What's Happening at COK

November 2023

Our thanks go to everyone who took part in Gospel - Youth Sunday

The Youth, the Musicians, the Parents, the Sunday School teachers, the Staff, and the Tech Crew. You made this event a wonderful and memorable experience. We couldn't have done it without ALL of you.

To View the Recording of Gospel - Youth Sunday click here 

We appreciate the generosity and kindness of the shoppers at Redner's Fresh Market in Hickory, who donated food items worth more than $2500 for our Giving Boxes. Our 15 COK members did a wonderful job of welcoming them, giving them a list of foods to buy, and expressing our gratitude. Thank you for making this food drive a success.

It was a wonderful evening at the chili supper on Sunday night. We enjoyed the company of Rev. Tanya Ward and two other members from Grace PC. We also welcomed Clarence Alston, Doris Wilson and others from Knox PC. We gathered in the Genesis Room with 46 people in total. As Rev. Wade said, "We are family". And we truly felt that way by the end of the night.

We had a great turnout for this year’s Trunk or Treat.

Thanks to everyone who helped organize, decorated trunks, and donated candy.

Mission Spotlight

Reprinted from HFHAPPENINGS

Harford County is a relatively safe and prosperous place to live for many; but lack of affordable housing, the inability to make a living wage, and the varied, personal reasons someone may experience homelessness makes this issue ever present in our community. In fact, we have helped transform the lives of over five thousand people in the span of 34 years, helped break the cycle of poverty for many, yet the issue of homelessness persists in our community.


But it’s bigger than us and the people we serve. Homelessness is one of the most consequential social issues that can affect a community, with economic, safety, and public health implications wherever homelessness is present. That's why this year’s theme is “It’s Bigger Than Us – Investing in the Future of Our Community.”

Here is our Calendar of Events for the month. Please click each one for more details!

Through NovemberHomelessness Awareness Month Art Contest

Through November: Host a Donation Drive for Harford Family House

Through November: Visit Coffee Coffee Bel Air

November 1: Basta Pasta Fundraiser

November 2: Enotria Fundraiser

November 3: HFH Open House

November 8: MaGerk's Fundraiser

November 14: Sweet Greek Grill Fundraiser

November 15: Wear Purple for Homelessness Awareness

November 15: Mucho Gusto Fundraiser

November 28: All-American Steakhouse Fundraiser

We appreciate your ongoing support for our coat drive. You can still donate Winter items that are new or in good condition until Friday, November 3. Your kindness will make a difference for many people in need.

For Questions? Contact Bonnie Ballard at 410-420-8373.

Creative Crafters is returning to COK!

November 11, 9 am - 12 pm

Genesis Room

Whether you knit, crochet, sew, make jewelry, or scrapbook, you’ll find a welcoming space to share your skills and learn from others. Bring a project already in progress or start something new. Don’t have a project? There will be Christmas card ideas to work on. We will also discuss our plans for the future, maybe a craft closet with scrapbooking supplies? A yarn exchange for knitters and crocheters? Don’t miss this opportunity to craft and enjoy the fellowship of your fellow crafters.

For more information, contact Sarah Goodrich or Carol Mueller

How can you help?

There are many different ways you can get involved:

- Prep Day, Tuesday, November 14: We need people to tape boxes and get them ready for packing. We also need people to unload the food truck and set up the assembly line.

  • 10 am -12 pm to tape boxes 
  • 1 pm - 3 pm to unload food truck and place food on the assembly line.

- Packing Day, Saturday, November 18: We need people to work at the registration table, the refreshments, and behind the assembly line, and of course, to fill boxes.

- Distribution Day, Monday, November 20: We need people to distribute the boxes.

If you are interested in any of these jobs, please stop by the Missions Table to sign up.

To Fill Giving boxes on Packing Day Saturday, November 18

We are registering volunteers of all ages to fill the boxes through Sign Up Genius. (You do not need to create an account)


Please review the available slots on Sign Up Genius and sign up for each shift you would like to work. Please note that if you bring more than yourself, enter the number of people in your group in the Quantity box. 

For questions, email givingboxes@christourking.net or contact Cheryl Tyler at 410-838-7014

For more information about the Giving Boxes, visit our website at christourking.net

Thank you for supporting the Giving Boxes.

The Giving Box Committee

Being Matthew 25

Matthew 25:31–46 calls all of us to become fearless disciples

and actively engage in our community and the world.

One way we serve God at Christ Our King is by partnering with the Christianville Ministry in Haiti. We also ask you to keep them in your prayers as they share the gospel and love of Christ with the students.

New School Year 2023-2024

Our last school year continued through July of this year due to delays throughout the school year because of insecurity in the country. After a short summer break, we opened again 10/2/23! We have a lot of obstacles ahead of us this year with the exorbitant costs of operating in Haiti these days and pray God provides for our needs so we can keep our doors open and serving the kids in our communities!

