In Person and Livestreamed

Worship Service

First United Methodist Church of Naples

Sunday Service 10:15 am


2nd Sunday of Advent

December 10, 2023

From the Pastor


Again, thank you so much for your kind notes, prayers and text messages. I continue to improve each day but still have a long way to go on healing from my fall. For those of you who do not know, on the 25th of November, I fell in my shower and fractured my humerus (arm) where it attaches to my shoulder. I also injured my knee, so I can't walk with that left knee or use my left shoulder. This means I can't use a walker and can only move one wheel in a wheelchair, which brings me round and round in circles. I am thanking God for my sweet husband, John, who is such a huge help to me. I'm not sure if I will be able to be with you this Sunday, but if I am, I am asking everyone to please refrain from lovingly grabbing my shoulder as I sit in my wheelchair, as that does hurt. Also, continued prayers for healing are much appreciated!


If you weren't there last Sunday, then you missed my announcement and may not know that, after much prayer and discernment, I have made the difficult decision to retire in mid-2024. I was given permission to announce this last Sunday, well ahead of the normal April announcement date when pastors normally share that they are leaving. That gives us another six or seven months to spend together and to plan my departure and transition to a new Senior Pastor. We won't know who that will be until April, but please be assured that the same process that sent me here to you will bring you the next pastor. The process is bathed in prayer and the Holy Spirit will help discern the church’s next leader. I encourage you to deepen your own spiritual lives and your commitment to the mission in order to prepare for this next chapter in the life of FUMC.

In the meantime, starting January 1, Scott Ehler will officially become your Associate Pastor working alongside me. Pastor Scott and Jaimie Dandridge will be able to provide a really strong transition starting July 1st, with the new Senior Pastor.


John and I are looking forward to having some time to travel and to take care of my health in retirement. This has been a rough year with all my surgeries and now my broken arm/shoulder. When I depart, I will have been here for nine years. I'll be 69 in a couple of months and honestly, it's time! I treasure the many friendships I've made at this church and will miss you all greatly. John will as well. We are both so grateful for your love and support throughout these years.


I am grateful to Chaplain Scott Ehler for taking over during this Advent season. He has proved to be a very good preacher and Bible study teacher in addition to his many other gifts and skills. Hope you'll attend the Advent Bible study he is doing. There are three sessions left. Also hope you will come to worship this Sunday because the Methodist day school children will be singing! Stay for a reception afterwards to meet their families.


There's lots happening here at FUMC during advent season. Scroll down for a calendar of advent events during December. Please also scroll down to our prayer list and lift others up in prayer.


Love and Blessings,

Pastor Nancy

[email protected].  

It’s the Second Sunday of Advent….

But What Is Advent?


Some of you may not have come from a church tradition that celebrated Advent as a way of visually and symbolically preparing for and anticipating the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the eternal light. If this is new to you, you may wish to know more about this custom that began in Germany many centuries ago and is celebrated by Christians around the world today. Just click on the link below to learn more about the symbolism of the greenery and berries in the Advent wreath and each of the candles that will be lit. During these weeks of Advent, we will join together, each of us anticipating the announcement of the birth of our Lord in Bethlehem and in our hearts. Each week, we will light a candle representing a different aspect of this hope and waiting.

What is Advent?

 This Sunday's Online Worship Service

If you aren't able to make it to in-person worship on Sundays, you can watch it online “live” at 10:15 am or you can watch the “recorded” version anytime that is convenient for you by clicking on the box below. We generally start showing announcement slides at 10:00 am as people are coming into the sanctuary and then the actual worship service starts at 10:15 am. 


You can also find this link by going to our web page, our Facebook page, or directly to .  In the Search box at the top of the YouTube page, type "First UMC Naples" and press enter. On the next screen, go down until you see " First UMC Naples - Sunday Worship - Rev Nancy Mayeux - 12 10 2023 ". Click on that title or the image next to it to see the “live” broadcast. 


Blessings as you watch and participate. Be sure to share the link for live or recorded versions of our service with your friends and family so they can join you in worship!

Click here to watch THIS Sunday's service

Life & Faith Lesson

Chaplain Scott Ehler



The beautiful story of Christmas is told in the Gospel of Mark, but not in the way we are traditionally accustomed. The second Sunday of Advent is when we light the candle of peace. But what does that mean? I have noticed throughout my life that the more we are overstimulated, the less we are able to connect with one another … and with God. Mark’s introduction to Jesus to the world is different from Matthew and Luke. But the question it asks is, are you ready? Join us Sunday morning as we take a look at the Christmas story from a different angle and help answer the question in your own life. 

 Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-2, Mark 1:1-8

Upcoming Worship Events During Advent


Sunday, December 10: Second Sunday of Advent. MDS children will sing in our worship service. Special reception after worship for the children, their families and the congregation. 10:15 Worship Service


Sunday, December 17: Third Sunday of Advent. 10:15 Worship Service


Sunday, December 24: Christmas Eve morning. 10:15 Worship Service. Fourth Sunday of Advent (Sunday school for children)


Sunday, December 24: Christmas Eve Candlelight Family Service at 5:30 PM


Sunday, December 31: Children’s Home Sunday. Anointing and Healing Sunday. 10:15 Worship Service

Altar Flower Ministry

Every week, you have the opportunity to donate altar flowers for our Sunday worship and dedicate them to the memory of someone who was special to you or to honor someone who presently needs to be recognized! The cost is $40. Purchase and dedication can be arranged by signing up in the church lobby or by sending an email to Jaimie Dandridge at [email protected]. Then you can either pick up your flowers after church or donate them for us to take to organizations in our community, bringing a ray of sunshine to workers and volunteers.

Last week's flowers were donated to Barrington Terrace of Naples Assisted Living Facility.



Did you know that you may not be getting a portion of your Eblast because Gmail and some other email programs may limit what they display. You may be missing important articles, photos and our Prayer List! How to find out? If you get to the bottom and have not seen the Prayer List or our MDS Preschool photos, then you know there has been a cut-off. After you reach what looks like the end, you may see a little note down at the bottom that says something like: "View entire message", or Click here to view all” or “Click here to continue.” Press that and you will see what you are missing that has been cut off!

Do you have a special gift for the Christ child?

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone who sent us their Giving Goal Card, after much prayer and discernment, with the financial goal you are shooting for in 2024. Thank you to all those who have given generously with a year-end financial gift to get us through these last two months of 2023. It has made a big difference in getting us to the finish line, although we are still behind where we would like to be in closing out the year in the black. For many years, in December, we designated a Sunday for “March to the Manger” where everyone put an extra end-of-year gift for the Christ child in a manger. This year, we simply remind you that the church is the body of Christ and any gifts you make to your church will help in accomplishing Jesus’ work here on earth. As you make your Christmas gift list, please remember Jesus and help us to be his hands and feet as we do ministry. Also, it’s not too late to turn in your Giving Goal Card for 2024. Just drop it in the offering plate or bring/mail it to the office. There are extras in the sanctuary lobby. This will help us so much with our planning.

Advent Bible Study Wednesday, @ 10am

Faithful: Christmas Through the Eyes of Joseph

In this four-week study by Adam Hamilton, you will understand how Joseph's place in the nativity story is much like our own. In life, we encounter circumstances that we would have never chosen for ourselves. Joseph provides us a great example of humbly obeying God even when we don't understand and faithfully moving forward in the strength that God provides. Exchange your doubt for courage this Advent and Christmas season. Sign-up in the Narthex. Books are available at the church. For more information, see Chaplain Scott. It's not too late to join!

Sunday Brunch Bunch

Our next Brunch Bunch is Sunday, December 17th at Ridgway Bar & Grill, 1300 3rd St S. Join us every other week for a time of fellowship and getting to know one another.  We meet at a different local restaurant for brunch right after worship each time. Sign up at the Welcome Center in the Narthex. Below is a picture from our last Brunch Bunch.

Staff Appreciation Gift

(Non-Pastoral Staff)


Every December, we take a collection, to honor and thank our faithful church staff with a Christmas gift from the congregation. They work hard all year to support our pastor and volunteers and keep our church operational while serving in ministry. Please mark your gifts as “Staff Appreciation” and have them in to us by December 17th. Let’s show our staff how much you love and appreciate them through this Christmas gift. This is for our non-pastoral staff, as you have already shown your love to Pastor Nancy during October’s Pastor Appreciation Day. This gift includes music, AV, office staff and discipleship/congregational care.

United Methodist Women Christmas Luncheon

The UMW Christmas luncheon is scheduled for Tuesday, December 12th at 11:30am. Pam McDonnell has graciously offered her home for the event. Following tradition, it will be a potluck meal. A sign-up sheet is in the Narthex to let us know you are coming and what dish you will bring to complement a ham.

