Greetings from the Godfather!

Just another day in paradise! Back from Manila, which is also paradise. Thank you to City of Dreams Manila President GEOFF ANDRES and Director, Hotel Operations STEVE SASSO for the hospitality! Had an amazing time. Welcome to March! Can you believe it? We have a lot to unpack this morning, so on to the news…

BREAKING NEWS!: IGT, Everi in $6.2B Merger - Newsletter is a few hours late this morning because I wanted to include the IGT/Everi deal. Was a presenter at the EKG Slot Awards last night at The Cosmopolitan and several people asked for my thoughts. I replied, "Same as you, I just read the press release." Have not worked much with Everi, however IGT has been a great client over the years. The combined company will be known as IGT with its CEO, VINCE SADUSKY, to lead the entities. Everi Executive Chairman MICHAEL RUMBOLZ will serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the combined company.

The Godfather’s Executive Brief – The newsletter is published monthly for my friends, clients, and business partners. My way of staying in touch and keeping you up to date on who got hired, who got fired…and all the latest industry news. The number one factor in life that determines your level of happiness is relationships. Not your career. Not your money. Not your house, car, or vacations. Relationships. Distribution is 7,000 executives worldwide.


Opt Outs – To keep up with the latest news, follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter. If you do NOT wish to receive the newsletter, simply “opt out.” I’m not offended, and I don’t want to spam anyone! We don’t always have to agree on everything. That is what I love about America: We can agree to disagree and still be friends. I’m a man of faith, but I’m not here to push God on you. I’m sober many years, but I’m not here to push A.A. on you. You do you! A dozen “opt outs” asked me for a job this month. Nope! Once you are out…you are out.  Life is about relationships, not transactions. 

About The Godfather – My Dad was 101st Airborne at Normandy on D-Day and sold shoes for $2 an hour at May Company when he came home from WWII. We never had many Christmas gifts or vacations; however, my parents always gave us unconditional love. And my Dad taught me priceless lessons. “Never judge anyone based on race, creed, or religion. We are all God’s children.” “If you can’t pay cash…you can’t have one.” “Your reward is equal to your contribution to society.” “Treat the Janitor the same as the CEO”. Best of all, “Never, ever give up!” Worked 60 hours a week and paid my own way through college (no student loans). Eight long years going to school at night. Ended up at two software companies. One went public on the NASDAQ. That was OK. Second one, a counter-terrorism software company funded by the CIA, was acquired by IBM in 2004. Don’t ever let anyone tell you the American dream is dead! For the last 20 years I have owned an executive recruiting company focused on gaming/casinos and high tech. Some say I’m the biggest gaming Recruiter in the world. Never said I was the smartest Recruiter, however I probably worked longer and harder than most.


Unsolicited Promo (Executive Recruiting and Business Insurance) – These businesses support a dozen national and local charities, mostly children and animal causes. They didn’t pick their parents. Here is your one and only newsletter promo:

  • Executive Recruiting: Hire the Right People...the First Time! – Clients engage me for two reasons. First, I have access to 7,000+ high quality executives. Second, I know why everyone got fired the last 20 years. Rate is 30%, but it sure beats post and pray (online job postings). Only taking on new clients by referral at this time. For more information: [email protected].


  • Casino Entertainment – In addition to my executive recruiting business, I own an entertainment booking business. Mostly for casinos. Mostly tribute bands: The Blues Brothers, Carpenters, Elvis and Neil Diamond. Just a way to help my Artist friends with 100% of my commission donated to charity.


  • Anne Wayman (Alera Insurance Group) – My wife Anne is with The Alera Group, specializing in Property/Casualty, E&O, Workman’s Comp and Group Benefits. Over 30 years’ experience with gaming, high tech, construction and medical malpractice. Anne can be reached at 702.496.1065 or [email protected].

What the World Needs Now – No politics, protests, or Pandemics; just a few positive thoughts to start your day.

  • Education in Japan – We will be in Japan during April, so I found this particularly interesting. Nevada ranks second last for education in America.

  • Project Iron Brothers – Miguel helps his brother Pedro, who suffers from cerebral palsy, complete the Ironman. I’m not crying…you are.

  • Mindset Change – Pay attention to the things essential to your happiness. Hint: Family, friends, health and passions.

  • The Most Important Lesson You Will Learn in 2024 – Watch this 30 second reel and read the caption. No one is coming to save you. Your life is 100% YOUR responsibility. Stop blaming everyone else for your problems. It’s not your parent’s fault, your spouse’s fault, your children’s fault, your boss’s fault…your dog’s Veterinarian’s fault. You are NOT a victim!

  • Be of Service – This reel is for those in sales. People often ask, “What is the secret of your success?” Let’s be honest: I’m not a sales and business development star. Most sales executives say, “My quota is $1,000,000 this year. What part are you going to help me with?” Millions of sales executives, each thinking they are the center of the wheel! My approach is from A.A.: Be of service. Genuinely help as many as possible, as often as possible. You want “the secret?” Everything is not about you. Zig Ziglar put it this way, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

  • How to Quit Your Job – This guy should get a medal. This was the most clicked link in the December 2023 newsletter.

  • The Donkey and the Tiger – Just because someone is loud and obnoxious, it does not make them right. Watch until the end for one of life’s most important lessons: Never argue with fools.

  • Stop Texting – Look up from your phone…and breathe. Feel free to email me 24x7, but no texting please.

Quote of the Month: He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.

(Lao Tsu)

What is Your Unique Value Proposition? (Article) - Whether you are a candidate or sales executive, the key to success is your UVP: Unique Value Proposition. Here are a few tips to stand out from the thundering herd.

The Pendulum Has Swung!: Job Search Tips for the Recession (Article of the Month) – The party is over…here comes the hangover! Companies are firing, not hiring. If you are in the job market, or considering a career change, join The Godfather’s ride along for the cold, hard truth about finding a job during a Recession.

