Greetings from the Godfather!

Just another day in paradise! I’ll be traveling Internationally during April, so if you send me an email, please be patient. Given all the layoffs, two notes this month. First, please keep in mind that Executive Recruiters get people for jobs, not jobs for people. No disrespect intended. Second, my clients and former clients get a line pass for new career opportunities. They are the executives that supported my business and charity work the last 20 years, and if nothing else, I’m the most loyal person you ever met. I don't apologize for that.

BREAKING NEWS!: The Trolls of LinkedIn – Going forward I'll only be posting to my professional network on LinkedIn. This month LinkedIn highlighted one of my posts...and I received 2,000,000 views and dozens of nasty comments overnight. No interest in being famous or being an Influencer. No interest in dealing with a thundering herd of angry, bitter trolls using LinkedIn as a forum to vent. My posts and articles about career strategy are meant to help people. Nothing more. House of Blues motto: Help ever, hurt never.

Last Call: Chief Gaming Officer (to $600,000, International) – Primary requirement is casino operations (slots/tables) AND customer development/player development. Requires extensive LUXURY experience. Last call!

BREAKING NEWS!: April Becker for Clark County Commission – Hosting a fundraiser for my friend April Becker. Clark County Commission seats are non-partisan. Will be an amazing guest list. Run with the big dogs or stay on the porch! For more information, check out the invite in the photo opp section below, or contact me directly.

BREAKING NEWS!: The Belmont at Saratoga – I have a table for The Belmont Stakes this year at Saratoga Racetrack. Saratoga Springs is one of the greatest places in America. Have two tickets for my table, along with a hotel room. For details and pricing, email me at [email protected].

The Godfather’s Executive Brief – The newsletter is published monthly for my friends, clients, and business partners. My way of staying in touch and keeping you up to date on who got hired, who got fired…and all the latest industry news. The number one factor in life that determines your level of happiness is relationships. Not your career. Not your money. Not your house, car, or vacations. Relationships. Distribution is 6,000 executives worldwide.


Opt Outs – To keep up with the latest news, follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter. If you do NOT wish to receive the newsletter, simply “opt out.” I’m not offended, and I don’t want to spam anyone! We don’t always have to agree on everything. That is what I love about America: We can agree to disagree and still be friends. I’m a man of faith, but I’m not here to push God on you. I’m sober many years, but I’m not here to push A.A. on you. You do you! I have resumes falling out of the clouds. Sometimes 20 or 30 in a single day. This month I received resumes from a dozen executives that previously opted out of the newsletter. Nope! Once you are out…you are out. Life is about relationships, not transactions.

About The Godfather – My Dad was 101st Airborne at Normandy on D-Day and sold shoes for $2 an hour at May Company when he came home from WWII. We never had many Christmas gifts or vacations; however, my parents always gave us unconditional love. And my Dad taught me priceless lessons. “Never judge anyone based on race, creed, or religion. We are all God’s children.” “If you can’t pay cash…you can’t have one.” “Your reward is equal to your contribution to society.” “Treat the Janitor the same as the CEO”. Best of all, “Never, ever give up!” Worked 60 hours a week and paid my own way through college (no student loans). Eight long years going to school at night. Ended up at two software companies. One went public on the NASDAQ. That was OK. Second one, a counter-terrorism software company funded by the CIA, was acquired by IBM in 2004. Don’t ever let anyone tell you the American dream is dead! For the last 20 years I have owned an executive recruiting company focused on gaming/casinos and high tech. Some say I’m the biggest gaming Recruiter in the world. Never said I was the smartest Recruiter, however I probably worked longer and harder than most.


Unsolicited Promo (Executive Recruiting and Business Insurance) – These businesses support a dozen national and local charities, mostly children and animal causes. They didn’t pick their parents. Here is your one and only newsletter promo:

  • Executive Recruiting: Hire the Right People...the First Time! – Clients engage me for two reasons. First, I have access to 7,000+ high quality executives. Second, I know why everyone got fired the last 20 years. Rate is 30%, but it sure beats post and pray (online job postings). Only taking on new clients by referral at this time. For more information: [email protected].


  • Casino Entertainment – In addition to my executive recruiting business, I own an entertainment booking business. Mostly for casinos. Mostly tribute bands: The Blues Brothers, Carpenters, Elvis and Neil Diamond. Just a way to help my Artist friends with 100% of my commission donated to charity.


  • Anne Wayman (Alera Insurance Group) – My wife Anne is with The Alera Group, specializing in Property/Casualty, E&O, Workman’s Comp and Group Benefits. Over 30 years’ experience with gaming, high tech, construction and medical malpractice. Anne can be reached at 702.496.1065 or [email protected].

What the World Needs Now – No politics, protests, or Pandemics; just a few positive thoughts to start your day.

  • Be Grateful – God, family and friends. Everything else is a bonus.

  • Having a Bad Day? – Here is the exact moment Charlie Brown adopted Snoopy 73 years ago. Awww!

  • Education in Japan – We will be in Japan shorlty, so I found this particularly interesting.

  • Mindset Change – Pay attention to the things essential to your happiness. Family, friends, health and passions.

  • The Most Important Lesson You Will Learn in 2024 – Watch this 30 second reel and read the caption. No one is coming to save you. Your life is 100% YOUR responsibility. Stop blaming everyone else for your problems. It’s not your parent’s fault, spouse’s fault, children’s fault, boss’s fault… dog’s Veterinarian’s fault. Stop being a victim.

