November 2018

Welcome to the FTR Newsletter! Stay updated on new programs and events, media highlights and what our awesome volunteers and donors are doing for our recovery community.
Thank you for your support!
The Gift Of Giving: Donate Today!
The Holiday Season is upon us, which provides us the opportunity and privilege to give.

Love Utah Give Tuesday  celebrates Utah’s nonprofit sector through a month of online giving, ending on Giving Tuesday, November 27th.   Fit to Recover is participating in this state-wide initiative and we would greatly appreciate your support! No need to wait until the 27th, you can donate any day this month !

There are 2 ways to give to FTR:

1) Donate to us ALL MONTH LONG by clicking HERE. Or, visit our website and hit the "Donate" button. We are grateful for every single dollar!

2) Join us on November 27th for community workouts all day long and a community meal in the evening! Pay $10 at the door, join us in sets of exercises and watch your work turn to money! For each exercise movement performed, 10 cents will be donated to FTR by our generous member, Lou Swaringen.
Nutrition/Food to Recover  
Remove distractions when you eat; be present and grateful for whats on your plate

This month we let kids take control in the kitchen as they experimented with pumpkin cookies, mummy hotdogs, banana ghosts and zoodle-brained jack-o- lantern bell peppers! Stay tuned for more kids classes in the future!
Navigating the Holidays: Staying Mindful during the Holiday Season
Join us on Monday, November 19th from 5:30-6:30 to discuss holiday challenges around food and nutrition and learn simple strategies from our registered dietitians to help you be more mindful, enjoy and not deprive, and make healthy recipes!
Event is FREE but you must RSVP! Sign up HERE

 Member Spotlight: Hilary Madsen

Hilary has been involved with FTR for years. She always shows up with a smile and a positive attitude, ready to do her best. She also attends women's group regularly and provides support and love to no end. This month, Hilary will be our guest chef at women's group and will be teaching us how to roll sushi and make miso soup thanks to her time living in Japan. Join us November 15th at 7:15 (Women's Group, women only). Thank you, Hilary, for all that you are!
Join us this month for Community Meal Prep on Tuesday Nights at 5:30-7 in the Food to Recover kitchen (upstairs from the gym). We all come together, cook different recipes, and you leave with 5-6 meals for just $20 - all ingredients included! Just bring your own tupperware and you with your partner will be in charge of one recipe for the evening. Then, we take servings of each recipe home so you have healthy, prepped, and varied dishes for the week!
Sign up HERE.
Listen to your Body, it is Always Communicating with You
We are just about half way through our 30 Workouts in 40 Days Fitness Challenge and the energy has been phenomenal! The challenge is designed to strengthen our Community through connecting with each other and our bodies.

We kindly remind our participants that taking care of yourself is the most important part of this challenge.
 For those who are training more than usual, is very important to listen to your body.
A couple other tips:
  • We encourage challengers to focus on good technique with lighter weight.
  • We celebrate (and have built in!) rest days.
  • Sleep = recovery.
  • Eat foods that will fuel your body, not hinder it.
  • Drink lots and lots of water.
  • Show up on time and do the warm up that is written in the board.

Remember, safety is our first priority. Help us help you by being mindful of how your body feels. Lets make this our best challenge yet! 
The LAST DAY of the 30 in 40 Challenge is Giving Tuesday! Be sure to end the challenge strong and add your donation to FTR!
Member Spotlight: Sam Ball

Sam has been a mainstay at FTR over the past year. Sam is an amazing example of how a person can completely change who they are by getting and staying sober. Sam is always there for anyone who is feeling down or needs support. On several occasions, Sam has help others by giving rides or taking them to eat. Our community is better with Sam in it!

Don't forget to give your own shout outs at the Front Desk in the Community Shout Out Box!
Community Service
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others"
THANK YOU to our volunteers who helped organize and facilitate our Community "Trunk or Treat" at FTR. Parents and children had a chance to bond through various Halloween activities, and everyone left with a treat (or ten).
Member Spotlight: Dillen Haworth
 This month, Dillen went above and beyond at the trick or treat event. He went on 3 candy runs when we ran out, and showed up with snack, and drinks for all the people who stay afterwards to help clean up. Thank you, Dillen, for your service and commitment!
This month, we are excited for our “Pay it Forward” community outreach project, which will be held on Sunday November 18th at 12pm at FTR. We are also very excited to team up with our dear friends at Flourish Bakery for this event! As a community, we will go throughout the city leaving random acts of kindness. We hope to start a chain reaction of acts of kindness. If people are interested in donating towards our holiday outreach we are accepted them at the gym. Please contact crystal at  [email protected]  or Nicolette at the gym for more info. Also, visit this event page for more information regarding how you can be involved or donate things to be given away!
Remember, please Give: FTR Love Utah Give Tuesday starting TODAY.
We would appreciate your contributions to Fit to Recover's programming and mission!
MISSION: FTR's mission is to provide people in recovery from drug and alcohol misuse with a safe place to connect through exercise, nutrition, creative expression and community service.

 789 W 1390 S Salt Lake City, UT 84104 | 801-410-8988 |  [email protected]
Special thanks to our Champion donors:
The George S. and Dolores D. Eccles Foundation
The Sorenson Legacy Foundation
The Lawrence T. and Janet T. Dee Foundation
Episcopal Diocese of Utah 
Intermountain Healthcare
Val and Edith Green Foundation
Larry H. Miller Charities
Nicholas Zurn Scholarship Fund
Utah Medical Association
The Wheeler Foundation
United Way of Salt Lake
Zions Bank 
And to our Recovery Partners!
Acqua Recovery - Ascend Recovery - Balance House - Brighton Recovery - Cold Creek Behavioral Health - Flourish Bakery-The Haven - Odyssey House - Recovery Ways - Renaissance Ranch Treatment Centers - Turning Point - Salt Lake County Youth Services - Strong Hope/Salt Lake Behavioral Health