Adam’s Place: Vintage and Vibes – Run by our friend Kelly Boyers, Adam’s Place supports children and families experiencing loss. Mostly children that lost a parent or a sibling. Their annual fundraiser is always a blast! And it will be again this year because The Godfather is helping with the hosting. Click on the link for ticket information or contact me directly if you would like to sponsor.

The Godfather Sit Downs (Events) – The schedule of client mixers for 2024. We have exactly one purpose: Introduce my friends, clients, and business partners to each other. We have exactly one rule: No sales, soliciting, marketing, or promoting. You can check out photos from previous events HERE. Here is the upcoming schedule.

  • The Godfather’s Sit Down (April, Las Vegas) – Friends, clients and business partners from around the country. The emphasis here is on CLIENTS. This is not a networking or business development event. Just an opportunity for my clients to meet each other. Thank you to my Sponsors: John Connelly (Interblock), Chris Justice (Pavilion Payments) and Sanjiv Goyal (Droisys). Invitations go

  • The Godfather’s Day at the Races (July, Del Mar) – My annual event at Del Mar Racetrack. Sponsored by Interblock, Pavilion Payments and Sycuan Casino Resort. Giddyup!

  • The Godfather’s G2E Sit Down (October, Las Vegas) – Over 100 gaming/casino executives from around the world.

  • The Godfather’s Holiday Spectacular! (December, Las Vegas) – Happy Holidays!

Hiring Update – Companies are firing, not hiring. Layoffs are up, especially for senior level (C, SVP, VP) roles. On the hiring side, solid candidates remain few and far between. Everyone wants a 40% raise and to work from home. The most read stories on CNBC involve how to make big money without working hard. What happened to America?


  • Layoff Tracker – Cisco eliminated 4,000 jobs. Nike laid off 1,500. Sony terminated 900. UPS, Riot Games, eBay, Vroom, Activision Blizzard, American Airlines: Up to 500 each. Bumble laid off 1/3 of their staff. Several gaming companies are quietly laying off. The industry has not been hard (yet), however revenues were down in January and February.


  • Inflation and Interest Rates – Wholesale prices went UP in January, a sign of persistent inflation. Groceries are up an astounding 25% in three years. Mortgage rates shot up to 7.5%. The government/media narrative is 2% inflation but it’s closer to 4%. Retail sales for January dropped far more than expected. Meanwhile, both Japan and the UK slipped into Recession. What Recession?


  • Stock Market - The world’s largest casino (stock market) is completely untethered from reality. Great for rich people, however I’m concerned about Mom and Pop’s 401K. Record government and consumer debt, and the government keeps kicking that can down the road. At some point you must pay your bar tab.

Help Wanted: Open Jobs – Full list of open jobs toward the end of the newsletter. By referral only please! If you know of someone that would be a strong match, kindly point them my way.

  • Chief Financial Officer - CFO (to $400,000, Las Vegas or Remote) – MUST have corporate level experience with a major casino operator.

  • Chief Financial Officer - CFO ($400,000, Midwest) – Gaming supplier. MUST have SEC experience. Prefer Private Equity exposure.

  • General Manager – Casino ($300,000, Northeast) – Extensive table games and property opening experience.

  • Chief Financial Officer - CFO ($250,000, Las Vegas) – Casino.

  • Chief Financial Officer - CFO ($225,000, West) – Tribal.D

  • Director, Internal Audit (to $175,000, Asia) – Casino.

  • Director, Finance (to $150,000, West) – Casino.

To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required – My Dad used to say, “Those that take the elevator to the top have an obligation to send it back down for the others.” A portion of each executive placement is donated to charity. This quarter’s featured charities:

  • Make-A-Wish – Join Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada and our community for the 22nd annual Walk for Wishes at Town Square on Saturday, April 27, 2024. This unique event, which sees close to two thousand people in attendance, is designed to bring our community partners and wish families together for a 5K Fun Run/Walk to raise funds to grant the wish of every eligible child in Nevada. Contact Scott Rosenzweig, President and CEO of Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada at [email protected] for sponsorship information.

  • Noah’s Animal House – Founded by our friend Staci Alonso, and run by Executive Director Marlene Richter, Noah's is a full-service pet facility located on the grounds of The Shade Tree Women’s Shelter.

  • Adam’s Place – Run by our friend Kelly Boyers, Adam’s Place supports children and families experiencing loss. Mostly children that lost a parent or a sibling.

Always remember this: If God is for us…who can be against us!


Mark Wayman

[email protected]

The Godfather of Las Vegas

The Good, The Bad...And The Ugly

Not everything in life is unicorns, butterflies and rainbows. And since Walter Cronkite retired, the news is mostly opinion. The Godfather gives it to you straight. You don’t have to agree with me. That is what I love about America, we can agree to disagree and still be friends!

Las Vegas – The latest from the entertainment capital of the world. The Godfather looks beyond the media and press releases.

  • Sphere has $14MM Profit – A couple more billion to go and they break even. Only need a couple thousand U2 concerts.

  • Caesars Entertainment CEO Tom Reeg: F1 Needs Changes – I recently caught up with a top Las Vegas executive that would know exactly how F1 impacted Las Vegas. When asked to give it to me straight, he responded, “It was OK. We took some high-end play but mostly they flew in, watched the race, and flew back out.” Hotel and dining was solid. Gambling…not so much.

  • Las Vegas Business Owners Sue F1 Over Revenue Loss - A group of 25 business owners (100 more may join the lawsuit) are suing F1, the LVCVA and Clark County over revenues lost during the Formula 1 construction. Meanwhile, many Las Vegas residents are still holding a grudge and no longer patronizing The Strip.

  • Four Las Vegas Strip Hotels Have Bed BugsSome tourists staying at Las Vegas Strip resort hotels may have returned home with unwanted guests. The four properties are Encore, Venetian, Mirage and Excalibur. Now you know why the Excalibur is $15.