Quote of the Month - The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

You Can’t Handle the Truth! – I was a Presenter at the EKG Slot Awards this month. During the networking portion someone walked up to me and said, “Godfather, thank you for giving it to us straight. No press releases. No narrative. No spin. Just the truth.” That struck me. Not sure about you, but I’m completely over the non-stop narrative, spin and press releases of the media. If you watch CNN, the world is one way. Watch Fox News and the world is the other way. Where is the truth? The Godfather gives it to you straight.

Adam’s Place: Vintage and Vibes – Run by our friend Kelly Boyers, Adam’s Place supports children and families experiencing loss. Mostly children that lost a parent or a sibling. Their annual fundraiser is always a blast! And it will be again this year because The Godfather is helping with the hosting. Click on the link for ticket information or contact me directly if you would like to sponsor.

The Godfather Sit Downs (Events) – The schedule of client mixers for 2024. We have exactly one purpose: Introduce my friends, clients, and business partners to each other. We have exactly one rule: No sales, soliciting, marketing, or promoting. You can check out photos from previous events HERE. Here is the upcoming schedule.

  • The Godfather’s Sit Down (April, Las Vegas) – Friends, clients and business partners from around the country. The emphasis here is on CLIENTS. This is not a networking or business development event. Just an opportunity for my clients to meet each other. Thank you to my Sponsors: John Connelly (Interblock), Chris Justice (Pavilion Payments) and Sanjiv Goyal (Droisys). SOLD OUT!

  • The Godfather’s Day at the Races (July, Del Mar) – My annual event at Del Mar Racetrack. Sponsored by Interblock, Pavilion Payments and Sycuan Casino Resort. Giddyup!

  • The Godfather’s G2E Sit Down (October, Las Vegas) – Over 100 gaming/casino executives from around the world.

  • The Godfather’s Holiday Spectacular! (December, Las Vegas) – Happy Holidays!

Hiring Update – The U.S. added 275,000 jobs in February. Not a bad number. Most of those were in healthcare, hospitality and…wait for it…the government. Bahahaha! Your tax dollars at work. Here is what I’m seeing from an executive recruiting perspective: Companies are firing, not hiring. Layoffs are up, especially for senior level (C, SVP, VP) roles. One survey states layoffs have risen to the highest number since 2009. Crown Resorts laid off 194 after terminating 95 late last year. On the hiring side, it's easing up a bit, however solid candidates remain few and far between. Post and pray (online job postings) is not a strategy. Anyone that applies not someone you want to hire.

  • Las Vegas: Highest Unemployment Rate in the Nation - At 5.2%, Nevada continues to lead the nation in unemployment, despite the fact there are thousands of jobs. So what gives? Well, most of the Las Vegas jobs are more culinary than executive. Las Vegas is a hospitality town, and 80% of the jobs are hotel/casino. Thousands of Californians moved here without a plan and were stunned to find out we don't have those big tech jobs (and big tech salaries!). With consumers tapped out on credit, and the ongoing inflation issues, don't believe the situation improves in the near future.

  • The Growing Disconnect Between Candidates and Hiring Companies – For candidates, the Pandemic is over. No more 40% raises and working from home. Posted a VP role on LinkedIn and had 20 resumes in a day. If you are a candidate asking for a ridiculous amount of compensation, prepare to be on the beach for a few months…or few years. For hiring companies, it is not an honor and privilege to work for you. Talent is a competition, and anyone that tells you money doesn’t matter, doesn’t have any. It’s disappointing when I have a sensational candidate interview, then the hiring company gets cheap at the eleventh hour. If you find a great candidate, move quickly to close the deal.

  • Will 2024 Be Depression 3.0? – Depression 2.0 was 2008. Don’t let anyone tell you that was a “Recession.” That…was brutal. There were two events that precipitated the economic collapse. First, the housing market (foreclosures) fell apart. Shortly thereafter, the stock market melted down. The housing market won’t collapse this year because people are not willing to trade in their 4% mortgage for a 7.5% mortgage. That has resulted in no inventory and stable home prices. Now let’s look at the stock market, which recently hit all-time highs. I predicted a stock market downturn in 2023 after all the Revenge Tourism and record consumer debt of 2022. Nope! People turned to Doomsday Spending, blew through their savings, drew down their 401Ks and took out a second mortgage on the house to continue the party. At some point this bar bill comes due for both the Federal Government and the American consumer. 

  • Election Year – I’m not much for politics, but this is not good. Who saw that train wreck State of the Union address? It looked like a group of 10-year-olds fighting on the playground. There is plenty of blame to go around on both sides – hold the hate mail. Our National Debt is rising at an alarming rate. Whoever inherits this economic mess is going to have a tough four years. And what an embarrassing legacy to leave our children and grandchildren.

  • Layoff TrackerUnilever is the big loser this month, cutting 7,500 jobs. Cisco laid off 4,250, followed by Expedia with 1,500. Sony laid off 900 Electronic Arts cut 670, Snap 500, DocuSign 440 and Amazon 400. Several gaming companies, both casinos and gaming suppliers, are quietly reducing payroll. You are family…until the day you are not.

  • Inflation and Interest Rates – CPI inflation was 3.2% in February. PPI was up .6%, double the estimate of .3%. Neither is anywhere close to the 2% target rate. Prices are up 25% in three years and won’t be going back down anytime soon. Fed hyped interest rate cuts last December but here we are in April with no cuts. Then the Fed trumpeted interest rate cuts again this month. Morgan Stanley CEO on CNBC, "It would not surprise me if there were no interest rate cuts in 2024."

  • Stock Market (aka The World’s Biggest Casino) – The stock market is completely untethered from reality. Two major wars. The biggest credit bubble in history. Unprecedented government and consumer debt. This is like a huge game of Jenga that went on WAY too long. One minor incident could send the markets tumbling. At some point...pop goes the weasel!

