May 5, 2020
Three new faculty affiliates join the GCC in spring 2020 ...

Welcome Drs. Ferretti, Kindsvater and Russell! Meet our newest faculty affiliates: Associate Professor, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation Dr. Ferretti's current research spans from macro-ecology to applied management and conservation...

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Webinar with Ashley Dayer: Why Conservation needs Social Scientists
Today, May 5 at 12pm

Join GCC affliate Dr. Ashley Dayer to learn how social science can be used to help solve fish and wildlife conservation challenges. She will explain more about this growing field, insights from her research, and introduce an exciting new track in “human dimensions” within our fish conservation and wildlife conservation majors.
Congratulations to IGC fellow Sam Lane!
Sam Lane ( Sewall lab) is the recipient of the J.J. Murray Research Award from the Virginia Ornithological Society. This award, which is designed to promote graduate research consisting of current or projected field studies on Virginia birds, includes a $1000 cash award. Sam's project is entitled, "The effects of urbanization on breeding songbirds." Congratulations, Sam!
Reminder: upcoming PhD defense seminar from IGC fellow Rachel Brooks
"Biological control of the invasive  Ailanthus altissima (tree-of-heaven) in Virginia using naturally occurring Verticillium wilt fungi"

Monday, May 11th at 1pm
US Environmental Protection Agency: Research opportunities
The EPA is looking for diversity! Several paid postgraduate research opportunities are now available. (note varying application deadlines)

All current openings are listed here!
Springer has released free textbooks
More than 400 textbooks are now available as downloadable pdf documents as part of the " Free Textbooks and Library Link special issue during Covid 19 package."
Brian Strahm - Forest Resources & Env Conservation

Dr. Strahm’s recent research examines the role of forest soils in the adaptation of southern pine ecosystems to climate variatio, how to return natural processes to ecosystems that have been severely...

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Daniel Smith - Biological Systems Engineering

Daniels's research project focuses on how plant roots and soil microorganisms impact streambank soil resistance to fluvial erosion. In order words, how effective are plant roots and soil microbes at protecting streambank soils from erosion by...

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The Women's Resource Center of the NRV needs donations
Since 1977, the Women’s Resource Center has had the mission to eradicate sexual and domestic violence in the New River Valley by inciting safety. Their services are currently in very high demand.

Currently, they are asking for donations of the following items:
  • adult and children's sizes of socks, sweatshirts, and pants
  • new pillows and fleece blankets
  • baby wipes and feminine hygiene products
  • baby formula and diapers
  • canned food (soups, meat, fruits, and vegetables)
  • trash bags, all types of cleaners, paper towels, and toilet paper
  • cash donations

Call the administrative office at 540-639-9592 to coordinate a donation. Thanks!
Join the #TrashTagNRV Campaign!
Know of a landscape that could use some cleaning up? Grab your trash bags and gloves and join the “virtual” clean-up community!

Post your photo online using #trashtagnrv and then tune in the following Monday to see if you won a day for two on the New River, gifted by New River's Edge.

Learn more about the campaign by visiting the New River Valley Regional Commision facebook page!
Virtual Town Hall Meetings about Public Health

The New River Valley Public Health Task Force invites you to join us for a series of discussions and Q&A with local representatives from healthcare, law enforcement/fire and rescue, education, local government, and small/local business.
When: Wednesdays at 6 p.m., beginning May 6
How: View the meetings live (and archived) at
Science on Tap NRV moves online during the coronavirus...

VT NEWS | As the novel coronavirus continues to proliferate across the world, many businesses have resorted to postponing or cancelling their regularly scheduled events. But one organization, called Science on Tap-New River Valley (NRV)...

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Do you have an opportunity or announcement you'd like to share with the GCC community? Send us an email!
Global Change Center | Virginia Tech | 540-231-5400 |