October 2019: News, Events, and Opportunities for CASA Volunteers 
Letter from CASA Executive Director Angela Rose 
Dear CASA Volunteers:
Happy fall everyone!  
Over the last few weeks, we held our Light of Hope Teller and Light of Hope North events.  Both events went very well and we are pleased to announce we raised over $70,000 between the two!  
We are now focused on the final advocate and SEPT trainings of the year. SEPT has already begun and advocate training begins Oct. 28. There is still time to make it into the advocate class, so if you have friends or family who want to start the new year off as CASA volunteers, tell them to get in touch with us now!   
As you may be aware, National CASA launched a new campaign. It is called "Change a Child's Story" and it replaces the "I am for the Child" campaign. CASA of the Pikes Peak Region has joined forces with other local CASA organizations in Colorado to raise awareness of our mission and the new campaign statewide. It is our hope that by the end of 2020, there are 2,020 new volunteers across Colorado, including 200 new advocates just in the Pikes Peak Region. You may have noticed some billboards around town, or heard some new radio spots, that communicate the statewide goal.  
Please note the CASA office will be closed on Monday, Nov. 11 for Veterans Day. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me any time at angelar@casappr.org.   
Upcoming Trainings & Events for Volunteers  
Listed below are some upcoming events you might be interested in. Full details are available by clicking the links. 
11/12: Swearing-in Ceremony 
Milton Foster Children's Fund
  • Halloween Party
  • Successfully Working With Others
  • Senior Pictures for 2019-2020 year
  • Tutoring
  • Guitar Lessons
Click here for more about teen events.  
Reminder: Volunteers can make Care Portal requests!

Many of you are familiar with CarePortal already. If you're not - it's an online platform that brings the needs of hurting children and families into local communities by making local churches aware of needs and giving them an opportunity to respond.
If you have a need for a child you serve that cannot be met through Milton Foster Children's Fund, The Kid's Closet, The Hanger or other community resources, please reach out to Kristina Wrobleski to see if you can get assistance through CarePortal.
Have CASA teens? Then mark your calendars!  

CASA has two fun holiday events coming up for our teens, so mark your calendars and make plans to join us at Broadmoor Community Church on Oct. 29 for the Teen Halloween Party from 4:30 - 6:30 PM and then again on Dec. 8 for the Teen Holiday Party from 4:30-6:30. Both events will ensure a fun time for all!
Now accepting holiday gift donations for CASA kids.  

As we round the corner to the year's end, many of us are already making holiday plans. It's the time of year when individuals and groups look for ways to give to the community.

Maybe your community or church group is open to a holiday project, or maybe you'd like to take on a project by yourself or with your family. If so, please consider CASA's holiday needs! We will gladly accept your donations of these items:
  • $25 gift cards to Walmart, Amazon, or Target to be gifted to our CASA teens
  • NEW school-appropriate pants and shirts in children's sizes newborn -14/16 (NO summer clothes please) for our Santa's Shop
Drop off donations during CASA business hours, or contact Jill at jillc@casappr.org.

Let your neighbors know about CASA on Next Door! 
If you are not familiar with Next Door, it's the world's largest social network for neighborhoods. It is a fantastic way to connect with your neighbors and it is also a great way to promote local content. If you aren't already on Next Door, check it out here. If you ARE on Next Door, would you consider posting a message like the following?

"I volunteer with CASA of the Pikes Peak Region advocating for children involved in the child welfare system due to abuse or neglect. Statewide, we're looking for 2,020 more volunteers by the end of 2020, including at least 200 new volunteers right here in the Pikes Peak Region. This is one of the most rewarding experiences I have had. After going through training, I was matched with my first child. We visit at least twice a month, I talk with family members, teachers and therapists to find out what is in the best interest of my child and I serve as my child's voice in court. Last year, we had more than 13,000 children who experienced abuse and neglect in Colorado and more than 4,800 of those children had a CASA volunteer by their side. If you or anyone you know is looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity, please consider learning more about CASA.  Please visit www.casappr.org or reach out to me directly if you want to learn more. You won't regret it."

Save the Date: Colo. CASA State Conference is 11/2 

Join us on November 2 from 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM for the annual Colorado CASA State Conference! 

This is a great opportunity to network with other CASA volunteers and staff, learn from inspiring keynote and breakout speakers, hear from a CASA volunteer and youth panel, participate in best practice sharing, and more! 

Did you know Amazon purchases can benefit CASA?  
Did you know that every purchase you make on Amazon can support CASA of the Pikes Peak Region? All you have to do is use AmazonSmile. It's easy. Go to smile.amazon.com and log in with your usual Amazon login information. Under "Your Account," select "Change your Charity" and in the search bar you can type "CASA of the Pikes Peak Region." Click select and you're done! When you go shopping in the future, just start from smile.amazon.com and your purchase will benefit foster kids in the Pikes Peak Region!