Help Wanted: Open Jobs – Full list of open jobs toward the end of the newsletter. By referral only please! If you know of someone that would be a strong match, kindly point them my way.

  • SVP, Food & Beverage (to $400,000, International) – Casino. This is a front of house position, not culinary. MUST have 5+ years at VP level or higher at a company with $200MM+ in F&B revenues. MUST have luxury experience.

  • Chief Marketing Officer - CMO (to $350,000, West) – Casino.

  • Chief Financial Officer - CFO ($300,000, West) – Casino.

  • VP, Food & Beverage (to $300,000, West) – Casino. MUST have a CULINARY background. Executive Chef by trade. MUST have casino experience.

To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required – My Dad used to say, “Those that take the elevator to the top have an obligation to send it back down for the others.” A portion of each executive placement is donated to charity. This quarter’s featured charities:

  • Make-A-Wish – Join Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada and our community for the 22nd annual Walk for Wishes at Town Square on Saturday, April 27, 2024. This unique event, which sees close to two thousand people in attendance, is designed to bring our community partners and wish families together for a 5K Fun Run/Walk to raise funds to grant the wish of every eligible child in Nevada. Contact Scott Rosenzweig, President and CEO of Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada at [email protected] for sponsorship information.

  • Noah’s Animal House – Founded by our friend Staci Alonso, and run by Executive Director Marlene Richter, Noah's is a full-service pet facility located on the grounds of The Shade Tree Women’s Shelter.

  • Adam’s Place – Run by our friend Kelly Boyers, Adam’s Place supports children and families experiencing loss. Mostly children that lost a parent or a sibling.

Always remember this: If God is for us…who can be against us!


Mark Wayman

[email protected]

The Godfather of Las Vegas

The Good, The Bad...And The Ugly

Not everything in life is unicorns, butterflies and rainbows. The news is mostly opinion. The Godfather gives it to you straight. You don’t have to agree with me on everything. That is what I love about America, we can agree to disagree and still be friends!

Las Vegas – The latest from the entertainment capital of the world. The Godfather looks beyond the media narrative and press releases.

  • Bruno Mars Owes $50MM Gambling Debt to MGM Resorts – MGM Resorts immediately put out a press release denying the story. Who remembers Colonel Tom Parker squandering away the millions he made off Elvis Presley in the slot machines at The International?

  • Aristocrat Sues Light & Wonder Over “Cheap Knockoff” Slot Machine – All the Aristocrat people went to work at Light and Wonder. Then all the Light and Wonder people went to work at Aristocrat. Bahahahaha! They both make good games. ATI is suing LNW for secret misappropriation, copyright infringement, trade dress infringement and deceptive trade practices.

  • MGM Resorts Slots Take 9.2% of Every Dollar You Gamble – Like The Godfather, Vegas PaulyC gives it to you straight. As Ace Rothstein so eloquently stated in the movie Casino, “In the casino, the cardinal rule is to keep them playing and to keep them coming back. The longer they play, the more they lose, and in the end, we get it all.” Treat gambling as entertainment. Have fun…but don’t bet the rent money.

  • Visitors Say Las Vegas Still a Bargain – I literally started laughing when I read this press release. Maybe they published this because January and February revenues were so bad? Here is the truth: Las Vegas casino operators have priced themselves out of the market. Valet is $40, show tickets are $400 and baked potatoes are $100. Not judging or criticizing. This is capitalism – supply and demand. With Revenge Tourism and Doomsday Spending in full force, and $7T in free money from the U.S. Government, the casinos could charge whatever they wanted (and they did!). But that party is over. Hotel room prices: Rio ($22), Strat ($24) and Excalibur ($31). And you know what customer demographic that draws? The Colemans: People dragging a Coleman ice chest to their hotel room with ham sandwiches and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

  • Murray the Magician Banned from Magic Castle – Let me be crystal clear: I love this guy! Murray Sawchuck and I have been friends for years, and he is a regular guest at my private client mixers. I call him Murray the Hustler. He is not only a fabulous magician, but also an entrepreneur that started a landscape business during the Pandemic to pay the bills. And a genuine human being not cut out of the Hollywood celebrity cloth that read its own press releases. OK, so he revealed a couple of his tricks on Facebook. Yawn. Let me introduce you to my pronouns, “Piss” and “Off.”

  • Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville ClosingWasting away again in Margaritaville, searching for my lost shaker of salt, some people claim that there's a woman to blame, but I know, it's nobody's fault.

  • Las Vegas Real Estate Market in 2023 was Worst Since 2008 – And new legislation let’s buyers/sellers name their price on commission. Thousands became Realtors during the gold rush of the Pandemic. Like Executive Recruiters, there is one on every corner. Now I get 20 cold calls a day to sell my house.

  • Democrats and Repbulicans Vie Over Nevada Housing Solutions - This is not a political issue. Nevada home prices jump dramatically over the last few years for exactly one reason: Supply and demand. Californians flocked to Las Vegas by the thousands during the Pandemic. Prices went up. Homes are unaffordable for another reason: Mortgage interest rates skyrocketed due to the government giving away $7T in free money.

  • MLB, Landowner Optimistic on A’s Ballpark – Call me Debbie Downer but I don’t think they are coming. Bally's can't finance their casino in Chicago, so where are they going to get $2B to build a major league ballpark? Nope!

Government Suggests Bigger Federal Role in Affordable Housing – We are the government…and we are here to help you! Let me make sure I understand this. The government gives away $7T of our tax money, then when inflation, interest rates and home prices soar, they want to use our tax dollars again to help people buy homes they can’t afford? Ain't socialism grand?