  • The Threat from Casino Insiders – Great article on the number one threat to casinos: Employees. And that is exactly why companies engage me…I know why everyone got fired. Drugs, alcohol, gambling, sexual harassment and embezzlement. Steering my clients off “bad actors” is what I do best.

  • Casino Industry Remains Vulnerable to Cyber Attacks – My wife Anne is an expert on cyber liability insurance. Before the MGM Resorts and Caesars Entertainment hacks, you could not give cyber insurance away. Now everybody wants it. Truth is, cyber insurance is NOT easy to obtain. Insurance companies don’t like it, especially in the online gaming space. Too risky. If you have interest in cyber liability insurance, talk to the expert: [email protected].

  • Las Vegas Economic Development Leaders Use Super Bowl to Recruit Companies – Going to call bullsh*t on this one. Lived in Las Vegas 30 years and they have been pitching this story since the 90s. Name three major non-gaming companies headquartered in Las Vegas. Zappos? That is a call center. I was friends with Zappos CEO TONY HSIEH and he asked me to work eight of his portfolio technology companies. They were all three guys in a garage. None are still around. I’ll give you three good reasons Las Vegas can’t diversity the economy. First, second worst education system in America. Second, UNLV is a great hospitality college but can’t turn out 500 software engineers a semester. Third, and this is straight from the mouth of multiple high tech CEOs, “I’m not exposing my family and employees to a culture of gambling and alcohol.” Hey, don't shoot the messenger.

  • Clark County School District Superintendent Resigns: Pay Me Out! – He is asking for a $400,000 severance package. For the record, those are YOUR tax dollars. When I came to Las Vegas 30 years ago Nevada was dead last in the U.S. for public education. Since then, we have made great strides and moved up one spot to 49th. There is also a scandal around the CCSD spending $150,000 for “recruiting” trips to Hawaii and Miami. Your tax dollars at work.

Lawmakers Rebuff Florida Casino – After what happened at Fontainebleau Las Vegas, why would you give these guys a casino in Miami?

Macy's to Close 150 Stores Nationwide - The company said it will focus on a bold new chapter featuring luxury. Because that is the first thing you think of when Macy's comes

Profitable or Not, Companies Make 2024 the Year of Cost Cutting – Because the number one expense…is payroll.

Walt Disney World Raises Prices Again - The sad part is at that some of Disney's biggest fans will never be able to afford the ticket prices. When I went to Disneyland in 1969 a book of tickets

Government Pays Off $136B in Student Loans…and Counting – So the people like myself that paid for college out of our pocket and didn’t’ take out loans have to pay for the ones that did? America is broken. Can someone kindly unplug it and plug it back in?

US Imposes New Sanctions on Russia over Death of Navalny – This will work about as well as the U.S. “response” to Houthi missiles in the Red Sea.

Wendy's to Introduce UBER Style Surge Pricing - To go along with your surging waistline.

Credit Card Delinquencies Surged in 2023, Indicating Financial Stress – Growing up in a working-class family had advantages and disadvantages. My dad came back from WWII and sold shoes at The May Company for $2 an hour plus commissions. My dinner was Hamburger Helper, Macaroni and Cheese, Top Ramen. No vacations, not many Christmas presents. Now let me tell you two advantages of growing up without money. First, I have no emotional attachment to money, which is probably why I’m so passionate about charity and giving back. Second, my dad taught me, “If you can’t pay cash, you can’t have one.” So the whole “Revenge Tourism” meets “Doomsday Spending” meets “Maxing Credit Cards at Christmas” trends are hard for me to wrap my head around. Consumers have $1.4T in credit card debt, and some cards are now up to 30%. Whoa!

Surging Restaurant Prices Make Dining Out a Luxury – Dining out was always a luxury, however prices have skyrocketed...and credit cards are maxed out.

41 Outback Steakhouse, Fleming's to Close - Due to falling sales and shrinking customer demand.

No Justice, No Peace – America is a country built on law and order. If you don’t penalize people for bad behavior, eventually you have anarchy. My Dad used to say, “If you take all the guns away…only the bad guys will have them.” Stronger gun control? Absolutely. Guns are a symptom, unhinged people are the problem.

  • High School Cheerleader Murdered by Illegal Migrant – Since the Pandemic it feels like most people don't give a sh*t about something unless it happens to them personally. Inflation, layoffs, crime. Here is the poster child for why you should care. Let’s be crystal clear: No one is opposed to legal migration. We all came from somewhere. But 10MM to 14MM illegal migrants have entered the U.S. since 2021. Although the majority of those people are hard working folks looking for a better future...some are not. JOSE ANTONIO IBARRA, who murdered LAKEN RILEY in Georgia, was here illegally. Are you following the the stories of rampant migrant crime in NYC? It's unfair to allow millions into the United States illegally where there are millions more navigating the immigration process legally. The U.S. Government is spending billions of dollars on this situation. Maybe trillions. Would it make more sense to invest that money in our homeless American citizens and veterans? Blessed are the children, for they shall be taxed at 50% and have their retirement age raised to 75.

  • Two Men Charged with Murder in Kansas City Parade Shooting – One dead, 22 injured, 11 of them children. Minimal media coverage. No protests. No burning down cities. On the bright side, kudos to the police officers and citizens that ran down and tackled two of those involved. There are still heroes among us.

  • Oregon Declares Fentanyl Emergency – In 2020 Oregon decriminalized hard-core drugs. What did they think would happen? Who comes up with these ideas? One more place NOT to live.

Movers and Shakers

Things I’m Obsessed With This Month – A few of my thoughts on the headlines and topics of interest.

  • The Manila World Tour, Part 1 – Two things to understand about Asia: World class customer service/guest experience and incredible culinary. That, and the Filipino people are the nicest on the planet. Look, I love America, however this is not the country my dad fought for at Normandy on D-Day. Since the Pandemic, most people don’t want to work. They were broken by the free government money. Socialism completely changed American culture. And millions of Americans are angry about this, that, and the other thing. I guess their dreams didn’t come true. The United States is a country of victims. It’s my parent’s fault, kid’s fault, spouse’s fault…dog’s veterinarian’s fault. So many people see themselves as oppressed. I won’t lie: It was amazing to have five days off from the relentless media pounding about Donald Trump and Joe Biden.


