Dear Friends,

I’m writing you to invite you to receive a gift: solitude and silence. I’m inviting (and challenging!) our entire church to spend 15 minutes, 5 days a week in solitude and silence so as to live out James 4:8 – Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.

To receive these weekly emails, just click here. You can enter your name and email address, and you’ll get an email every Sunday to help guide you in your times of solitude and silence.

Know that I am praying for you, and am so glad to be drawing near to Christ with you. What might he do if we all do that together?!

See below for some guidance this week!

In Christ,
Pastor Jeff
Drawing Near: Week 1 of Solitude and Silence

General Instructions:

  1. Be patient and give yourself grace. This is new for many of us! 
  2. Decide which days and what time you will enter into solitude and silence. Consider putting these times on your calendar, and, if needed, share this commitment with those you are living with so that they can support you.
  3. Find a quiet place, free from distraction, where you can be comfortable.
  4. Consider lighting a candle so as to claim the space as “holy ground.”
  5. Begin each time by letting your spirit and mind settle, and asking God to guide your time with him.
  6. Consider keeping a journal so as to record how God is leading you.
Scripture and Reflection for This Week:


* If one passage resonates with you, consider dwelling in that verse or verses for more than a day, and perhaps the whole week.

Each day, reflect on one or more of the following:

  1. What gift or grace do you desire from God?
  2. I feel near to God when: _____________. I feel distant from God when: _______________.
  3. Lord Jesus, based on this verse or verses, here is my prayer to you:
  4. Lord, what is the one thing you want to tell me today?
  5. Lord, here is the one thing I need to tell you today:
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