The World’s 20 Happiest Countries for 2024 – The United States did not make the list. Recently took an UBER. The driver just returned from several years in Lisbon, Portugal. Asked him, “So how is everyone in Portugal.” He looked into his rear view mirror and said, “Happy.”

Depression 2.0’s (2008) Hero - Brooksley Born saw the financial crisis coming. Wall Street's boys club ignored her. Déjà vu!

Bracing for Impact – Given that inflation is “sticky” and well above the target rate, I’ll make a bold prediction: No interest rate cuts this year. Don't care what the Fed says. This is going to be a big problem for banks, especially those holding risky debt. America is experiencing something that is unprecedented in our history: Record government and consumer debt. The largest credit bubble in history.

U.S. National Debt Rising by $1T Every 100 Days – By a show of hands, how many think this is a problem? So happy to be old. Not on Social Security quite yet, but at least I know it will be there. Millennials and Gen Z will be working their until they are 80.

U.S. Government Budget for 2025: 4.7% Increase – I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is the government averted another shutdown. The bad news is they didn't decrease spending. Blessed are the children, for they shall inherit the National Debt.

Government to Impose Pricing Standards on Private Companies – This sounds familiar. Oh, that’s right, it’s how Russia and China do it.

401K “Hardship Withdrawals” Surge to a New Record – Not sure this has so much to do with inflation as it does with “Revenge Tourism” and “Doomsday Spending.” Instant gratification over long-term security. Debt financing the party. Life Lesson: Never, ever take money out of your 401K.

Credit Scores Decrease for First Time in a Decade as Borrowers Fall Behind on PaymentsThe average credit card utilization was 35%, up from 33% a year earlier, and just over 18% of borrowers had a more than 30-day past-due missed payment against their credit accounts, up from 16.5% the year before.

Home Foreclosures Soaring Nationwide – We are not at Depression 2.0 (2008) levels yet, however this is an ominous sign. Never get a variable rate mortgage loan.

TikToker Gone Viral for Career Advice Explains Why Recent Graduates Can’t Find a Job - There are millions of job openings in the U.S., yet many recent college graduates are struggling to find employment. A survey discovered that 38% of employers avoid hiring recent graduates, and 58% say they are unprepared for the office. I’ll give you another reason: Many recent graduates see jobs as “beneath them.” They expect to graduate college and make $200,000 on day one. Nope!

Tax the Rich! – The government is always shouting at Americans to “pay their fair share" in taxes. I have paid 37% off and on the last 25 years with almost zero write-offs. Whether you make $40,000 or $400,000, consider whether you would be willing to pay 37%. Would YOU feel 37% is your “fair share?” Here is the truth: Taxes for the lower and middle class have trended downward the last 40 years. The lower class pays ZERO and middle class pays 15%. The top 1% has stayed flat at 30%. The United States is home to the worst tax laws in the world. We are the only country that taxes you for leaving. All the rhetoric about raising taxes on billionaires would produce an extra $50B a year, but the government is spending money at the rate of $3.2T a year. America does not have a revenue problem – it has a spending problem.

United Airlines CEO Responds to String of Safety Incidents – Here is a new word for their dictionary: Meritocracy.

Boeing CEO Fired Amid Major Management Shakeup Over Safety Concerns - He immediately told the media he is "retiring." Here is another company with meritocracy issues.

California Insurance Commissioner Declares Crisis After State Farm Drops Coverage - I'm not the only one being crushed by insurance rates.

Car Insurance Rates Soar! – And Nevada is in the top five for most expensive auto rates. No tickets, no accidents and I'm paying $3,400 a year. Criminals!

Las Vegas Valley Water District Rakes in $32MM in Controversial Fees – If you have two drops of water in your gutter, they fine you. More criminals!

$16 McDonald’s Meal Goes Viral – One more reason not to eat fast food. One of the ways I conserve money is making my own coffee each morning. Cost: .50 cents a cup. Compare that to paying $10 a day for Starbucks, which is $300 a month. Small things add up.

Dollar Tree to Close 1,000+ Stores – Send this headline to anyone that tells you how awesome the economy is. OUT - For the first time in history, In-N-Out burger has closed a location. Oakland due to crime.

House Passes Bill to Ban TikTok; Fight Moves to Senate – There's one less time waster for you. Shows how old I am – don’t even have an account. Too busy running my business.

What Happened to Wendy Williams – If you have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, this will scare you straight.

Dozens Injured on LATAM Flight to Auckland – Always keep your seat belt fastened.

No Justice, No Peace – America is a country built on law and order. If you don’t penalize people for bad behavior, eventually you have anarchy. My Dad used to say, “If you take all the guns away…only the bad guys will have them.” Stronger gun control? Absolutely! But keep in mind, guns are a symptom, unhinged people are the problem.

  • School Shooters Parents End Up in Jail – The most important title in life is not CEO, CFO or Vice President, it’s PARENT. Many of society’s problems stem from poor parenting. Men that get women pregnant, then leave and refuse to pay child support. That leaves single Mother’s working two jobs to support their family. The courts are starting to hold parents accountable for their poor behavior.

  • Criminal Charges Filed in Las Vegas Charity COVID Fund Scandal – Two employees of a politically connected nonprofit that misused state-issued federal COVID relief funds are facing criminal charges for embezzlement after allegedly stealing more than $300,000 from the organization since 2019. Add this to the long list of Las Vegas charity scandals, which include bankruptcy at Goodwill and Big Brothers Big Sisters, along with problems at the Animal Foundation for many years.

Movers and Shakers

Things I’m Obsessed With This Month – A few of my thoughts on the headlines and topics of interest.