  • The Manila World Tour, Part 2 GEOFF ANDRES (President, City of Dreams Manila) and STEVE SASSO (Director, Hotel Operations, City of Dreams Manila – I got him that job!) went WAY above and beyond to show my hospitality. Was able to meet with another successful Godfather placement: RUSSELL SMITH (Director, Internal Audit, COD Manila). GIANPIETRO “GP” ISEPPI invited me over to the Baccarat Bar at Solaire one night, and who sits down next to me? President TOM ARASI. He and Geoff conspired to send me over a “care package” of Cuban cigars. These two went way over the top to make me feel special. GREG HAWKINS (COO, Solaire North) and HARESH CHAINANI (VP, HR, Solaire North) were also at Baccarat. During the day I met with JARED MORRIS (SVP, Casino Marketing, Solaire), SARCI RAZON (VP, HR, Solaire), NINA MAGBANUA (Director, HR, Solaire), ANGEL SUEIRO (COO, PH Resorts), KEVIN WINTERS (Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Newport World Resorts) and DAMIAN QUAYLE (EVP, LET Westside Integrated Resort Manila). Thank you to everyone for the hospitality!

  • PENN Entertainment Loses $333MM on Sports Betting, Stock Sinks 17% in a Day – This Vegas PaulyC synopsis is brutal but also not wrong. PENN stock traded at $142 in 2021 and is currently sitting at $18.Ouch! From a talent perspective, former CEO TIM WILMOTT opted out of engaging me for recruiting many years ago, as did current CEO JAY SNOWDEN. I’m not offended. Since PENN is not a client, I have been recruiting their executives away for years. Now I have PENN resumes dropping out of the clouds. The bad news? January was dreadful for casinos nationwide. February numbers are no better.


  • The Truth About the American Economy and Hiring – This was sent to me by a close friend that is an expert on the economy. You like how I do that? Only hang out with people FAR smarter than me! I don’t care about politics, only the truth about our job market given I own an executive recruiting company. The government and media narrative, “Healthy and robust economy adds 353,000 jobs in January!” Not true. This is from ADP, a far more credible source, “Private employers added 107,000 jobs in January. The hiring slowdown of 2023 spilled into January, and pressure on wages continues to ease. The pay premium for job-switchers shrank to a new low last month.” Let me translate that for you. New jobs fell way below expectation, wages dropped, and senior level executive job searchers can’t find new career opportunities. Interesting – that is exactly what I’m seeing.

Kansas City Chiefs Win Epic Battle in Las Vegas Super Bowl – There is so much to unpack here, the Super Bowl gets its own section.


  • Attendance – The Las Vegas media machine stated 500,000 fans were coming to town. Maybe, but let’s consider the facts. Allegiant Stadium holds 65,000. Official attendance was 61,000 - the game did not sell out. There were only 118,000 departing on Monday. So 400,000 are hanging around? Nope!


  • Room Rates – Prices were so high $500,000 credit line players could not get a free lift to the airport.


  • Ticket Prices - Good seats to the game were $50,000 each, $100,000 for a pair. Let's see, do I want to spend three hours at a football game...or buy a new car? Went with the car. Bahahahahaha!


  • Private Jets – According to an informed source, the media hype around “sold out private jet space” was just that – hype.


  • Betting the Game - In the end, Billy Walters (the world's greatest gambler) was right: Best quarterback wins, and Patrick Mahomes is the best in the NFL. The line was San Francisco by two points. Billy said Kansas City should be favored by 2.5. He...was correct.


DAN REAL, longtime Regional President with Caesars Entertainment…retired. Dan spent 28 years with Caesars, which is 186 dog years. An incredible run! He is 100% the reason for Caesar’s success in New Orleans. We wish him the very best with his family time and travels!

BOB FINCH, former COO of Station Casinos…retired. Bob spent 40 year with Station Casinos as VP, SVP and eventually COO the last five years. As Tina Turner once said, “Simply the best!”


KORD NICHOLS was promoted to Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Station Casinos. Kord joined Stations in 2008, and was most recently SVP, Operations the last five years. A straight shooter. Honest as the day is long. Well deserved!


MARK TRICANO is SVP, Operations at Station Casinos. Sometimes you can go home! Mark was the GM at Red Rock Resort from 2012 to 2015. After spending several years as SVP, Operations for JACK Entertainment in Ohio, I placed Mark as SVP at Galaxy Entertainment in Macau. He reappeared on the Las Vegas scene last year as President of Fontainebleau Las Vegas. One of four Presidents in the last seven months. Great casino operator; incredible human being. Congratulations Mark!


GRANT CHUM was promoted to CEO and President at Sands China. Additionally, DAVE SUN MINQUI is EVP/CFO, DYLAN WILLIAMS is EVP, General Counsel and Company Secretary at Sands China.

TIM PERKINS is CEO at Muckleshoot Casino Resort.

ALIDAD TASH is EVP, Analytics & Gaming Operations at Melco Entertainment. 

MARY SMITH was promoted to COO at Four Winds Casino.


ERIC BARBARO is GM at the Chicken Ranch Casino.


WENDY CARTER was promoted to CEO at Silver Reef Casino Resort.

And MORE...

RUSTY CURTIS was promoted to Corporate Senior Director, Facilities at Churchill Downs. Godfather placement. Congratulations Rusty!

TORY TSAKIRIS is Director, Human Resources at Snoqualmie Casino.

BRIAN PIKE was promoted to VP, Game Development at Everi.

ANDREW SANDBERG is Corporate Director, Casino Marketing at Delaware North.

