St. Rose School

October 21, 2022

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

-Philippians 4:8

Greetings from Dr. G

The seeds planted at St. Rose School take root and bloom for many years to come. This week Dr. John and Mrs. Nancy Murphy visited our school and met faculty and students in grades K-8th. The Murphys are alumni parents of four children who have gone on to do great things. They were the Blooms Benefit honorees in 2020 and have continued to support our school in generous ways. Mrs. Murphy recalled painting the school basement with fellow parents, volunteering at lunch duty and at many school events. They stressed the significance of Friday masses, the solid education and faith formation that shaped their now grown children and expresed their commitment to keeping these values and traditions alive. Dr. Murphy gave an engaging talk to the students and answered many good questions. They were thrilled with the beautiful student made cards presented to them and wish us continued success.

The Murphys are an example of the strong bonds that are made in these halls and hearts and last a lifetime. In planning our celebration for Sister Thaddeus we have been blessed with help from current and alumni families, teachers and parishioners. Together we are keeping this exceptional learning opportunity alive. Thank you for entrusting your children to St. Rose School and for the many ways in which you make a difference. On that note, the faculty and staff are most grateful to HSA for the coffee corner in the teacher's lounge. You make us feel special!

Lessons and special activities abounded at St. Rose School this week. 8th graders attended an all day Retreat at Holy Family Retreat Center while students in K-4th got a special treat of meeting Madison and Mason Jackson as they arrived at school on a Fire truck with Newtown Hook & Ladder.  The firefighter on board was a St. Rose School alum! This was an auction item that Mr. and Mrs. Jackson bid on at the 2020 Blooms Benefit but had to defer until after Covid.  (A Ride to School on a Firetruck is an auction item this evening as well).  It was an exciting morning! And of course the annual Pumpkin Bowl is always a spirited afternoon especially surrounded by the spectacular Fall foliage. It was good to see many parents on the sidelines.

Tonight is the big celebration! We look forward to honoring Sister Thaddeus and joining together for a fun evening; it's been a long time since we've been able to gather like this which makes it an extra blessing. I look forward to seeing many of you there and remind you that if you cannot be at the Amber Room you can share in the evening via the online auction to support

St. Rose School. The students had an opportunity to shower Sister with love and appreciation after Mass this morning. We will be sure to share photos and video from the event in next week's newsletter.

It looks like another beautiful Fall weekend -- enjoy!

God Bless,

Dr. G

Heroes + Dreamers = Teachers + Students


God Bless Sister Thaddeus who truly helps us BLOOM in mind, heart and soul through her commitment to God and her life long vocation.

It will be a night to remember! Everyone can shop the silent auction using this link, 

Happy bidding! All proceeds from the Blooms Benefit go the Blooms Fund to offset the tuition gap and ensure that children in Preschool to 8th grade contine to receive a stellar academic, faith focused educaiton.

Stay tuned for anecdotes and photos from the Blooms event in next week's newsletter.

Thanks to the awesome Blooms committee, class parents, school families, alumni parents, Knights of Columbus and all who gave their time, talent and treasure to make this evening a success.

Newtown Bee article about Sister Thaddeus


Hello SRS Community,

We are howling with excitement as Trunk R Treat is only one week away. If you haven’t done so, please click here to register ahead of time for Trunk R Treat and send your $25 payment to HSA via PayPal or via check to "St. Rose HSA" (send in to the school office) by October 24th. As we get closer to the most frightful event of the year we wanted to update you with a few more details to keep in mind:

  • Most families decorate their trunks ranging from simple to elaborate designs. You are encouraged to be creative and have fun!
  • Feel free to bring food, non-alcoholic drinks, chairs and tables - you can move freely once the cars are parked.
  • We'll have music to entertain us and prizes for best costumes and best trunk!
  • Remember our school is nut-free when purchasing candy for distribution.

Teacher Appreciation efforts have had a strong start! This week, a new coffee bar was set up in the Faculty Lounge courtesy of the HSA with special thanks to Kate O'Connor for taking the lead. These special gifts for our school staff are made possible by the HSA dues paid by all of our school families. Thank you all for helping to fulfill this wish from our teachers. If you haven't registered for the HSA this year, please do so by clicking here.


Important links and information:

  • Please join us on Thursday, November 10 at 6:30 p.m. for the next HSA Meeting which will feature Dr. G’s annual State of the School report.  
  • The next Bingo will take place on November 11th. Doors open at 5:45 pm. Games start at 6:30 pm. 
  • Help the school raise money with your regular gift card purchases through our Raise Right (SCRIP) Program! You can order e-gift cards directly through the Raise Right App that can be used immediately for online purchases like your Land’s End uniform orders. Or, you can place an order for physical cards with the Raise Right Team by emailing School enrollment code = FDD33AD29533
  • Click here to join the SRS Parents Facebook Group

Thank you for helping to make our teachers and students feel the support of our school community.

Your HSA Board, 

Isabel Almeida, President

Patricia Cruz Fragoso, Vice President

Dave Budzynski, Treasurer 

Carrie Sirois, Secretary

Important Dates

October 21st -- Blooms Benefit honoring Sister Thaddeus, 6:30 -10:30 p.m. Amber Room

October 28th -- Trunk or Treat -- see HSA information in this newsletter

November 10th -- HSA Meeting, State of the School by Dr. G

November 11th -- Veteran's Day Assembly by Knights of Columbus

High School Open Houses/Entrance Exams

October 29th or November 12th

at 8:00 a.m. Notre Dame’s entrance exam will be given. All eighth-grade applicants

must take an entrance exam and must complete an online application prior to the exam. Registration information can be found on the school’s website, Home - Notre Dame High School

Important Documents

Adventures in Student Life

Car Walk Map -- see how to navigate the car walk lanes

Car Walk procedures -- please read to ensure safe/smooth drop off/pick up of students

Hot Lunch order form

After School Care registration form

Virtus Training -- any family member who would like to volunteer at the school must be Virtus trained. Click here for details.

Medication Authorization Form

Health Udate/Tylenol Permission Form




Boys basketball practices are underway/ We had a great response for students interested in the Boys JV team. Over 20 students have signed up to play. We are so excited to see so much interest. 

Coach Dan John and Mike Anstett will be leading our JV team this year. All families who registered should be getting emails about upcoming practices. 


Varsity Boys Basketball 

Mr. Anstett and Mrs. Bongiorno have stepped up to help leads this years Varsity team. Parents will be expected to help at at least one game this year, whether it is concessions, score board or elsewhere. Volunteer sheets will come out later when season starts. Please send in the basketball fee of $200 to secure your sons spot on the team. 


Girls Basketball

Coach Kate O'Connor and Alumnus Chris Beal will be coaching our girls’ basketball team this year. Practices will begin Oct 24th and will be Mondays at 5:30-7pm and Wednesdays at 6pm until 7:30pm. 



Cheer has kicked off and class is now full.



We are looking for Track coaches to help out this year. If interested please contact Lisa Sweeting at Track will begin in May. 



We are looking to see if there is enough interest to start a soccer team for St. Rose. This would be open to 5th thru 8th graders only. If interested, please fill out the form below. 


Are you or a family member a veteran?  If so the Knights of Columbus invite you  particpate in the Veteran's Day Assembly on Friday November 11th, 1:15 p.m. in the Gathering Hall.  During this patriotic, heartfelt event the Knights will emphasize the importance of patriotism highlighting the signficance of our veterans and student winners of the essay and poster contest will be announced.  It is so important to recognize the valor and sacrifices of those who serve.  Please contact Mr. Monckton,, if you would like to partake in the assembly.  God Bless America!