The Good Book Club | Week of February 7—February 13

We begin this week with a secret plot to kill Jesus and end with his brutal crucifixion. In between, we have Judas’s betrayal, Peter’s denial, and the arrest and trial of Jesus. It could seem like it would be hard to find good news in these passages. Yet, in the midst of these dark days, Jesus introduces the eucharist during the Last Supper, a sacrament that we hold high and holy today. Further, Jesus acknowledges that he is the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One. And that is very good news, indeed.

We will spend most of the week reading chapter 14, the longest in the Gospel of Mark. Just a few days earlier, Jesus entered Jerusalem to fanfare, with crowds waving palm fronds and shouting Hosanna. But public opinion can turn on a dime. As we begin reading, it is two days before the Passover, a major holiday that recalls the Hebrews’ liberation from slavery and how God “passed over” the houses of the Israelites during the last of the plagues.

While Jesus is at a table with his friends, a woman comes with a jar of nard, an expensive perfume. Valued at about 300 denarii, the nard the woman pours on Jesus’s head is worth about a year’s salary. Understandably, some were upset, seeing the action as wasteful. But Jesus rebukes the criticism: the woman has shown a great kindness, offering her best to Jesus.

After this grand offering of the unnamed woman, we see the pending betrayal by Judas. Matthew’s Gospel recounts that Judas is paid 30 pieces of silver for his stunning betrayal—an amount equal to about five weeks’ salary, far less than the value of the ointment offered by the woman.

Jesus gathers for dinner with his disciples on the first night of the Passover. This is traditionally the time when the Pascal lamb is sacrificed, a fitting symbol of Jesus as the Lamb of God and his coming sacrifice on the cross for all of humankind. As they are eating, Jesus initiates the first eucharist. In the centuries since, Christians have celebrated the eucharist, breaking bread and sharing the cup of wine as the body and blood of Jesus, taken in remembrance of him.

With Mark’s rapid storytelling style, we don’t linger long in the upper room. Jesus and the disciples walk to the Mount of Olives, where Jesus foretells that they too will betray him with their denials, even earnest Peter. Then the group travels to the nearby gardens of Gethsemane, and Jesus prays. While at first, he appears to ask God to “remove this cup from me,” Jesus ultimately surrenders completely to the will of God, praying, “not what I want, but what you want.” Meanwhile, Judas arrives with a crowd to arrest Jesus, and they take him before the religious leaders for questioning. By this time, the crowd who welcomed Jesus earlier in the week has turned, giving false testimony. But even so, their testimony does not agree, and the leaders don’t have enough evidence to follow through on the plan to execute Jesus. That is until Jesus provides what they consider the key testimony. They ask, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” When Jesus says, “I am,” they cry, “Why do we still need witnesses? You have heard his blasphemy!” And “all of them condemned him as deserving of death.”

Meanwhile, Peter has been watching the scene unfold from afar. When he is approached by a servant-girl who asks if he was with Jesus of Nazareth, Peter denies it. She levels the accusation again, and then bystanders ask as well. At the third time, the cock crows, and Peter, knowing he has failed Jesus with his denials, breaks down and weeps.

The next morning, Pilate questions Jesus, asking him, “Are you the King of the Jews” Jesus replies simply, “You say so.” Despite more accusations and questions, Jesus makes no further reply. After the crowd cries for the release of Barabbas, a murderer, instead of amnesty for Jesus, soldiers led the messiah to Golgotha, which means the place of the skull. On the way, they mock him, twisting a crown of thorns into his head, striking him with a reed, and spitting upon him. The charge against him reads, “The King of the Jews,” and all who pass by deride Jesus, clucking that if he were truly the Son of Man, he would save himself. We end the week with the death of Jesus, the light of the world extinguished, the church without a future.

Before we move to the coming days, let us sit with Jesus’s death, mourning with Mary and the others, feeling their fear and bewilderment, the anger and the agony.  

1. Look up the word “anoint.” How do the definitions apply to the story of the woman anointing Jesus with the costly ointment of nard? Now research the word “messiah,” which translates to anointed one. What role does the unnamed woman play in our understanding of Jesus as the Anointed One?

2. Judas’s betrayal of Jesus has no match in history. But in our sinful nature, each of us betrays Jesus in small and large ways, by what we have done and by what we have left undone. When have you betrayed Jesus? How might you change your words and actions as people of the Way?

3. Reread Mark 14:22-25 and then look at the eucharistic service in The Book of Common Prayer, starting on page 361. What are the similarities? What are the differences? Reflect on the meaning of the sacrament of eucharist in your life and in the history of the church.

4. As you read the scriptures this week, imagine yourself in the different roles: the crowd, Peter, Judas, the woman who anoints Jesus, Pilate, the guards, Simon of Cyrene, etc. Who do you most relate to? How do you think you might have responded in those roles? What is your place in the Passion story today?

5. Imagine that Jesus’s story ends with his death. How would that change Christianity? How would it change your life personally?
Partner Spotlight

Forma, a network for Christian formation, offers one verse from the Gospel of Mark each day, via social media, that is meant to encourage reading, sharing, and growing. These scriptures correspond with the daily selections and are posted on Forma’s InstagramFacebook, and Twitter accounts. Visit and comment—or share on your own page!
Participant Spotlight

Amy Fraga of Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, writes: “I am listening to the podcast for the Good Book Club. It’s perfect because I can listen while in the car, making dinner, cleaning the house, and various other things. Thanks for sharing!”

And Carol Balkcom tells us, “I love these emails. I need to get closer to Jesus. Please keep me on this list.”

We will! Feel free to forward this email or invite others to subscribe. And keep sharing your stories with us (and send pictures too, if you have them, whether it’s a screenshot of a Zoom meeting or a picture of you with your Bible in a comfy chair!). We’ll highlight participants from across the church. Send the information to Richelle at [email protected].

Let’s learn from and be inspired by each other.
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Want to hear the passage from Mark? The Good Book Club Podcast features speakers from across the church reading each day’s lesson from Mark and a reflection from A Journey with Mark. You can also ask Alexa (or another virtual assistant) to play the podcast.
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