DENNIS AMOS is VP, Financial Planning and Analysis at Affinity Gaming.

BLAKE KATSNELSON was promoted to Assistant COO at Gila River Hotels & Casinos.

MILES TULLY JR. is VP, Hospitality at Harrah's New Orleans for Caesars Entertainment.

RYAN MCCABE is VP, Hotel Operations at Horseshoe, Paris, & Planet Hollywood for Caesars Entertainment.

JOHN STANHOPE is Director of Engineering - Gold Fish Casino at SciPlay.

JAMES BROADWAY was promoted to VP, Food And Beverage at Hollywood Casino at The Meadows for PENN Entertainment.

JOE BARRIENTOZ is Senior Director, Gaming Operations at Choctaw Casinos & Resorts.

WADE WEST is VP, Marketing at Peninsula Pacific Entertainment New Hampshire Group.

VILDAN BURIC is Director, Beverage at Resorts World Las Vegas.

SHAWN DRUMMOND was promoted to Director, Finance at Hollywood Gaming Mahoning Valley Race Course & Hollywood Casino Toledo for PENN Entertainment.

JOSHUA GLAZER is VP, Procurement Services at San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.

MAX GILLETTE was promoted to Director, Player Development at Morongo Casino Resort & Spa.


American’s Oldest Living Person Turns 116


Global Gaming Women Announces New Board Members


Global Gaming Business Podcast: Deron Hunsberger, President – North America, Ainsworth Gaming Technology


GGB Podcast: Dean Ehrlich, EVP, Everi

In Memoriam

JOHN ENGLISH, Gaming Innovator and Entrepreneur. This one is heartbreaking. John was one of the most admired and respected gaming executives in the industry. Met John in 2010 when he was running Leroy’s Sportsbook and American Wagering. Those companies combined with Brandywine to become William Hill US, which is now Caesars Digital. He was also involved with numerous companies: Las Vegas Gaming, Players Network, and Global Market Advisors. RIP my brother.

Toby Keith, Country Singer, 62.

Carl Weather, “Rocky” Actor, 76.

The Godfather Speaks


CDC Gaming Show Interview – Thank you to Casey Gonzales for the opportunity to discuss the current job market and career strategies for those in transition. Best career advice…ever…in the last 60 seconds of the interview.

Let’s Go Barbie! – The premise seemed kind of silly, however with a 15-hour flight to the Philippines, I decided to give “Barbie, The Movie” a try. It was actually…very good. People take different lessons away from the movie. Some say it’s about gender stereotypes. Others believe the message is, “Don’t ever give up!” My take was that we should never judge an individual based on gender, ethnicity, religion, skin color or sexual preference. The movie is about “meritocracy.” As an Executive Recruiter, I focus on three things: Education, experience, and character. The end.

Sobriety: Year 8 – Not here to judge you or take anyone’s inventory. Getting sober was the right choice for me. It makes me a better version of myself. If you think you might have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, help is available ( As Keith Richards famously said, “I’m happy to be here. Actually, I’m pretty happy to be anywhere.”

5 Things To Check on Your LinkedIn Profile NOW! - America has a new Pandemic titled, "I Don't Give a Sh*t Unless it Happens to Me Personally." The party is over my comes the hangover. Layoffs started the tail end of 2023 and are escalating in 2024. This is far from over. For those that believe they are indispensable, I offer you this: If you die today, they will replace you on Monday. When it comes to your LinkedIn profile, here are a few of my tips:

  • Be Prepared - Keep your resume updated, your professional network fresh, and maintain 12 months of cash in the bank to cover living expenses. Confirm that your professional history on LinkedIn is accurate. Companies, titles, tenures.

  • Email Address - Make sure your contact information is accurate, especially your email address. Use your personal email address, NOT your work email address. If you utilize your work email and get laid off, no one will be able to contact you about career opportunities.

  • Profile Photo - Professional headshots only please. I know you love your children and your dog. That works great for Facebook and Instagram, however if you are seeking a new career opportunity...keep it professional. Clear, crisp, clean, recent photo.

  • Profile - Use your real name. Most Recruiters won't contact "Joe S." or "Sally A." Candidates claim privacy, however in many cases the anonymity is an attempt to hide criminal records, lawsuits and bad divorces. Your profile description should be two to three sentences. No flowery language about how you are the best thing since sliced bread. Save that for Mom. Two or three sentences on your skill set, nothing more.

  • No Politics - Executive Recruiters don't care about your identity politics. Don't care if you are black, brown, white or a green Martian. Don't care if you are Catholic, Evangelical, Tao or Buddhist. Don't care about your sexual preference. Recruiters get paid to source the best candidate based on education, experience and character. Period. Ranting about your politics may soothe your ego but Recruiters will drop you like a hot rock.

Don’t Interview Unless You are Committed to Relocation – This was a huge issue during the Pandemic: Candidates that interview for weeks, then decide at the last minute they don’t want to relocate. Typically, code for, “I took a counteroffer from my current employer.” By the way, my completely unscientific survey shows that 90% of those taking a counteroffer are terminated over the next six to 12 months. They keep you around just long enough to replace you. If a job requires relocation, make sure you are 100% committed to relocation prior to investing your time, the company’s time and the executive recruiter’s time. Discuss with your spouse. Talk to the family. We were preparing an offer for a candidate recently, and he reneged on relocating at the last minute. Over the course of several weeks, I asked him multiple times, “You are 100% committed to relocating, correct?” He assured me over and over that he was. Then he reneges at the eleventh hour. That leaves hard feelings all around…and gets you added to The Godfather’s No Fly List.

Rude Conversation Habits to Stop ASAP – I learned my lesson on, “Don’t be brutally honest.” Placed a CEO, and after he made a terrible hiring decision, I said, “You don’t have to give me your executive searches, however you are always welcome to run the names of candidates by me.” That was the last time I talked to him. The person he hired was someone I previously placed that ended up being a train wreck. I thought I was helping; he saw it as me telling him how to run his business. Two other lessons here. First, I get the guy a life changing CEO job…and he forgets my name. An attitude of gratitude gets you much further in life. Second, don’t read your press clippings and get too big for your britches. Always remember who brought you to the party.

