Message from the President
Has economic activity picked up? What cargo ships are in the water and is the rate of trade nearing normal? What are the interesting office or common space design ideas that will instill confidence in my employees or customers? How does Delaware compare to our surrounding states? What process improvements are state agencies making to speed approvals? What is the plan to bring broadband access to more Delawareans and employers?
These and other important conversations will be part of our Back to Work conference on July 21st. You can register
here to be part of this event!
Back to Work Conference Spotlights:
Breakout Session:
If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it is the critical importance of internet availability.
Many businesses have the ability to allow employees work from home, schools are virtually providing classwork to students at home, doctors and nurses are increasingly engaging in telemedicine to care for patients, and online shopping has increased dramatically. However, that’s not the case for all in Delaware.
Many people and businesses cannot take advantage of work-from-home and virtual schooling opportunities due to lack of internet access and affordability. This panel will explore what’s being done to tackle this issue and identify areas where work still needs to be done to close the digital divide.
Breakout Session:
Low-wage workers are already among the most impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. The single best thing we can do as a state is move people off unemployment and into careers with a trajectory and a pathway to success.
This panel will explore a skills-based approach to occupational mobility as a means to create both economic pathways out of lower-wage work and a more efficient and equitable talent identification process for employers. Our speakers will also highlight the importance of employer engagement in the workforce system, models that work across industry sectors, and practices that build a more inclusive talent pool.
The passphrase to access the conference will be emailed to registered attendees on Friday, July 17. Click
to download the attendee FAQ guide.
PRO TIP: Watch speakers on the big screen by
the conference on your computer. At the same time, network
with attendees and speakers on our mobile app!
How technology will enable
remote employees
For a modern organization to be successful, it must transform into a digital workplace, with the ability to conduct business from anywhere, anytime, with anyone.
That means businesses must provide employees with technologies that allow
them to stay connected to colleagues and customers while being productive,
even while working remotely.
Businesses of all sizes can help ensure employees can work remotely without
skipping a beat by augmenting these four common workplace technologies.
Read more >
Invest in Worker Retraining, Too
By Jack Markell
The next federal stimulus package should protect today’s workers while also preparing them for the future.
In an era of unprecedented partisan discord, it’s striking that President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have both called for massive additional stimulus investments to address the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.
They’re both right. As governor of Delaware in the aftermath of the Great Recession, I saw how federal investments delivered an immediate jolt to our economy in the form of good-paying jobs. Years later, the Congressional Budget Office found that the stimulus package passed at the time, the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, created millions of jobs that would not have existed without federal action.
Read more >
Copyright 2020 by U.S. News & World Report, L.P., Published April 17, 2020
Guidance to help Districts and Charters plan for three different learning scenarios based on COVID-19 spread
Secretary of Education Susan Bunting this week released the state’s guidance for the reopening of schools for the 2020-21 academic year. Districts and charter schools will use this guidance to formulate plans for the upcoming school year.
In August, Governor John Carney, in consultation with the Delaware Division of Public Health, will announce his decision on whether or not schools will start the year in person. Districts and charters will then implement their plans based on the scenario that aligns with current health conditions, understanding there may be some regional variability.
Download the guidance >
Greater Wilmington Convention
& Visitors Bureau
The impact of COVID-19 on Delaware’s tourism industry has been devastating. As leisure and business travel came to a dead stop in March, hotels, restaurants, attractions, and other visitor-reliant businesses lost all or most of their income. Thousands of people lost their jobs or were furloughed. The road to recovery will be a long one.
As we ease our way into the new normal, destination marketing organizations like the Greater Wilmington Convention & Visitors Bureau are more important than ever.
Read more >
Delaware Business Times
Delaware Public Media
Delaware State News
The News Journal Delaware
U.S. Chamber of Commerce