December 16, 2020
Wishing everyone a joyous holiday season and restful Christmas Break. We look forward to seeing you in 2021!
Thursday, December 17
  • Thursday Chat, 9:00 AM (Zoom)

Friday, December 18: Regular dismissal schedule
  • Infant Community, 11:15 AM
  • Primary AM, 11:30 AM
  • Full Day Primary, 2:15 PM
  • Elementary, 2:30 PM
  • Adolescent Community and High School, 2:45 PM
  • After-school Program open until 6:00 PM

Monday, December 21 - Monday, January 4
  • Christmas Break. No School. After-school Program Closed.

Monday, January 4
  • In-service Day for Employees. No School. After-school Program Closed.
Tomorrow is the Last Day to Drop Off Non-Perishables for the Houston Food Bank
Thank you to everyone that has already supported Ms. Hannah's Lower Elementary class food drive for the Houston Food Bank.

Thursday, December 17 is the last day to drop off non-perishable items. Bins are available outside of the Welcome Center near the Christmas tree.
Thursday Chat is Tomorrow, December 17
Please join us Thursday, December 17 at 9:00 AM on Zoom for December's Thursday Chat.

The topic will be gift giving and holiday traditions that are meaningful to children.

RSVP here. Zoom login information will be sent to registrants via confirmation email.

If you have any questions, please email Vivian Blum,
2021-2022 Tuition Assistance Application Open
The FACTS application for 2021-2022 tuition assistance is open.
If you would like to apply for consideration in the first round of the Archdiocesan scholarship fund, please complete the FACTS application by February 19, 2021. The application will use the information from your 2019 federal tax return. This application also automatically applies you for the St. Catherine's Montessori Tuition Assistance Program.
To apply for St. Catherine's tuition assistance only, complete the application by February 26, 2021. 
If you have any questions regarding tuition assistance, please contact Holly Copeland at or by phone at 713-665-2195. 
'Tis the Season of Giving
With just two weeks remaining in 2020 (wow), here is a final Globe reminder about year-end charitable giving. As always, please discuss tax considerations with your professional tax advisors.

  • To receive a 2020 tax receipt, all gifts must be processed by 11:59 PM on December 31, 2020
  • The online giving portal is accessible 24/7
  • Credit card gifts made over the phone or via mail must be received by 3:00 PM on December 31 to ensure timely processing
  • Checks sent via the USPS must be dated on or before December 31, 2020 and must have a 2020 postmark
  • The CARES Act allows individuals who don't itemize deductions to take a charitable deduction of up to $300 for cash contributions made in 2020
  • For those who do itemize their deductions, CARES increased the adjusted gross income (AGI) limit for cash contributions from individual donors. For cash contributions made in 2020, you can now elect to deduct up to 100% of your AGI

If you have any questions about your family’s giving, please do not hesitate to contact me at or (713) 665-2195.

Have a wonderful holiday!

Lyndsey Ray
Advancement Director
Thank you to the generous donors who are leading the way in this year's SCM Annual Fund! We are grateful for your dedication to the Fund’s motto, Every Family for Every Child.  
Community Service at St. Catherine's Montessori
Learning you are a part of a community larger than your family or school is an important lesson taught at St. Catherine's. The students actively participate in community service throughout the school year. Students sometimes choose a cause to support and develop a fundraiser, or they participate in activities with organizations that have a connection to the school.

This month, Lower Elementary students sponsored a food drive for the Houston Food Bank, Upper Elementary and High School students supported the children of Casa de Esperanza by donating pajamas or knitting scarves, and AC students made blankets for the residents of Loaves and Fishes (MHI) and wrote letters of hope to immigrant families being detained at the Texas border.

Click here to see more photos of SCM community service activity.
What's for Sale at the AC Market?
Hello, SCM Community!

Homemade soaps make great stocking stuffers and gifts for the holidays. Purchase yours today while supplies last.

Click here to visit our market website.

Click here to learn more about the AC micro-economy, The Hive.

If you have any complications or questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
Contact information:

Your Market Managers, Aleena G. and Laura L.
A Message from Sandra Espinosa, SCM Counselor and Health Care Coordinator
Dear St. Catherine’s Community, 
As we draw to a close for the fall semester of school, I feel immense gratitude to be part of this beautiful community. With COVID-19 occupying our minds from the beginning of the school year, each family made the hard-thought decision to attend school either virtually or in person based on the needs of their family. Through this, you put one foot in front of the other and moved forward with your children bravely and with compassion, patience, and consideration for your loved ones and the school community. I know this year has felt overwhelming and surreal at times, and you are ready to turn the page on this year with high hopes of 2021 being extraordinarily better and much more predictable. This is my wish for you, and for us all.  
May the holiday season bring you joy and much-needed respite, and may you be surrounded by your loving families and friends - even if it’s a “virtual surround!”
Until next time, stay healthy and well.

Winter PSO Meeting is Friday, January 15, 2021
High School Corner
Welcome back to the High School Corner!

It’s that time of year again! As December rolls around, the high schoolers are taking some time to reflect and assess their work up to this point in the school year. 

At the end of each semester, students use a rubric to evaluate their work in each class they are taking. Students use this rubric to assess their knowledge and skills, engagement in class discussions and group projects, quality of work, and level of preparation and timeliness. After students evaluate themselves in each class, the guides review the student’s work using the same rubric. Then, in a private meeting, the guides present their assessments to us and explain the reasoning behind them. During these meetings, the guides and students discuss the grades the students have given themselves and the grades given by the guides. Having an open dialogue with our guides about our work is extremely helpful and allows us to truly take ownership of our education.

Feel free to click this link to view the rubric we use to guide our assessments. 

Please contact the High School guides if you have any further questions.

Thank you for reading this edition of the High School Corner! 

Jacob B., Isabella G., Julia L., and Sarah L.
If you would like to submit something for the Globe, please send it for approval to by Monday at noon.