American Crisis: Breakdown of the Family Unit – Crime has reached unprecedented levels in this country. Some blame it on a broken criminal justice system that puts violent offenders back on the streets. Others say it’s a broken economy and historic inflation. I have my own take: Lack of a stable family structure. The root of the problem is absent fathers. This creates a vicious cycle of abandonment. It leaves the single mothers working two jobs to support the children, or the alternative: Going on social programs. The absence of a paternal authority figures turns out young men that have no respect for the law. Single mothers don’t have the time to both support and discipline their children. One survey shows that girls whose fathers left them before the age of five are seven to eight times more likely to become pregnant as adolescents. When it comes to crime, maybe we are looking in all the wrong places.

Your Opinion is NOT Required – Comedian Aziz Ansari does a bit about a pizza that looks like a Nazi swastika. He asks the audience, “How many people think it's a swastika?” Hundreds applaud. How many think, “It's just a pizza?” Hundreds more applaud. Aziz blurts out, “YOU are the problem in America! There is no swastika. There is no pizza. But you just have to insert your opinion because it is SO important!” The divisiveness in America is motivated by a huge misperception: That someone gives a fat rat's ass what you think. They do not. Most people care about exactly one thing – themselves. Most people are self-focused on what’s important to THEM…not you. Not you, not your politics, not your ideology. Before you start ranting on social media, consider that your boss, employer, and peers can see your diatribe. We call it a CLM (career limiting move). Go live your life and quit worrying about what other people think and do.

The Two Golden Rules of Executive Recruiting – Given the perfect storm of a Recession, Pandemic and financial collapse, it’s the perfect time to review the two golden rules of executive recruiting. There is an Executive Recruiter on every corner, and with the market dramatically shifting from sellers (candidates) to buyers (hiring companies), most recruiters won’t return your call. I lived through 2008 and 2019, and here are a few of my suggestions for navigating these treacherous times.


  • Golden Rule #1: Executive Recruiters get people for jobs…NOT jobs for people. First, understand how the executive recruiting model works. As the Owner of an executive recruiting firm, I don’t get a salary, bonus, stock options, vacations, PTO or paid health insurance. If I don’t get people placed…I don’t eat. Executive Recruiters are not career coaches or resume writers. They are laser focused on their open jobs because that is what they get paid to do. Second, understand that is you have a laundry list of requirements you will have a limited set of career opportunities. “I want to work remote.” “Can’t relocate from Pocatello, Idaho.” “Looking for a 50% salary increase.” Third, understand none of this is about you or personal. If the Executive Recruiter has a job that is a strong match for your background, they will help you. If not, time for you to move on. Your career search is 100% your responsibility.


  • Golden Rule #2: The wrong time to meet an Executive Recruiter is when you are unemployed. The best time to find a new job is when you are gainfully employed. The second best time is the first week you are laid off. Once you get to six months of unemployment the interviews dry up. Keep in mind that 85% of jobs come from your professional network and 10% from Executive Recruiters. Have you kept in touch with your peers, or do you only call to ask for a favor when you are unemployed? Do you have relationships with one or two Executive Recruiter, or do you start furiously cold calling them when you are laid off? Stay in touch with your peers. If you don’t know a solid Executive Recruiter, ask your peers for a referral.

The Godfather on “Moral Compass” – Let’s face it, not everybody plays fair. I have to compete against Executive Recruiters that send their clients on Caribbean cruises and to the PGA Masters. They buy clients $1,000 dinners and $500 rounds of golf. They take their clients to alcohol infused all-nighters at nightclubs and strip clubs. The most you are getting from The Godfather is a book, a cigar or an invite to my next client mixer. I don’t believe in bribes or quid pro quo. So to every sales executive that had to compete on an uneven playing field…take the road less traveled. Without integrity, nothing else matters.


The Monkeys and the Rainstorm: 3 Strategies for Riding Out the Storm –Always take a long-term career view, value relationships and plan for a rainy day.


The Good Samaritan: Carefully Consider Your Legacy – Most of us are familiar with this parable from the Bible. Which one are you?

Never, Ever Quit! - Of all the lessons my Dad taught me, this was the most valuable: Never, ever quit.


On the Bookshelf 

F*ck No!: How to Stop Saying Yes When You Can't, You Shouldn't, or You Just Don't Want To (Sarah Knight) – Add to your “must read” list for 2024. How to stop spending time you don’t have…doing things you don’t want…with people you don’t like. Set boundaries. This is your trinity: Time, Energy, Money. Learn how to say, “No thank you.” No, I don’t want to join your Lord of the Rings Book Club. No, I don’t want to connect to you on LinkedIn so you can ask me for a job or my CEO client list. No, I don’t want to donate to your Save the Naked Clowns charity. Here is a great example. Hosted a party for 15 CIOs at Hollywood Park many years ago. Of the 15, only eight showed up. The next day three of the "no show, no calls" sent me resumes and asked for $500,000 jobs. Let me think about it. F*ck no! And if someone is offended because you won’t join their Polynesian Basket Weaving Class on Friday nights at 10:00 PM, I’ll leave you with best advice ever uttered at an A.A. meeting, “I stopped drinking the day I realized I don’t give a rat’s fat ass what you think or say about me.”

Half Time: Moving from Success to Significance (Bob Buford) – Some of you may be wondering about the charity aspect of my business. When we sold SRD (counter-terrorism software company funded by the CIA) to IBM in 2004, I took an early retirement. A friend gave me this book that described living a life of service. Be a giver, not a taker. Two weeks later a CEO engaged me to find some talent. He said, “You are on the Board of Make-A-Wish. If you don’t need the money, donate it to charity.” Eighteen years later we are still doing it!