  • Wynn Las Vegas vs. Fontainebleau Las Vegas: Let's Get Ready to Rumble! - Vegas PaulyC hit the nail on the head with this Instagram reel. I can understand executives flocking to Fontainebleau Las Vegas pre-opening. Cliff Atkinson was the President, the skies were blue and the birds were singing. New hires were offered massive salary increases. But now that Fontainebleau has cycled through four Presidents in 12 months, why would anyone leave Wynn Resorts for a Fontainebleau regardless of how much they are paying you? In the recruiting business we call this a CLM (career limiting move).

  • Wynn Las Vegas vs. Fontainebleau Las Vegas: The Counterclaim - And how about this for some drama? Fontainebleau has filed a counterclaim against Wynn that includes a profanity-laced email exchange between Wynn CEO CRAIG BILLINGS and Fontainebleau CEO JEFFREY SOFFER. Never put anything in writing that you don't want to see splashed on the front page of the newspaper. Things on the Internet last forever.

  • Wynn Lawsuit: Know Your Non-Compete! – There are two lessons here. One for candidates and one for employers. From a candidate perspective, know your non-compete! Can they stop you from working? Probably not. Can they tie you up in court with $50,000 legal bills? Absolutely! From a hiring company perspective, know this: Happy employees don’t quit and violate their non-compete. Goes to character, and that is NOT someone you want on payroll. Never forget that Las Vegas is like Mayberry RFD, a city of 2.3MM run by 200 people.

  • DraftKings vs. Fanatics – Similar to the Wynn/Fontainebleau lawsuit, DraftKings is suing Fanatics for poaching employees with non-competes from their VIP department. DraftKings has accused an ex-employee of downloading player information. There is a running joke in the casino industry, “Every casino thinks they have secret sauce. Truth is, the only think separating most casinos is the player list, and that list gets downloaded and printed out every time a player development executive leaves.”

BRIAN HANSBERRY was promoted to Group President at Delaware North Companies. Congratulations Brian!

IGT Management Changes MARCO DRAGO, Non-Executive Director, will depart May 14. Drago will be replaced by his son ENRICO DRAGO. Enrico will leave his role as CEO of IGT PlayDigital. GIL ROTEM was promoted to President of IGT PlayDigital.

Star Entertainment CEO ROBBIE COOKE…has left the building. Years ago Star CEO MATT BEKIER was in Las Vegas and called for a sit down. He asked me for an anti-money laundering executive because Crown Resorts had just imploded over AML and junkets. I sent him HOWARD STEINER, former AML guy with the Las Vegas Sands.

BRYAN GOSLIN was promoted to Chief Accounting Officer at PENN Entertainment.

NIK RYTTERSTROM is President of the Borgata for MGM Resorts.

TRAVIS LUNN is President of Mandalay Bay and Luxor for MGM Resorts.

BLAKE SARTINI II was promoted to COO at Golden Entertainment.

STEVE ARCANA is Chief Development Officer at Golden Entertainment.

FRANK CHESKY was promoted to EVP/Chief Legal Officer at Hard Rock International.

DOUG LANG is SVP/GM at Boyd Gaming.

JEFF CUTRI is SVP/GM at Harrah's Northern California for Caesars Entertainment.

CARTER BAIR is Chief Marketing Officer at Crown Resorts.

ARI GLAZER is CFO at Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment.

MANUEL STAN is CEO at Catena Media.

CHARLIE STONE was promoted to EVP, Casino Operations at Wynn Las Vegas.

ELIZABETH NIX was promoted to GM at Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino.

PATRICK BROWNE is CEO at Dakota Nation Gaming Enterprise.

MATTHEW PRIMMER was promoted to Chief Product Officer at Aristocrat.

MACKENZIE SCOTT Donates $640MM to Non-Profits – God bless you!

And MORE...

Mesquite Gaming Set to Undergo Major Renovation – I actually placed Mesquite CEO JUSTIN MOORE several years ago with Rush Street Gaming in Schenectady. Great guy!

Oscar Picks and PansLILLY GLADSTONE not winning Best Actress for “Killers of the Flower Moon” was a huge disappointment. BARBIE was the best film of the year for me. Thought I would hate it; loved it. OPPENHEIMER was good but entirely too long. TO KILL A TIGER was a documentary where the bad guys go to prison for 25 years. We should try that in America - putting criminal in jail. ANATOMY OF A FALL and PAST LIVES were just OK. Turned MAESTRO off after 30 minutes.The Academy loves complicated relationships and dreary movies.


HOPE BUCKLEY is Director, Revenue Optimization and CRM at Rio Hotel & Casino Las Vegas.


CHELSIE HARDIN was promoted to Director, Marketing at Colonial Downs + Rosie’s Gaming.


TODD SAUNDERS was promoted to SVP, Innovation at Turning Stone Enterprises and Oneida Innovations Group.


RAMONA DE LEON was promoted to Executive Director, Player Development at Foxwoods Resort Casino.


MATTHEW WHITE is Director, Information Technology at Bally's Quad Cities Casino & Hotel.


JOHN SLOANE is VP, Food and Beverage at Marina Bay Sands.


RAQUEL BUARI is EVP, Administration at Four Winds Casinos.


RUSSELL SMITH is Director, AML Compliance at City of Dreams for Melco Entertainment.


JOSHUA SCHLINK was promoted to VP, Food & Beverage at Boyd Gaming.


CHRISTINE PITALO is VP, Player Development at Mohegan Sun.


MIKE TRASK is Head of Studio at Ainsworth Game Technology.


SEAN EVANS is VP, Marketing and Product Strategy at Ainsworth Game Technology.


ZAIRA CRUZ is Director, Hotel Operations at Choctaw Casinos & Resorts.


MARCUS LIDEY was promoted to SVP, Hotel Operations at Fontainebleau Las Vegas.


