The Gift of Sight
If you were able to follow some of these weeks spiritual advice, the universe will reward you for your efforts. One of those gifts is the gift of (spiritual) sight.
Whatever spiritual power you think you received last week from your burst, and you used it in some capacity, you can always look back and reevaluate your actions for efficiency. Even if things didn't go as planned, one of the most difficult universal knowledges to gain is defining what "as planned." means.
You version of "as planned," isn't the universes.
But what you did do is gain a unique perspective into the power of spiritual sight. Like all powers, it comes as a skill you have to develop, but unlike human skills, all you have to do is train your mind to use it.
If you feel you were successful this week, great job! If you feel, you can do better, great job there too! If you feel you can do something, great job there as well.
All that matters is what you DO today, and your daily reading will help you "see" even clearer.
Love and light,