The Algebra of Happiness (Scott Galloway) – What's the formula for a life well lived? How can you have a meaningful career, not just a lucrative one? What are the elements of a successful relationship? One of my new favorites.


Rich Dad, Poor Dad What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! (Robert Kiyosaki) – The number one personal finance book of all time. My Dad taught me two lessons on finance. First, spend less than you make. Second, if you can’t pay cash…you can’t have one.

Principles for Dealing with the New World Order (Recommended Reading) – Concerned about current events in the United States? You are not the Lone Ranger. Ray Dalio’s book outlines the life cycle of nations and will help you understand where America is headed. Eye opening!

Required Reading

The Number One Resume Mistake According to an ex-Amazon Recruiter – Stick to the facts. Don’t head down the path of, “I’m the greatest thing since sliced bread!” It’s one thing for other people to sing your praises but something completely different when you are talking about yourself.

Simple Job Interview Trick Can Help You Get Hired on the Spot – Being engaged certainly helps. Here is something I recommend to my candidates. As the interview winds down, if you liked what you heard, tell the interviewer, “Based on our conversation I believe this would be a great fit and would be honored to join your team.” Ask for the job!

Former Google Recruiter Shares Shocking Job Interview Mistakes – I would move number three up to number one: Asking for an outrageous salary. It’s the most common reason Executive Recruiters drop candidates. People are still seeking 40% salary increases…and to work from home. We’ll be rooting for you!


Salary Negotiation Trick from ex-Goldman Sachs Recruiter – Here is my salary negotiation trick: Always understand the compensation range before investing your valuable time in the interviews.


I Quit My Job at 32 to Travel the World: My 4 Biggest Regrets – How is that retirement going for you? Oh, that’s right, you don’t get to retire. Always consider the tradeoff between short-term pleasure and long-term satisfaction. Millions of Americans are getting that lesson right about now.


28-Year-Old with $500,000 Net Worth Shares Money Habits – If you can’t pay cash…you can’t have one.


CEO and Mom: I’m the First millionaire in My Family; 3 Things I’m Frugal About – The best tip ever: TIME. We can get more of everything in life…except time. The number one fear of executives in America is not public speaking, it’s having their time wasted. Learn how to say, “Not thank you.”


The Definitive Guide to Tipping Around the World – I’m a George (big tipper)! Have to make up for all the knuckleheads that don’t leave a tip. Tips speak louder than words.


What is an “Irish Exit” and is it Rude? – One of my favorite strategies: Arrive early, leave early.


18 Biggest Retirement Mistakes People Make – Several solid tips here. I’ll give you mine: Don’t blow through your saving and draw down your 401K to party and travel the world. Long-term security trumps instant gratification.


The World’s Most Terrifying Ocean Crossing – The Drake Passage from Argentina to Antarctica. We did it and survived.


Property Taxes by State – Nevada ranks #4…in a good way. Cost of living should be a major consideration when changing jobs.


This Photographer Has Visited 27 of the 63 National Parks


11 Suitcase Packing Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Vacation

Gaming Headlines

U.S. Casinos Won $66.5B in 2023, Best Year Ever - Go stand in the middle of Mandalay Bay. Now tell me, was this casino built on winners...or losers?

Las Vegas Casinos Win Record $1.43B in December – Highest win on record, and 2023 was the highest year on record. You know what we tell guys with a system? Welcome back!

MGM China Reports Net Revenue up 35% - They are definitely doing something right.

Nevada Sportsbooks Handle a Record $185MM in Bets – Unfortunately, it’s at a 3% margin. I had the Chiefs money line. Yessss!

DraftKings Revenue up 44%, Overshadowed by Jackpot Acquisition – More like overshadowed by an $802MM loss in 2023.

Bally's Corporation Reports Another Loss, Misses on Revenue - I called this two years ago. This was a $70 stock, and I'm thinking it's worth $10. is now. I think this is the first to go when things fall apart.

Caesars Entertainment Misses, Faces Headwinds

Heavy Snow, Frigid Temperatures Chill Indiana Casino Revenue

Louisiana Gaming Revenue down 15.5% Year Over Year

Wynn Posts Record Quarter

Red Rock Resorts Reports Historic Q4, Full Year 2023 Financial Results

Boyd Gaming Reports Mixed Results Amid Record Revenues and Impairment Charges

Maryland Casino See Major Decline in January – It’s not just Maryland.

What’s Happening at Fontainebleau Las Vegas?

Talent War: ESPN vs. Gambling Companies

Casino Showdown Averted in Tallahassee After Miami Billionaires Oppose

To Whom Much is Given...Much is Required

For 20 years my business model remains the same: Place top notch executives and donate a portion of the revenues to a dozen local and national charities. Here are a few of my favorites.

Make-A-Wish – Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. MAW seeks to bring “wishes” to life because every child deserves a childhood.

Noah’s Animal House – Founded by our friend Staci Alonso and run by Marlene Richter, Noah's is a full-service pet facility located on the grounds of The Shade Tree Women’s Shelter.

Adam’s Place – Run by our friend Kelly Boyers, Adam’s Place supports children and families experiencing loss. Mostly children that lost a parent or a sibling.

Catholic Charities – Run by our friend Deacon Tom Roberts, the mission of Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada is to serve those in need; the most vulnerable, regardless of race, religion or creed.

Heaven Can Wait – Dedicated to improving quality of life for dogs and cats through spay/neuter services, quality veterinary care, community outreach and animal advocacy.

Funny Farm – Funny Farm is home to over 600 rescue animals from all walks of life, everything from a friendly skunk to a 2500 lb. Red Angus Steer. The animals roam free.

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) - The ASPCA has been at the forefront of animal rescue and protection since 1866. For more than 150 years, we have been the leading voice in animal welfare, bringing the critical protection of animals to the forefront of society.

Nevada SPCANevada SPCA is a “no kill” shelter that takes in 2,000 dogs, cats, rabbits, and other small pets annually. Our goal is to place them into loving homes where they can thrive, provide companionship, and maintain rewarding relationships with their human family.