Tell Your Friends and Neighbors about our Preschool!

You've been enjoying the beautiful pictures of our Methodist Day School children every week in our eblast, and this Sunday you will get to hear them sing in worship. Do you know anyone with preschool-aged children who could benefit from our wonderful MDS preschool program? We have the following openings so please be sure to share with neighbors and friends:

·        VPK program (pre-kindergarten) for 4&5-year-olds. We have 3 openings!

·        3-year-old classroom 2-day per week program on Tuesdays & Thursdays. 4 openings

·        3-year-old classroom 5-day per week program. 1 opening

·        2-year-old class is full. No openings.

We are the earliest established preschool in Naples and have some of the best teachers in Naples who nurture and care for these children. All our children tested above Kindergarten level when they graduated last year!

Congratulations to Chaplain Scott Ehler

(Soon to be "Pastor" Scott Ehler)

Many of you already heard the announcement in worship, but I wanted to be sure that everyone knows about Chaplain Scott’s recent achievement and what it will mean for our church. Scott Ehler has 21 years of experience serving as an ordained pastor and chaplain in the Baptist denomination, most of which was serving in the military as a chaplain. While serving here as a chaplain, he made the decision to become a Methodist which was more aligned with his theology. He began the process of changing his status to become a United Methodist Licensed Local pastor. This involved over 100 pages of paperwork followed by intensive interviewing by a ministry committee who approved him a couple of weeks ago! Our Bishop and Cabinet have now officially appointed him as the “Associate Pastor” of our church, with an interim license beginning January 1, 2024. In June, he will attend the Florida Annual Conference in Lakeland and the Bishop will convert the interim status to a permanent license, along with other new pastors, at the licensing ceremony. So proud of Scott for this milestone, and all the hard work he put into this. A few things will change for him in January. Instead of calling him “Chaplain” he will be called “Pastor Scott” and will have the clergy title of “Reverend”. He will be able to perform weddings here. Scott will be able to serve communion without our senior pastor present and without her blessing the elements ahead of time. He will also be able to do baptisms. Please be sure to offer congratulations to Chaplain Scott, soon to be Pastor Scott!


Your Giving Is a Form of Worship


Your incredible generosity is allowing our church to do ministry that will change lives. We hope that you will continue to give of your time, your talents and your prayers, in addition to your financial giving, and that you find joy in your giving!


These are some of the categories that you may wish to give towards:

  • “General Operating Budget” which funds our regular ministry programs and our costs to keep staff and buildings going.
  • “Capital Expenses” which include roof replacements and other capital needs on our campus. 
  • UMCOR Disaster Relief for disasters in the US and abroad.
  • “Food Ministry” funds will go to St. Matthews and Grace Place food banks.
  • Any other ministries that are important to you.

Just indicate on your checks where you want your donation to go.


Your past and future gifts allow us to help people to know Jesus, to grow in their faith, and to serve Him as we help those in need.  Your donations may be brought to worship on Sunday or mailed/delivered to the address below:


First United Methodist Church of Naples

388 First Avenue South

Naples, FL 34102


OR you can click on the box below to make an online donation. If you have any questions regarding the finances of this church, please send an email to our Finance Chairperson, Tom Bach: [email protected]

Click Here to Give Online

Last Week's Worship Services

Did you miss worship last week? Click on the link below to view the video of last week's Sunday service with a sermon entitled, "What are you Waiting For?"which was preached by Chaplain Scott Ehler and based on Isaiah 64:1-2, Mark 13:24-26, 32-33, 37.

Last Week's Worship Service

Cookies after Service

Join us after worship this Sunday for cookies in Barton Hall with our MDS children (who are singing for us in service), their families, and the congregation. This is a great way to get to know one another better. Thank you to Pam Kennedy and the hospitality team for making this possible. This will be a special treat for all! Music and cookies!

We Packed 390,000 Meals!!

We’re Helping to Feed Hungry People

in our Community


Congratulations to everyone who has helped pack food in our meal-packing program! Thank you for helping to feed hungry families. Food insecurity has been a major challenge for families throughout the pandemic, and especially now with food prices soaring. Help us to be Jesus’ hands and feet in the world and show the love of Christ to others by participating:


  1. Bring in food or financial contributions earmarked for “Food Ministry” and we will deliver to either Grace Place or St. Matthew’s House for their food pantries.
  2. Volunteer to come help pack food for 1.5 hours on an upcoming packing day. To sign up, contact Wendy McKee, our food-packing coordinator, at [email protected]. She will schedule you. It’s lots of fun! 

