Days of School video


Dear Parents and Guardians 


This is a reminder that Saint Rose is a NUT FREE SCHOOL. This policy is in place to protect, avoid and minimize harm to our students with LIFE Threatening Allergic Reactions. To help our students remain safe in school we ask that you not send in ANY FOOD food that contains or may contain peanuts, tree nuts or nuts of any kind.

Please read the manufacturer's food label and refrain from sending in unwrapped and unlabeled snack items, treats, or baked goods. Continue to reinforce with your student not sharing food and the practice of good hand washing.

Thank you for your understanding and for working together to keep our students safe.

Thank you,

Kim Carrino RN

Other important health news:

All students trying out / participating in school sports require an annual physical which is valid for 13 months. Physicals should be sent to SRS Health Office or uploaded to SRS admissions School Admin.

All prescription and over the counter medications must have a doctor's order and are to be kept in the Health Office. The only exception is a student with a self carry order for emergency medication for seizure, epi pen or inhaler. Medications must be delivered to Nurse Kim via an adult; children are not allowed to transport medicine,

If your student is out ill, please notify the Health Office via phone or email including the REASON for absence e.g., mental health day, strep throat, fever, flu, covid ,and refer to the student handbook under illness guidelines. If you have seen a healthcare provider, PLEASE obtain a note so your absence may be excused.

Change of clothes (spare t-shirt, pants, socks, etc.) should be kept in the locker for all students. Even big kids have spills and get muddy on the playground.

Questions? Email [email protected].





We are excited to combine our love for Monsignor Bob with a fun night out to raise money for the St. Rose School Blooms Fund.

For 23 years, Monsignor has helped students in this school BLOOM in mind, heart and soul. In fact, he is the HEART of our school and a major reason why our doors have remained open through the years. He is a strong advocate for Catholic education whose homilies at school Masses, presence during the sacraments as well as at times of joy and sorrow, trips to the Ice Cream Shop and frequent visits to the classrooms have made a lasting impact on young minds and souls. Monsignor is also a great cheerleader for Faculty and Staff, always showing his appreciation for their vocation.

Monsignor Bob knows that it takes a lot of heart, soul and funds to keep a Catholic School running. In honoring him we are also honoring the Catholic School tradition and ensuring that children continue to have the opportunity for a stellar academic, faith focused education. The Blooms Benefit is our major fundraiser of the year through which we hope to put a big dent in the $150,000 needed to bridge the gap between the cost of tuition and the actual cost of educating each student in order to balance the budget.

Purchase tickets and/or sponsorships by clicking here.

Questions? Email [email protected]. Thanks to committee heads Laura Jane Fournier & Maggie Anderson and their amazing team of volunteers: Jen Singer, Lori Ohlson, Kelly Kulhay, Sarah Phillips, Lisa Jackson, Gayle Hill, Alexia Cortella, Dawn Ringes, Sharon Doherty, Isabel Fappiano and all who are spreading the word, getting donations and building excitement for this event.


Important Health Notes

St. Rose is a NUT FREE school. Please do not send snacks and lunches containing any nuts. Thank you.

Preschool requires an annual physical to be submitted to SRS Health Office or uploaded to SRS School Admin.

Preschoolers under the age of five require a flu vaccination to be given between dates August 1st through December 31st (per Ct State Health Department). Students who do not receive this will not return to school after the winter holiday break. 

Please refer to Nurse News Above for other health related information.


Hello SRS Community,

Thank you to everyone that came out to attend Back to School Night! It was a huge success and wonderful to see the community support for the HSA and our school. 

HSA 2023-2024 Proxy Vote

As reviewed in last night’s meeting, we need everyone to submit their proxy vote to approve the expenditure of HSA funds to support the needs of the school.

  • All votes will be collected via Google Form.
  • Please use this link to submit your vote.  
  • One vote per family, please.
  • A minimum of 10% of families must respond to consider the vote official. 

In addition, to learn more about the in-class Samsung interactive learning screens, please use this link: 75” Interactive Samsung Display

Do you use Social Media???? St. Rose Parents have our very own Facebook Page. If you aren’t already a member, here is the SRS Parents FB Page link to join All families are welcome! The purpose of this Facebook page is to provide an online “bulletin board” for parents and guardians of children attending Saint Rose of Lima School in Newtown, CT. This site is created and maintained by school parents, not school administration, so please do not expect the school staff to be aware of the content of this site.

Upcoming HSA Events

As we usher in the Fall, we will be mobilizing parents around many exciting community-building events. With October just around the corner, now is a good time to mark your calendars for our Annual Trunk-R-Treat event on Saturday, October 28th. It’s time to get creative and brew up ideas for costumes and how you will decorate your trunk. More information on this event will be shared as it gets closer.

A special thanks to our Bingo committee for helping to kick-off Bingo season with a successful night last week! We’re always looking for volunteers, raffle items and participants!

Our next BINGO night is Friday, October 13th ~ from 6:00-9:30 in the SRS Gathering Hall. This is a great time and is also a fundraiser for the school.

Speaking of events, if you have not already done so, please consider signing up to volunteer with our programs and events this year. It’s a great way to give back to our school and meet and get to know other parents. Without many hands these events cannot happen. If we all volunteer a little, we can accomplish A LOT!

If you have not had the opportunity to do so please Enroll in HSA and submit your dues online via PayPal, “St. Rose of Lima School HSA”. We also accept checks payable to “St. Rose HSA” which you can send to the school office (in an envelope marked “HSA”). 

The HSA looks forward to our continued partnership in support of SRS. We welcome suggestions and ideas Please always feel free to email us at [email protected].

Carrie Sirois, Michelle McRuiz, Co-Presidents

Mike Anstett, Vice President

Lisa Jackson, Secretary

Karen Walauskas, Treasurer

Important Dates

Friday September 29 -- 9 a.m Mass celebrate Monsignor's Bday

Friday October 6th -- PD Day, Early dismissal 11:30 a.m. (11:15 for Preschool)

Monday October 9th -- Columbus Day, no school

High School testing:

  • Saturday, October 28 @8am, at Immaculate 
  • Saturday, November 11 @8am, at Immaculate  

Families can register directly with Immaculate at

Important Forms

AM/PM Bus Routes

Car Walk Map -- see how to navigate the car walk lanes

Car Walk procedures -- please read to ensure safe/smooth drop off/pick up of students

Hot Lunch order form

After School Care:

Kids Club – Newtown Community Center

Kids-Club-Registration-Form.pdf (

if you would like to volunteer at the school must be Virtus trained. Click here for details.

Please visit School Admin to complete all forms by the first day of school.