St. Jude’s Ranch for Children – St. Jude’s mission is rescuing abused, abandoned and neglected children and providing a safe, nurturing and therapeutic home.

Gigi’s Playhouse – Charity focused on supporting individuals with Down Syndrome.

Olive Crest – Focused on child welfare and foster children, helping kids, teens and families to build a brighter future.

Central Christian Church – A place where it’s OK…to not be OK. Love the work Pastor Jud Wilhite and his team perform for the Las Vegas community.

Career Opportunities

All positions are CONFIDENTIAL; however I would be happy to discuss details with qualified candidates. If you know of someone that would have interest, kindly point them my way. Help out a friend, because one day…that friend may be you. Any and all referrals gratefully accepted!

Chief Financial Officer - CFO ($400,000, Midwest) – Gaming supplier. MUST have SEC experience. Prefer Private Equity exposure.

Chief Financial Officer - CFO (to $400,000, Las Vegas or Remote) – MUST have corporate level experience with a major casino operator.

General Manager – Casino ($300,000, Northeast) – Extensive table games and property opening experience.

Chief Financial Officer - CFO (to $320,000, Las Vegas) – Casino.

Chief Financial Officer ($225,000, West) – Tribal.

Chief Financial Officer ($210,000, Las Vegas) – Non-profit.

Director, Government Affairs ($200,000, Remote) – Gaming supplier. Focus on opening new jurisdictions.

Controller (to $200,000, Las Vegas) – Gaming supplier.

VP, Accounting ($200,000, Las Vegas) – Casino.

Software Engineers (to $200,000, Midwest) – Gaming supplier.

Game Designers (to $200,000, Midwest) – Gaming supplier.

Director, Operations – Food & Beverage (to $175,000, Las Vegas) – Overseeing four venues.

Director, Internal Audit (to $175,000, Asia) – Casino

Director, Finance (to $150,000, West) – Casino.

Director, Finance (to $150,000, Midwest) – Casino.

Director, Marketing (to $150,000, Midwest) – Casino.

Artists (to $125,000, Midwest) – Gaming supplier.

Account Executive ($100,000 Base and $160,000 on Quota, Nationwide) – Gaming supplier. Have several of these for three different companies.

Humor, Wisdom and Inspiration


Sometimes I feel so sick at the state of the world I can’t even finish my second apple pie.


October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.

Mark Twain

Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’t you say so? There’s a support group for that. It’s called everybody, and they meet at the bar.

Drew Carey

People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.


Folks, I don’t trust children. They’re here to replace us.

Stephen Colbert

Dance like no one is watching, bad idea. Live based on the assumption that you are always being watched and people are looking for content for their Tiktok pages.

Self-Help Singh


There is more to life than increasing its speed.

Mahatma Gandhi


He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.

Lao Tsu

The greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they're loved and capable of loving.

Fred "Mister" Rogers

You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.

Dr. Seuss

No man can become rich without himself enriching others.

Andrew Carnegie

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

C.S. Lewis


No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve both God and money.

Matthew 6:24

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

Luke 12:25

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4:6

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Matthew 6:19

Photo Opp!

Nick Khin (COO, IGT), Buddy Frank, The Godfather, Dave Lucchese (EVP Sales and Marketing, Everi) - EKG Slot Awards

Delilah's at Wynn - Wow! Pretty spectacular. Even ran into Wynn COO Brian Gullbrants and EVP Max Tappeiner on the way. Photo: John and Natalie Connelly, Mark and Anne Wayman.

Bob Finch is My Idol! - Great to catch up with Bob at Red Rock Resort this week. An amazing 40 year run but now it's time for the most important titles in life: Parent and Grandparent. One of the greatest Casino Operators of our generation!

Geoff Andres (President, City of Dreams Manila) - Nobu

Gianpietro "GP" Iseppi (SVP, Resort Operations, Solaire)

Baccarat Room and Bar at Solaire

Steve Sasso (Director, Hotel Operations, City of Dreams Manila) - Another successful Godfather placement!

Russell Smith (Director, Internal Audit & Internal Control Compliance, City of Dreams Manila) - Another successful Godfather placement!

Jared Morris (SVP, Casino Marketing, Solaire)

Kevin Winters (Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Newport World Resorts) - Manila

Chef Choo and Penny Parayo - Crystal Dragon at COD Manila

Angel Sueiro (COO, PH Resorts) - Manila

Las Vegas City Councilwoman (and Mayor candidate) Victoria Seaman and Clark County Commissioner candidate April Becker - Red Rock Resort Super Bowl Party

Jason Stump (CIO, Wynn Al Marjan Island)

For Tickets, Click HERE - For Sponsorships, Contact Me Directly

Elvis Tribute Show - VERY Good!

Kansas City Chiefs Win Super Bowl! - One for the ages. In the end, Billy Walters (the world's greatest gambler) was correct: Best quarterback wins, and Patrick Mahomes is the best in the NFL. The line was San Francisco by two points. Billy said Kansas City should be favored by 2.5. He...was correct.

Candidate: I got laid off and need a job.

Me: You opted out of my newsletter, so I won't be the right person to represent you. Good news - there is a Recruiter on every corner! Always remember this: Relationships trump transactions.

Vote for Pedro!

Client: You need to discount your prices because the other 11 Recruiters agreed to 20%.

Me: The Godfather does not participate in the Recruiter Rodeo. And I love Costco! I have a business membership at Costco. This is not's Nordstroms. By the way, when YOU need a job, call that discount recruiter and report back to me how that goes.

Relationships, Respect, Reciprocity - The three Rs of business and careers.

If you get laid off, you will quickly find out who your five best friends are. They are the ones that call you back.

If you only call your peers to ask for favors, no one will return your call. Relationships trump transactions.

No one is indispensable. If you die today, they will replace you Monday.