DAVID LINGENFELTER was promoted to Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at PENN Entertainment.


EMILY LABEJOF is Director, Brand Marketing at Luxor Hotel & Casino for MGM Resorts.


ERICK ANDRY is Director, Resort Marketing at The Palms.


ANGELICA VOGEL is Director of Revenue Management at MGM Resorts.


DAN TANAKA is Director, Player Development at The Venetian Resort Las Vegas.


REBECCA GORGAS is VP, Gaming Operations at Bally’s Chicago.


GREGORY DIVINCENT is Corporate VP, Marketing at Gila River Resorts and Casinos.


ERICA MICHALIGA was promoted to VP, National Marketing at Seminole Hard Rock Support Services.

KEVIN BACON Will Attend Footloose High School's Final Prom

Record Breaking Teen ILIA MALININ Lands Quadruple Axle, Wins World Figure Skating Title

In Memoriam

ALEXEI NAVALNY, Russian Humanitarian, 47. Murdered by VLADIMIR PUTIN.

ERIC CARMEN, Singer, 74. Raspberries Frontman had a huge hit with "All By Myself."

STEVE LAWRENCE, Singer, 88. Steve had deep ties to Las Vegas.

RICHARD LEWIS, Comedian, 76. He was hilarious in Curb Your Enthusiasm.

The Godfather Speaks


Best Career Advice Ever: Relationships Trump Transactions – I used to be surprised and disappointed at people that ghosted me. Invited them to connect on LinkedIn. No response. Invited them to my private client mixers or charity events. No response. Emailed them to have a cup of coffee and catch up. No response. Then several months (or years!) later they send me a resume and expect me to stop everything I’m doing to help them because they are unemployed. Here is the best career advice of all time: Relationships trump transactions. If you only call people once every five years to ask for a job or a favor, no one is going to call you back. If you opt out of my newsletter or ghost me, that says, “I don’t want to be your friend.” Perfect, because I’m not looking for any new friends. Bahahaha! Value your relationships above all else in business. Stay connected.

Changing Jobs? Due Diligence Required! – If you are in the job market, be sure to perform your due diligence on the hiring company before accepting a job offer. Several casino companies and gaming suppliers are heading for restructuring (bankruptcy) over the next 12 months. Being unemployed during a Recession is not much fun. When making a career decision, look at two things: leverage (debt) and EBITDA (profit). Companies that are overextended on credit and unprofitable are about to get clobbered. Too many candidates get stars in their eyes. “Godfather, they are offering me a 30% pay raise!” Trust me, there is a good reason for that: Most people are avoiding that company like the plague. They know the end is near. When that company lays you off in six months, you will have to take at least a 30% salary haircut. Feeding the ego is starving the wisdom, the choice is yours.

Rolex, Montblanc Pens and Louis Vuitton Bags Never Go On Sale – My Dad used to say, “You get what you pay for in life.” High end brands like Rolex, Montblanc and Louis Vuitton don’t go on sale for a very good reason: They are the best in class. In April 2023, as hiring slowed, I had a client (now former client) ask me to reduce my commission rate because, “The other 11 Recruiters are discounting.” The fact they are using 11 Recruiters on a search tells me that is bad business. People are not a commodity. Executive Recruiting is not a commodity. Not all business is good business…and you do get what you pay for in life.

Travis Cloer Sings Frankie Valli Songbook – My good friend Travis Cloer, the longest running “Frankie Vallie” in Jersey Boys on Broadway, has a new show coming. All the big hits, and nobody does them better than Travis. For show booking information, contact me directly.

The Secret to Sales Success: Stop Cold Calling! (Article of the Month) – For my friends in sales and business development. Cold calling is a 2% game. You would be better off playing the lottery.

CDC Gaming Show Interview – Thank you to Casey Gonzales for the opportunity to discuss the current job market and career strategies for those in transition. Best career advice…ever…in the last 60 seconds of the interview.

What is Your Unique Value Proposition? (Article) - Whether you are a candidate or sales executive, the key to success is your UVP: Unique Value Proposition. Here are a few tips to stand out from the thundering herd.

The Pendulum Has Swung!: Job Search Tips for the Recession (Article) – The party is over…here comes the hangover! Companies are firing, not hiring. If you are in the job market, or considering a career change, join The Godfather’s ride along for the cold, hard truth about finding a job during a Recession.

Your Opinion is NOT Required – Comedian Aziz Ansari does a bit about a pizza that looks like a Nazi swastika. He asks the audience, “How many people think it's a swastika?” Hundreds applaud. How many think, “It's just a pizza?” Hundreds more applaud. Aziz blurts out, “YOU are the problem in America! There is no swastika. There is no pizza. But you just have to insert your opinion because it is SO important!” The divisiveness in America is motivated by a huge misperception: That someone gives a fat rat's ass what you think. They do not. Most people care about exactly one thing – themselves. Most people are self-focused on what’s important to THEM…not you. Not you, not your politics, not your ideology. Before you start ranting on social media, consider that your boss, employer, and peers can see your diatribe. We call it a CLM (career limiting move). Go live your life and quit worrying about what other people think and do.

The Two Golden Rules of Executive Recruiting – Given the perfect storm of a Recession, Pandemic and financial collapse, it’s the perfect time to review the two golden rules of executive recruiting. There is an Executive Recruiter on every corner, and with the market dramatically shifting from sellers (candidates) to buyers (hiring companies), most recruiters won’t return your call. I lived through 2008 and 2019, and here are a few of my suggestions for navigating these treacherous times.


