We thank all of you who have already submitted pledge cards.  There is still time to submit your pledge!  Just drop it by the office or mail it to Grace.  We appreciate your faithfulness in helping us plan our budget for 2019.

Healing offered this weekend at 5p and 10a services
Come to the Columbarium during communion for the laying on of hands, anointing with oil, and prayers for healing.

Vestry Retreat this weekend
Please keep the Vestry in your prayers this weekend as they come together to discern leadership and make plans for 2019.

Morning Prayer moves to 10am on Tuesdays
In order to allow more people to participate in our weekly Morning Prayer service, we have changed the starting time to 10am on Tuesday mornings.  Join us in the Sanctuary for this quiet service, which lasts about 30 minutes.  Feed your soul!!

Election Results from 152nd Annual Meeting  
Vestry (3 year term): Elizabeth Blondia, Jessica Rickard, Matt Roney, Tim Sinclair
Vestry (1 year term): Julia Hogan
2019 Nominating Committee: Irene Cotter, Laura Mittelstaedt
Delegates to Diocesan Convention (1 year term)
Delegates: Kersti Bruining, Maria DiStefano-Post, Donna Hornberger
Alternates: Maellen DeBruyn, George Prewitt, Linda Schubert
Thank you for your willingness to serve!

Communicating within our Diocese
Katie Forsyth, Canon for Evangelism and Networking for the Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan, is interested in what's going on in all the parishes in our diocese.. You can find Katie on Facebook or email her directly at: kforsyth@edwm.org Check out the diocesan website at edwm.org.

Diocesan Church Development Institute
The world around us is always changing, and the church is changing also. For a few years now we, in collaboration with the Diocese of Eastern Michigan, have been working on the Diocesan Church Development Institute (DCDI) as a centerpiece of congregational development efforts.  During each session over the course of the two-year program, parish leaders develop skills to:
Renew the baptismal identity and apostolic ministry of a parishioner
Use tools and strategies for transformation of individuals, households, congregations, and communities
Empower congregational teams to not only work effectively toward a common goal, but to know its identity, its calling
Each congregation sends a team of 3-4 people, including the Rector or Priest-in-Charge. The cost to attend is $50 per person for the two-year program. Financial assistance is available.

Brochures about the program are available in the Commons, or go to the website at edwm.org.

Love Thy Neighbor GT Region (formerly Love, INC) seeks Executive Director (25 hr./wk.) 
We have been a partner in the community and with local churches for 30 years and are looking for the next leader for our local ministry work.  We are looking for a goal oriented, independent worker with a commitment to building relationships in the community and developing program supports.  Experience in grant writing and fundraising preferred.  A commitment to working to serve our neighbors in need, as well as promoting the gospel message of grace and forgiveness as a means of change, are the underpinnings of this position.  
Submit resumes to lovethyneighborgt.org .

Altar Flowers
The Altar Flowers are given this weekend by Barb Backus, to the Glory of God.

Worship Participants this weekend

Sat. 5pm
Nancy Brannan, Eucharistic Minister
Chuch Thiel, Lector

Sun. 8am
Marcia Lee, Eucharistic Minister
Bill Fowle & MaryLee Pakieser, Lectors & Ushers

Sun 10am
Connie Riopelle, Dixie Stephen, Eucharistic Ministers
Connie Riopelle, Irene Cotter, Lectors
Jim & Diane Penca, Welcomers

Service attendance last weekend
Jan. 26 & 27, 2019
Sat. 5pm      23
Sun. 8am       3
Sun. 10am   96

For the month ending Dec. 31, 2019
Total Operating Income:  $47,197
Total Operating Expenses:  $32,708
Mortgage Balance:  $294,047



Grace Stitch & Chat Circle Continues 
every Tuesday at 10:30am - JOIN US!

All needleworkers welcome!

For more information, contact: Sandy Seppala Gyr via email at: sansep19@gmail.com; or via phone at: 703-597-7925

Cooking for Seniors offered by Oryana Feb.26

Did you know that Oryana runs cooking classes at Grace? Perhaps you've participated in the past, or maybe you've always wanted to try out a class. Here's your chance!

Tuesday, February 26, 6 - 8:30 pm
Instructor: Heather Campbell, MS, RD
$35/Oryana owners
$40 non-owners
Call 947-0191 to register or via eventbrite.com
Sound nutrition for seniors is incredibly important to ensure physical and mental health. Some of the challenges older adults face include a weakening sense of taste, poor appetite, and difficulty chewing hard foods. Join Heather in a discussion of the unique nutritional needs of seniors and how you can help them stay healthy by learning some easy techniques to create delicious, nutrient dense food including soup and smoothies. 

Weekly Worship Schedule
Morning Prayer 10:00 am
Men's Prayer Group 7:30 am
Centering Prayer 11:00 am
Holy Eucharist 5 pm
Holy Eucharist 8 am
Holy Eucharist 10 am

Lectionary Readings
& Daily Prayer

    This Weekend's Readings
The Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

Jeremiah 1:4-10
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Luke 4:21-30
Psalm 71:1-6
open bible  
Next Weekend's Readings
The Fifth Sunday after The Epiphany

Isaiah 6:1-13
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Luke 5:1-11
Psalm 138

  The Lectionary Readings

The Daily Office

 Darby Gruennen
Dennis Stockemer
Bastian Trimpe
Ella Bruining
Pete Doren
Sladie Morrison


Prayer Lists
Did you know Grace has 2 prayer lists?  
* To be added to the prayer list found in the bulletin contact

** If you would like to be added to the Daughters of the King (DOK) prayer list and be prayed for daily,contact Penny Campo-Pierce at 231-946-1224 or  pcampopierce@charter.net

                   Contact Us 
341 Washington St.,
Traverse City, MI 49684
Phone 947-2330;  Fax 947-3011
Website www.gracetc.org

For Pastoral Emergencies
The Rev. Kathryn Costas

   Staff Contact Information

What's Happening at Grace?

What's Happening in our Diocese?

Diocesan website

What's Happening in the National Church?

National Church website

Turn in your Oleson's receipts to benefit the Grace Food Pantry!

Oleson's Community Share Program

Here's how it works:
  1. You shop at Oleson's for groceries (liquor sales do not qualify for points)
  2. Turn in your receipts to the church.  Look for the envelope on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall, and place your receipts inside it.
  3. We submit receipts back to Oleson's
  4. We are granted cash rewards for the food pantry ($1 spent on groceries = 1 cent in Community Share points)

For every $5000 in receipts we submit, we receive $50 in cash for our food pantry.  Every little bit helps!


Thank you for participating!


Click here to learn more... 


Buy from Amazon?  
Help Grace Church!

Did you know Grace Church is part of the Amazon Smile program? We ask you to consider supporting Grace Church through this program. It doesn't take more than a minute to register, then eligible purchases will benefit Grace Church.  Follow this link to learn more...