3rd Sunday of Lent

March 3, 2024

"He found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep, and doves ... " (Jn 2:14)

In this edition:

Gift card drive

Guest choir & concert

Weekly mini-retreats

Light the City needs you!

Simple Lenten Meal w / Mary House


Saturday, March 2 at 5:30pm Vigil

Sunday, March 3 at 7am, 9am, 11am, 1pm (en español) & 5:30pm

Online Offertory options | PayPal & FaithDirect

The Villanova Pastoral Musicians of Villanova University, Philadelphia, PA will provide choral music and a brief concert at the 5:30pm Vigil Mass. Come early to enjoy their voices before Mass, with a choral piece also following the Mass.


Let us pray:

—for the sick, especially Maria da Silva, Francisca Granados Flores, Soila Manchame, Margaret Judy, Sofía Valero, Dorianne Alvarado, Donald Klawiter, Simona, Halina Mielnik, Camilia Juber Carmona, John Guerriero, Elsa Henderson, Yvette Romero, Enmanuel Del Valle, Patricia Castro, Michael Harrill, Eileen Elvin, Geralda Masi, Katie Roland, Peter Tan, Mary & Carl Milewski, Therese Fergo, Maria Gianino, Yolanda Mendez Acevedo, Anne Rader, Robyn Nishimi, Paul Gruber, and Blanca Rose Juarez; and

—for the recently deceased, especially Frances Mouflouze, mother of Pam Erwin, Ramón De Pool, and Jean Fuller.

RCIA Scrutinies

During the Purification and Enlightenment phase of the RCIA process, our Elect and Candidates are called to intensify their prayer lives and discern more deeply their desire to join the Church. The Scrutinies are celebrated at the 1pm & 5:30pm Masses this Sunday and at the 11am & 1pm Masses on March 10 and 17. We are called to help our Elect and Candidates develop their relationship with God and the Church and to pray for them. We also look within ourselves to find anything that keeps us from Christ and then look to Christ to heal and strengthen us. Please keep our 25 RCIA group members in your prayers! 

Mystical Word

L.J. Milone calls out a consumer culture that opposes the Gospel call to voluntary poverty, or living a simple life. "In a rare show of anger, Jesus cleanses the Jerusalem temple of merchants and money changers. Warning! This is a very dangerous memory!" READ THE REFLECTION / READ ABOUT WEEKLY MINI-RETREATS

Grocery Gift Card Drive

This weekend and next, Social Justice Committee volunteers will gratefully accept donations of grocery gift cards (Walmart, Safeway or Giant, $25 or $50) to be distributed to low-income families for Easter.


This Sunday's Meet-ups


Funeral Mass for / Misa de Exequias por Jean Fuller

The life of Jean Fuller will be celebrated at a Funeral Mass (bilingual in English and Spanish) in the Cathedral on Tuesday, March 5 at 2pm. All are welcome to the Mass—please help us spread the word. Msgr. Jameson will preside and Fr. Benson will give the homily. Join us if you can, to pray for Jean and to commend her to her eternal rest from her Cathedral home.

La vida de Jean Fuller se celebrará en una Misa de Exequias (bilingüe en inglés y español) en la Catedral el martes 5 de marzo a las 2 p.m. Todos son bienvenidos a la Misapor favor ayúdenos a correr la voz. Mons. Jameson presidirá y el P. Benson pronunciará la homilía. Únase a nosotros si puede, para orar por Jean y encomendarla a su descanso eterno desde su hogar en la Catedral.


Ministerio Hispano

Misa en español del Domingo III de Cuaresma

3 de marzo a la 1pm (Coro Hispano)

Vea nuestra página web de transmisiones en

vivo para obtener enlaces a YouTube y al Programa.

El Vía Crucis en español se reza a las 2pm, después de la Misa a la 1pm.