  • Golden Rule #1: Executive Recruiters get people for jobs…NOT jobs for people. First, understand how the executive recruiting model works. As the Owner of an executive recruiting firm, I don’t get a salary, bonus, stock options, vacations, PTO or paid health insurance. If I don’t get people placed…I don’t eat. Executive Recruiters are not career coaches or resume writers. They are laser focused on their open jobs because that is what they get paid to do. Second, understand that is you have a laundry list of requirements you will have a limited set of career opportunities. “I want to work remote.” “Can’t relocate from Pocatello, Idaho.” “Looking for a 50% salary increase.” Third, understand none of this is about you or personal. If the Executive Recruiter has a job that is a strong match for your background, they will help you. If not, time for you to move on. Your career search is 100% your responsibility.


  • Golden Rule #2: The wrong time to meet an Executive Recruiter is when you are unemployed. The best time to find a new job is when you are gainfully employed. The second best time is the first week you are laid off. Once you get to six months of unemployment the interviews dry up. Keep in mind that 85% of jobs come from your professional network and 10% from Executive Recruiters. Have you kept in touch with your peers, or do you only call to ask for a favor when you are unemployed? Do you have relationships with one or two Executive Recruiter, or do you start furiously cold calling them when you are laid off? Stay in touch with your peers. If you don’t know a solid Executive Recruiter, ask your peers for a referral.

The Godfather on “Moral Compass” – Let’s face it, not everybody plays fair. I have to compete against Executive Recruiters that send their clients on Caribbean cruises and to the PGA Masters. They buy clients $1,000 dinners and $500 rounds of golf. They take their clients to alcohol infused all-nighters at nightclubs and strip clubs. The most you are getting from The Godfather is a book, a cigar or an invite to my next client mixer. I don’t believe in bribes or quid pro quo. So to every sales executive that had to compete on an uneven playing field…take the road less traveled. Without integrity, nothing else matters.


The Monkeys and the Rainstorm: 3 Strategies for Riding Out the Storm –Always take a long-term career view, value relationships and plan for a rainy day.


The Good Samaritan: Carefully Consider Your Legacy – Most of us are familiar with this parable from the Bible. Which one are you?

Never, Ever Quit! - Of all the lessons my Dad taught me, this was the most valuable: Never, ever quit.


On the Bookshelf 

F*ck No!: How to Stop Saying Yes When You Can't, You Shouldn't, or You Just Don't Want To (Sarah Knight) – Add to your “must read” list for 2024. How to stop spending time you don’t have…doing things you don’t want…with people you don’t like. Set boundaries. This is your trinity: Time, Energy, Money. Learn how to say, “No thank you.” No, I don’t want to join your Lord of the Rings Book Club. No, I don’t want to connect to you on LinkedIn so you can ask me for a job or my CEO client list. No, I don’t want to donate to your Save the Naked Clowns charity. Here is a great example. Hosted a party for 15 CIOs at Hollywood Park many years ago. Of the 15, only eight showed up. The next day three of the "no show, no calls" sent me resumes and asked for $500,000 jobs. Let me think about it. F*ck no! And if someone is offended because you won’t join their Polynesian Basket Weaving Class on Friday nights at 10:00 PM, I’ll leave you with best advice ever uttered at an A.A. meeting, “I stopped drinking the day I realized I don’t give a rat’s fat ass what you think or say about me.”

Half Time: Moving from Success to Significance (Bob Buford) – Some of you may be wondering about the charity aspect of my business. When we sold SRD (counter-terrorism software company funded by the CIA) to IBM in 2004, I took an early retirement. A friend gave me this book that described living a life of service. Be a giver, not a taker. Two weeks later a CEO engaged me to find some talent. He said, “You are on the Board of Make-A-Wish. If you don’t need the money, donate it to charity.” Eighteen years later we are still doing it!

The Algebra of Happiness (Scott Galloway) – What's the formula for a life well lived? How can you have a meaningful career, not just a lucrative one? What are the elements of a successful relationship? One of my new favorites.


Rich Dad, Poor Dad What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! (Robert Kiyosaki) – The number one personal finance book of all time. My Dad taught me two lessons on finance. First, spend less than you make. Second, if you can’t pay cash…you can’t have one.

Principles for Dealing with the New World Order (Recommended Reading) – Concerned about current events in the United States? You are not the Lone Ranger. Ray Dalio’s book outlines the life cycle of nations and will help you understand where America is headed. Eye opening!

Required Reading

15 of the Best Places to Retire Around the World – Regardless of who wins the election, there will be a thundering herd of people leaving America. Here are a few retirement options.


How Much Wealth You Need to Join the 1% in Your Country


Salary a Single Person Requires to Live Comfortably in 25 Major U.S. Cities – NYC is $138,000 and San Diego is $122,000. Depends on your definition of “comfortably.”


13 Budget-Friendly Places Where Couples Can Retire Abroad for as Little as $1,500 per Month – And a few more for good measure.


States with the Highest and Lowest Tax Rates – Cost of living matters.


How to Master the Art of Small Talk


3 Red Flags Recruiters Look for in Candidates


16 Worst Paying College Majors, Five Years After Graduation


Brain Expert: Do These 5 Things to Live Longer


3 Simple Ways to Become More Influential at Work


25 Secrets From Millionaires on Their Everyday Habits


13 Times When Paying for an Upgrade is a Waste of Money – Great tips here!

Gaming Headlines

MGM Resorts May Sell Northfield Park and Springfield – You wondered how long it would take those activist investors to start parting out the company to raise the stock price. Now you know. And when those guys start taking money off the table you can be pretty sure the party is over.