Click here to view video

Adult Learning Sparks Hope

Over the summer, the CVET program was reimagined by our team and restarted with a spirit of volunteerism. Community members were expressing their desire for learning opportunities, yet our organization didn't have funding for this additional programming. But some employees and teachers raised their hands to offer their services for free along with their limited personal finances for supplies until support for the program was available. Today, classes are filled to the brim, and requests to enroll exceed capacity. Students are excited for the opportunity to learn new skills, socialize with peers and have hope for the future!

Computer class students preparing for their first exam...

Exam day! 22 of 23 passed the first test!

Reprinted from Christianville Newsletter

To learn more about Christianville visit www.christianvillehaiti.com

Thank You!!!

THANK YOU! Your support and Participation made it possible for us to raise $12,500 for Chesapeake Cancer Alliance to support Cancer patient services at Cancer LifeNet at Upper Chesapeake Hospital. We are beyond grateful for everyone’s support.

The Dail Family

Worship Online Sundays at 10 am

Click here to Worship with us on Facebook

An alternative platform to Worship Online


No account or log in required 

Recording of Worship Services

If you have any prayer requests or would like to join the email Prayer Chain, please send an email to prayercok@christourking.net.

The Echo Prayer App is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Click to download the app www.echoprayer.com/

Good News 1.png

Have Good News to Share?

Email coktech@christourking.net

To fill out our updated Communications Information Request Form

Upcoming Events

The Book of Daniel

Wednesdays at 7:00pm Genesis Room and Zoom

To Join on Zoom

Meeting ID: 836 5064 5604

Passcode: 436820

Charity Quilt Sew-In

9:30 am

Daylight Saving Time Ends

2 am

Parish Life Ministry Meeting

6 pm

Interested in volunteering email



10 am Genesis Room

This month they will be meeting at Christ Our King

Finance Ministry Meeting

7 pm Genesis Room

For more information email finance@christourking.net

Susquehanna Parish Ministry Group invites you to Teen Night!

Highland Presbyterian Church

701 Highland Rd, Street, MD 21154

7 pm - 9 pm 

Come hang out at Highland Presbyterian Church and play some fun games! Feel free to bring a game if there's one you want to play, but we'll have plenty of options to choose from as well. Bring your friends and join us for cards, checkers, Connect 4, Yahtzee, and other fun board games. Thank you!

For more information and to sign-up click here

Creative Crafters

9 am - 12 pm Genesis Room

Second Saturday Workday

9 am - 12 pm

Interested in volunteering email facilities@christourking.net

Eagle Scout Car Wash

11 am - 2 pm Parking Lot


9:30 am Genesis Room

For more information contact Margaret Beain

Giving Boxes Prep Day

  • 10 am -12 pm to tape boxes 
  • 1 pm - 3 pm to unload food truck and place food on the assembly line.

Sign-Up in the Narthex or email givingboxes@christourking.net

Movin'On Group

12:30 pm Fisherman's Catch Restaurant

1 Maurice Dr, Forest Hill

For more information, email jomdail17@gmail.com

Session Meeting

7 pm Genesis Room

DEADLINE for the Good News

Email submissions to coktech@christourking.net

Ann's Book Club

9:30 am Genesis Room

For more information email


The Book of Daniel

Wednesdays at 7:00pm Genesis Room and Zoom

To Join on Zoom

Meeting ID: 836 5064 5604

Passcode: 436820

Giving Boxes Food Packing Day

8:30 am - 12 pm

Interested in volunteering email givingboxes@christourking.net

Intergenerational Activity

Following Worship

Genesis Room

Welcome One Emergency Shelter

4 pm Belcamp

Interested in volunteering email missions@christourking.net

Giving Boxes Distribution Day

Sign-Up in the Narthex or email givingboxes@christourking.net

Deacons Meeting

7 pm Genesis Room/Zoom

Happy Thanksgiving

Office will closed


9:30 am Genesis Room

For more information, contact Margaret Beain

Missions Ministry Meeting

7 pm Genesis Room

Interested in volunteering? Email missions@christourking.net

Woman's Prayer Group

10 am Genesis Room. 

For more information, contact Lu Gerard Marlene Butler or call the church office at 410-838-4698.

Preschool Ministry Meeting

7 pm Library

Interested in volunteering? Email preschool@christourking.net

Advent Study

7 pm Genesis Room/Zoom

Details coming soon

To Stay Connected

Visit our Website
Follow us on Facebook



9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Monday thru Friday


To contact the office by email


Pastor Open Office Hours:

10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Monday and Wednesday

Rev. Jeffrey Young, Pastor