Need to Reach Us? Here’s How!

We are available to you! Our church office is open Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. For pastoral emergencies, call the office and you will hear Pastor Nancy’s personal cell number on the message. She or Chaplain Scott will respond to all pastoral emergencies. 


Call the church office: (239) 262-1033

Email us: [email protected]  or

Mail contributions to:

First United Methodist Church, 388 First Ave S, Naples FL 34102


Food donations can be dropped off during normal business hours or on Sundays prior to worship.


Make online donations by clicking the link below:

Click Here to Give Online

Please Pray!


Please be sure to let us know if you or a loved one are in the hospital in Naples. Chaplain Scott or Pastor Nancy will come visit. Since HIPAA privacy rules came into play, the hospitals no longer let us know when one of our members is in the hospital. Also, be sure to let us know if someone you have placed on the prayer list is out of the hospital, or completed their chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Please continue to pray for people around the world who are suffering. Pray that God will bring them help and relief and will make His presence known to them through God's Spirit. Then pray for guidance on how you can help. You just may be the answer to someone's prayer! 

Urgent Prayer Requests

From our FUMC Church Family

We want to remind you that this section is for “urgent” prayer concerns only: in the hospital, on Hospice, recovering from surgery, receiving radiation or chemotherapy for cancer, recent deaths, etc. If you have a private prayer that you do not want published below, just email me and I will pray for that person and that need privately: [email protected] .

  • Pastor Nancy (Your Pastor)
  • Leo Poisson & family on the death of his brother, Normand Poisson
  • Dawn Sumrall (Friend of Norine Tempelman)
  • The family of Jo Carter on her passing (Friend of Norine Tempelman)
  • Jaimie Dandridge & family on the death of her grandmother, Eleanor Muchmore
  • Marcia Bowser (Neighbor of the Parry's)
  • Jenn Wolf
  • Jeff Jaworsky (Son of Gail Jaworsky)
  • Blake Whitley (Brother of Pam Kennedy)
  • Sue Smith (Sister of Karen Bach)
  • Lynn (Daughter of Shirley Maas)
  • Chris Grimshaw (Member and husband of Christine Grimshaw)
  • Evelyn Johnson (Sister-in-law of Al Johnson)
  • Brenda Soleto (Daughter of Patty Richards)
  • Rev. Flo Scott (Attender)
  • Tom Russell (Member)
  • LeeAnne Merrifield (Daughter of Jim Merrifield)
  • Larry Croy (Friend of Bill Parry)
  • Peter Schmitz (Friend of Karen Parry)
  • Baby Theresa Grace (Great-granddaughter of Pat Schanke)
  • Lidia Rodriguez (Daughter of former pastor of our sister-church in Cuba)
  • Baby Abby Joy and parents (Family of Lisa Passeri)
  • Beth Tatman (Friend of the Mayeux family)
  • Wendy Moyer (Member)
  • Family of Valya Staruchin, Januk, Orysia and family, Irina and family (Three families of the Jaworsky's in Ukraine)
  • Rosa Fogle (Family of Thelma and Al Johnson)
  • All the many unspoken requests and needs of our congregation and their loved ones.

 Special Prayer List 

(Updated October 27, 2023) 


 Wondering what else to pray for each day? Here are some suggestions!

Click here for Special Prayer Needs

Learning is Always Wonderful & Fun at MDS!

It was a great week at the Methodist Day School! We had a parent's night out fundraiser last Friday evening and watched The Polar Express. We celebrated two of our teacher's birthdays. Happy Birthday to Ms. Margie and Ms. Angela! VPK had show and tell and brought in items that start with the letter "O". With the help of some parent volunteers, the school is decorated for Christmas and looks beautiful. The kids have been practicing and are so excited to come and sing for the church this Sunday. You won't want to miss it!


Church Office is open Monday – Thursday, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. Outside of office hours, please call the church office and leave a message. For pastoral emergencies, call the office and you will hear Pastor Nancy’s personal cell number on the message. 

First United Methodist Church of Naples
388 1st Ave S
Naples, FL 34102
(239) 262-1033
God Bless You!