Cenas Simples con Mary House

El viernes 1 de marzo, miembros de RICA de San Mateo sirven una cena simple en el salón de conferencias del norte. Ven, disfruta del compañerismo en la mesa y aprende sobre el trabajo de Mary House brindando servicios de vivienda y apoyo a familias inmigrantes y refugiadas de bajos ingresos, con la oportunidad de hacer una donación.

¿No está seguro de cómo cumplir con las obligaciones cuaresmales de ayunar y abstenerse? Aquí hay un recordatorio.

Plato de Arroz de CRS

Recoge tu Plato de Arroz de Catholic Relief Servicesen la catedral o la oficina de la rectoría y vea el Calendario de Cuaresma de Plato de Arroz de CRS. Agregue limosnas a su tazón durante la Cuaresma; los tazones de arroz y las donaciones se recolectarán después de la Cuaresma. También puede unirse a las donaciones de nuestra comunidad parroquial en línea.

Clase de Confirmación para Adultos

A partir de abril se ofrecerá clases en español de preparación para recibir el sacramento de la Confirmación, para adultos católicos activos y bautizados que ya han recibido su Primera Comunión. Las personas interesadas deben enviar un correo electrónico a Fátima Aybar y deben acudir a una entrevista. Se debe proporcionar un certificado de bautismo válido. 

Grupo de Oración en español

  • Rosario y Misa — Martes 5 de marzo, Rosario a las 7pm y Misa con Padre John Benson en el salón de conferencias del oeste

  • Rosario y Conferencia — Martes 12 de marzo, Rosario a las 7pm y conferencia a las 7:30pm con Rev. Lalo Jara, "La importancia de la Eucaristía: Por qué participar en la Misa," en la Catedral

  • Rosario y Conferencia — Martes 19 de marzo, Rosario a las 7pm y conferencia a las 7:30pm con Padre John Benson, “La voluntad del que me envió”

  • Santo Rosario por teléfono en español — todos los días a las 3pm (347-378-0694, PIN 283 201 937#)


Para más información sobre el Ministerio Hispano, envíe un email a Fatima AybarPadre John Benson o llame la oficina de la rectoría al 202-347-3215.

Prayer & Confessions

Way of the Cross

  • Fridays of Lent | 6pm (English)
  • Sundays of Lent | 2pm (en español)



  • Monday – Friday | 11am – Noon
  • Saturdays | 4 – 5pm
  • Tuesday, March 26, Lenten Communal Penance Service | 12:10pm
  • By appointment | call the rectory office at 202-347-3215


Meditation Group meetings led by L.J. Milone are offered each week: 

  • In-person in St. Francis Chapel | Mondays & Wednesdays at 12:45pm 
  • On Zoom | Sundays at 1:30pm, and Wednesday at 8pm (find link)

Eucharistic Adoration

  • Friday, March 1 | First Friday Exposition in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel following 12:10pm Mass until 5pm
  • Saturday, March 2 | First Saturday Devotions with Adoration following 12:10pm Mass
  • Monday, March 20 | Eucharistic Holy Hour, 6 - 7pm with Confessions

Light the City

Volunteer with L.J. Milone for our March 16 evening of evangelization and prayer in front of the Cathedral!


Weekly Mini-Retreat

Come each week of Lent on Tuesday or Thursday to pray, meet fellow parishioners, and experience a way of living mysticism in daily life. Each session of "The Way of Mystical Nothingness" has spiritual talks, discussion, and contemplative practice.

Session 2 | Returning to God and Letting Go

Thursday, February 29

Session 3  | Mercy and Imperfection

Tuesday, March 5 or Thursday, March 7

7 9pm in the North Conference Room

(Tuesday session repeated on Thursday; attend either one)

Lenten Reading on the Raising of Lazarus

Plan to join the Cathedral Book Club discussion on Thursday, March 21—just before Holy Week begins—in the West Conference Room, 7 - 8pm, of "Come Forth: The Promise of Jesus's Greatest Miracle" by Fr. James Martin, SJ, led by Fr. Jack Hurley.

