The Grand Voice
Fall 2020
Vol. 4, Issue 2
Generations United's 2020 State of Grandfamilies Report is Out!
Grandfamilies Share Stories of COVID-19 Hardships and Hope
Over the summer, Generations United recorded stories of grandfamilies' hardships and hope during the COVID-19 pandemic with StoryCorps. Four of these stories featuring GRAND Voices—Anntesha Chesterton, Cassandra Gentry, Joanne Clough, and Karen Gillespie—have been edited and are now posted on our website. The recordings were made possible with support from the Brookdale Foundation Group, Casey Family Programs and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and in partnership with Generations United. Listen to their stories.
Staying Healthy Across Generations: Vaccines are Essential for All Ages
Generations United's new infographic illustrates that vaccines aren't just for kids-they protect all generations- especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Staying up to date on vaccines for the flu, pneumonia and whooping cough are important to protect both older adults and children. Soon a vaccine for COVID-19 will also be critical for both age groups. Check it out.
Grandfamilies in the News
COVID-19 Relief for Grandfamilies
Several members of Congress have introduced COVID-19 relief legislation that includes support for grandfamilies including:
Child Welfare Emergency Assistance Act (S.4172)—Introduced by Senator Brown (D-OH), includes $30 million for Kinship Navigator Programs, $2 billion for state and local child welfare agencies to help families (including grandfamilies) with a range of support services such as transportation, housing and utility payments, increased reimbursement for guardianship and adoption assistance.
Supporting Youth and Families Through the Pandemic Act (H.R. 7947)—Introduced by Representatives Danny Davis (D-IL) and Jackie Warlorski (R-IN), expands support for kinship navigator programs during the pandemic by allowing federal IV-E support for programs that are not in the Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse and increasing federal reimbursement rates for the programs.
Pandemic TANF Assistance Act (S. 3672)—Provides additional emergency assistance to TANF and specifically names in the inclusion of children in the home of relatives.
As Congress negotiates on the next COVID-relief package, Generations United continues to advocate for inclusion of support for grandfamilies. Speaker Pelosi has indicated a commitment to including provisions of the Supporting Youth and Families Through the Pandemic Act in the next package. However, the outcome of the negotiations remains unclear.
Supreme Court rejects appeal by Black grandparents from NC
The New Hampshire Supreme Court last week rejected an effort by Black grandparents from North Carolina to upend a guardianship that eventually led to their grandchildren being adopted by two White families in New Hampshire. Read the article.
Here are some additional highlights of GRAND Voices activities:
Dolores Bryant (NJ) participated in the Kinship Appreciation Breakfast on Sept. 24. Outside dining, under a tent with masks. Hosted by The Children's Home Society of New Jersey's state-funded Kinship Navigator Program. It was the first face to face event since March when the COVID-19 restrictions went into place.
Norma Hatfield (KY) Testified before the Kentucky Child Health, Welfare and Oversight Committee. She also worked with Kentucky Youth Advocates to produce a handbook to help grandparents and other relatives raising children in Kentucky. Download the handbook.
Marisa Van Zile (MI) was appointed to the Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council. The council advocates for people with developmental disabilities to increase access to appropriate treatment, services, and habilitation. Learn more.
Chris Mathews (FL) has been working as part of a group working to improve the child welfare system by finding concrete ways to move forward together to improve actual practice.
Robyn Wind-Tiger (Muscogee-Creek/ OK) participated in a second Judicial Summit in August.
Sarah Smalls (VA) has participated in a second Safety Convening and a project on Family First Implementation.
Bob Ruble (CA) was on a constituent panel at the Breaking Barriers Symposium.
Anntesha Chesterton (NV) has been working on a project reviewing Casey Family Programs Wellbeing Framework.
Norma Hatfield (KY) has been working on the Community-Based Prevention of Child Maltreatment work group as part of Casey Family Program’s Building a 21st Century Research Agenda.
Generations United's 2020 State of Grandfamilies Report
Staying Healthy Across Generations: Vaccines are Essential for All Ages
Generations United's new infographic illustrates that vaccines aren't just for kids-they protect all generations- especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Staying up to date on vaccines for the flu, pneumonia and whooping cough are important to protect both older adults and children. Soon a vaccine for COVID-19 will also be critical for both age groups. Check it out.
COVID-19 Fact Sheet for Grandfamilies and Multigenerational Families
This fact sheet—which was updated in June—provides information for grandfamilies to stay healthy, informed and connected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more.
Race Equity Toolkits Featuring Grandfamilies
This toolkit is designed to give resources and tips to child welfare agencies, other government agencies and nonprofit organizations, so they can better serve all American Indian and Alaska Native grandfamilies as well as African American grandfamilies regardless of child welfare involvement. It will explore some unique strengths and challenges of these grandfamilies, which agencies and organizations need to recognize in order to provide culturally appropriate supportive services. Learn more.
COVID-19/Emergency Resource Guide Now Online
The Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (SGRG) Advisory Council produced a list of resources specifically for kinship families and grandfamilies during emergencies such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more. Get ongoing updates on the work of the council.
In this episode, Foster Strong introduces listeners to Carloe, their resident "servant leader" who has experience with kinship care. With a devotion akin to no other, he will show you what it means to see "the light in the dark". Seeing the light in himself has helped him overcome, and he believes the world would be better if everyone could see their inner jewel. Listen to this episode.
How to Balance Children's Screen Time During the Pandemic
COVID-19 safety measures created such a shift in how parents and caregivers had to think about children and screen time that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) updated its guidance on screen use. Learn more.
New Research: Parenting Brain Changes Sees in All Caregivers
Infant and parent brains and bodies undergo rapid growth and transformation during the transition to parenting, presenting a unique opportunity to positively impact two generations. A new report highlights studies suggesting that parenting brain changes happen in all new primary caregivers—including fathers and non-biological parents in addition to biological mothers—in response to the caregiving role. Learn more.
Summary Report from A National Child Welfare Call to Action
This narrative summary Black Administrators in Child Welfare on deconstructing child welfare oppression is divided into six strategic sections that readers can use as a reference guide to examine current policy and practice, as well as a roadmap for strategic planning or as a starting point to begin these critical conversations. Learn more.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and COVID-19: Overlaying Risks, Uncertain Outcomes
This article highlights grandfamiliy facts, focuses on remote learning challenges, and includes resources for grandparents raising grandchildren during the pandemic. Learn more.
Why should child protection agencies adopt a kin-first approach?
Understand the importance of a kin-first culture and strategies for child protection agencies to prioritize and support kinship caregivers. Learn more.
How can we prioritize kin in the home study and licensure process, and make placement with relatives the norm?
Explore strategies that establish a kin-first philosophy to prioritize kinship care for children and support relative caregivers. Learn more.
How did A Second Chance Inc. transform kinship care in Allegheny County?
Learn how the policies and practices of A Second Chance Inc. have helped advance kinship care and improved outcomes in Allegheny County. Learn more.
Grand Voice is an e-resource for
grandfamily advocates and their allies distributed by Generations United's National Center on Grandfamilies. Grand Voice seeks to highlight key resources, policy updates, action opportunities, and program highlights to inspire and improve services and supports to grandfamilies across the U.S. Sign up for Generations United's weekly e-newsletter, Generations This Week.
Do you have something you want to have considered for inclusion in an upcoming issue of the Grand Voice? Please contact Alan King at [email protected].
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