Las Vegas Strip Earnings Fall for First Time Since June 2023

Full House Resorts Reports 4Q Loss, Stock Down 13% YTD

Golden Entertainment Misses Q4 Earnings Estimates

Ohio Casino/Racino Revenues Down 10.5% Year Over Year

Ladbrokes Owner Warns of £40m Hit from Gambling Safety Crackdown

Former Crown Resorts Owner James Packer Vows to Never Work with Casinos Again

SJM Reports $257MM Loss in 2023

IGT Presence Returning to Las Vegas Through Merger with Everi

Fontainebleau Offers Unique Incentive to Employees – No amount of press releases will save Fontainebleau.

To Whom Much is Given...Much is Required

For 20 years my business model remains the same: Place top notch executives and donate a portion of the revenues to a dozen local and national charities. Here are a few of my favorites.

Make-A-Wish – Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. MAW seeks to bring “wishes” to life because every child deserves a childhood.

Noah’s Animal House – Founded by our friend Staci Alonso and run by Marlene Richter, Noah's is a full-service pet facility located on the grounds of The Shade Tree Women’s Shelter.

Adam’s Place – Run by our friend Kelly Boyers, Adam’s Place supports children and families experiencing loss. Mostly children that lost a parent or a sibling.

Catholic Charities – Run by our friend Deacon Tom Roberts, the mission of Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada is to serve those in need; the most vulnerable, regardless of race, religion or creed.

Heaven Can Wait – Dedicated to improving quality of life for dogs and cats through spay/neuter services, quality veterinary care, community outreach and animal advocacy.

Funny Farm – Funny Farm is home to over 600 rescue animals from all walks of life, everything from a friendly skunk to a 2500 lb. Red Angus Steer. The animals roam free.

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) - The ASPCA has been at the forefront of animal rescue and protection since 1866. For more than 150 years, we have been the leading voice in animal welfare, bringing the critical protection of animals to the forefront of society.

Nevada SPCANevada SPCA is a “no kill” shelter that takes in 2,000 dogs, cats, rabbits, and other small pets annually. Our goal is to place them into loving homes where they can thrive, provide companionship, and maintain rewarding relationships with their human family.

St. Jude’s Ranch for Children – St. Jude’s mission is rescuing abused, abandoned and neglected children and providing a safe, nurturing and therapeutic home.

Gigi’s Playhouse – Charity focused on supporting individuals with Down Syndrome.

Olive Crest – Focused on child welfare and foster children, helping kids, teens and families to build a brighter future.

Central Christian Church – A place where it’s OK…to not be OK. Love the work Pastor Jud Wilhite and his team perform for the Las Vegas community.

Career Opportunities

All positions are CONFIDENTIAL; however I would be happy to discuss details with qualified candidates. If you know of someone that would have interest, kindly point them my way. Help out a friend, because one day…that friend may be you. Any and all referrals gratefully accepted!

VP, Casino Operations ($500,000, International) – Casino. Primary requirement is casino operations (slots/tables). Exposure to player development preferred. Requires extensive LUXURY experience.

SVP, Food & Beverage (to $400,000, International) – Casino. This is a front of house position, not culinary. MUST have 5+ years at VP level or higher at a company with $200MM+ in F&B revenues. MUST have luxury experience.

Chief Marketing Officer - CMO (to $350,000, West) – Casino.

Chief Financial Officer - CFO ($300,000, West) – Casino.

VP, Food & Beverage (to $300,000, West) – Casino. MUST have a CULINARY background. Executive Chef by trade. MUST have casino experience.

VP, Technology (to $300,000, West) – Casino. Software application side.

Director, Finance (to $175,000, California) – Casino.

VP, Hotel Operations ($150,000, Las Vegas)

Director, Internal Audit (to $150,000, Asia) – Casino

Executive Director, Food & Beverage (to $150,000, Las Vegas) – Casino.

Humor, Wisdom and Inspiration


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

If you want to know what God thinks of money, look at the people he gave it to.

Dorothy Parker

People say money is not the key to happiness, but I have always figured if you have enough money, you can have a key made.

Joan River

Sometimes you lie in bed at night and you don’t have a single thing to worry about. That always worries me!

Charlie Brown 

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping.”

Bo Derek


One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter.

Mitch McConnell on Retirement

There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.


When science finally locates the center of the universe, some people will be surprised to learn they’re not it.

Bernard Bailey

When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.

Mark Twain

I trained for four years to run for nine seconds.

Usain Bolt

People can’t drive you crazy if you don’t give them the keys.

Mike Bechtle

Thankfully, perseverance is a great substitute for talent.

Steve Martin


But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

Joshua 24:15

We love because he first loved us.

1 John 4:19

The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7

What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?

Mark 8:36

One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

Proverbs 11:24

Photo Opp!

Alesia Stein of Evolution - EKG Slot Awards

Anne Chen (SVP, Marina Bay Sands)…we need a better photographer. Pre-Pandemic (2018) and today.

For Tickets, Click HERE - For Sponsorships, Contact Me Directly

Vote for Pedro!

Client: You need to discount your prices because the other 11 Recruiters agreed to 20%.

Me: The Godfather does not participate in the Recruiter Rodeo. And I love Costco! I have a business membership at Costco. This is not's Nordstroms. By the way, when YOU need a job, call that discount recruiter and report back to me how that goes.

Not Everyone is Going to Like You! - There is a long line of Mark Wayman haters that starts down the block and around the corner. "Mark is not a Christian because he wouldn't help me get a job." "Mark wouldn't introduce me to his clients so I could sell them [insert product or service here]." Don't take it personally. They don't know you well enough to hate you! Here is the key to sales success: Not all business is good business. Focus on clients that value your access, knowledge and talent. Steer clear of those that treat you like a vendor and constantly ask for discounts. Avoid clients that treat you like a commodity. Go where you are celebrated!