Fasting and Almsgiving

Central Union Mission shared information on its ministry as guests shared a meal and fellowship and gave alms at this year's first Simple Lenten Meal. 

Simple Meal with Mary House

On Friday, March 1, members of St. Matthew's RCIA Group serve a simple meal in the North Conference Room. Come, enjoy table fellowship, and learn about the work of Mary House providing housing and support services to low-income immigrant and refugee families, with the opportunity to make a donation.

Donating to Guest Non-profits

Can't attend a Friday meal but would like to donate to the guest organization? Drop off a check to the rectory office (organization name on memo line) or donate via PayPal or on the Social Justice Committee webpage (organization name in Note field). Thank you!

CRS Rice Bowl

You may pick up a Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl in the Cathedral or the rectory office and download the CRS Lenten Rice Bowl calendar of reflections and prayer intentions. Add alms to your bowl throughout Lent; rice bowls and donations will be collected after Lent. You also may join in our parish online community giving.

Are you unsure about how to observe Lenten obligations of fast and abstinence? Here's a reminder.

Liturgy & Music

Schola Auditions

There are limited openings for experienced singers in all voice parts of the Schola Cantorum. Please contact Tom Stehle for an audition.

Celebration of the Word

Join us Wednesday evenings (next meeting, March 6) at 7:30pm in the East Conference Room for a simple liturgy: readings, a homily, and prayers.

Lunchtime Organ Recital

JJ Mitchell, DMA, Director of Music at St John Neumann, Reston, VA, presents an organ recital at 12:40pm on Wednesday, March 6 featuring the works of Florence Price, Correa de Arauxo, Rachel Laurin, Ethel Smyth, William Grant Still, and C.M. Widor. The concert is free and open to the public. Join us in the Cathedral or via the livestream.


Upcoming Music Events

Much to anticipate and enjoy as the Office of Music Ministries shares a list of choral and organ music events for Spring 2024!

Parish & Ministry Notes

Prayer List

To add a name to the prayer list of the sick or the recently deceased, email Msgr. Jameson. If asking for prayers for a person who is sick, please first get their permission.

Adult Confirmation

Preparation classes for Confirmation begin in late March. Confirmations will be celebrated on Pentecost Sunday, May 19 at a 3pm Mass with Cardinal Gregory. FIND REGISTRATION INFORMATION

Always God's Children

Always God's Children, the Cathedral ministry to persons who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual, as well as their friends and family members, meets on Sunday, March 10 at 3:30pm in the West Conference Room. READ MORE

Hospitality Ministers Needed

We need your help to welcome the large numbers of people at our Holy Week and Easter liturgies! If you can volunteer as a hospitality minister - greeting and assisting visitors and taking up the offertory collection - please email Ana Triaureau. SEE LITURGIES SCHEDULE

National Eucharistic Revival

This year, the U.S. bishops are sponsoring a National Eucharistic Revival. The aim is to kindle love for the Risen Jesus in the Eucharist and revitalize the Catholic people’s participation in Sunday Mass. To this end, we present brief weekly meditations on the Eucharist until the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 2, 2024.

Hadewijch, a female medieval Dutch mystic on the Eucharist


But [Love’s] chains conjoin all things

In a single fruition and a single delight.

This is the chain that binds all in union

So that each knows the other through and through

In the anguish or the repose or the madness of Love,

And eats his flesh and drinks his blood:

The heart of each devours the other’s heart,

One soul assaults the other and invades it completely,

As he who is Love itself showed us

When he gave us himself to eat,

Disconcerting all the thoughts of man.

By this he made known to us

That love’s most intimate union

Is through eating, tasting, and seeing interiorly.

He eats us; we think we eat him,

And we do eat him, of this we can be certain.

But because he remains so undevoured,

And so untouched, and so undesired,

Each of us remains uneaten by him

And separated so far from each other.

But let him who is held captive by these chains

Not cease to eat his fill,

If he wishes to know and taste beyond his dreams

The Godhead and the Manhood!

See you 'round the Cathedral!





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