July 27, 2023

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Matthew 21:25-32, The Inclusive Bible

Jesus continued, “What do you think? There was a landowner who had two children. The landowner approached the elder and said, ‘My child, go out and work in the vineyard today.’ This first child replied, ‘No, I won’t,’ but afterward regretted it and went. The landowner then came to the second child and said the same thing. The second child said in reply, ‘I’m on my way,’ but never went. Which of the two did what was wanted?”

They said, “The first.”

Jesus said to them, “The truth is, tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kindom of God before you. When John came walking on the road of justice, you didn’t believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. Yet even when you saw that, you didn’t repent and believe.”


Jesus points out in his closing zinger that tax collectors, hated for collaborating with the Empire and robbing their own people, and local sex workers making a living off of other people’s disordered desires, believed John's testimony, recognized the way of justice, changed their minds and walked in God’s way of kinship. They are already walking in the way of life with God. One could say they had a lot less to lose, although not really less to fear, at least socially. It may be that their biggest advantage over the chief priests and elders was their awareness of their need for a change. Whenever we sit in relative comfort, with significant privilege, changing course feels less inviting. 

This very human fear of change and the losses it will bring may cause us to say yes to God’s ways of justice and reconciliation in our heads, while not getting around to it with our bodies and in the deeper places of our spirits. Most of us resist change, even when it's clear the change will lead to fuller, more abundant life, both for us and many more people than are currently enjoying it.

Prayer in Poetry

Wildfires consume

as we have consumed;

orange sky hangs heavy,

a new warning

to turn 

people at the helm so hungry 

for the power they have not 

tasted from love

sisters shot, brothers suffocated, 

families left smoldering 

without justice

and yet: this year 

like every year,

the leaves turn.

Crickets stop their singing.

The moon grows large, slim, returning

and returning.  

People fill the streets

with courage.

Time to turn

and follow the ones

we thought unlikely

into the reign of Love.

May you

like the leaves

welcome the needed turning.

May Love pull you

into the vineyard,

hands ready, 

holding nothing 

but the tools given

for harvest.

This Grapevine devotional is a shortened version of a chapter in MW USA's new Bible Study, Abundant Liberation: Scripture Reflections + Blessings.

Written by Samantha E. Lioi

We are excited to announce that our 2023-2024 Bible Study Guide is now available for purchase on the webstore! This year we teamed up with Samantha E. Lioi for the start of a new trilogy over the next three years.

Samantha is a spiritual director, retreat leader, and writer living on the ancestral lands of the Haudenosaunee and Wenrohronan peoples in Buffalo, NY. She is ordained in Mennonite Church USA and has served as a pastor and conference peace and justice minister.

Samantha's Bible Study Guide explores a theology of Divine abundance and liberation.

"The Creator of all life has boundless resources and endless creativity to meet the needs of vulnerable ones, to thwart the plans of those whose hearts are twisted around power and domination, and to set free all who are bound."

Included are full Scripture citations to The Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation and each closing prayer is written powerfully in poetry. Circle up with your sisters around our latest women-authored Bible Study Guide. May it teach us to see the persistence of life and beauty. May it encourage us to relearn and restore mutual regard, reciprocity, and wholeness.

Purchase a Copy for Download

"The beauty of the painting was that, although it was a directed experience, individual expressions were varied."

Sister Marlene gathered a diverse group of women for MW USA's recent Celebrating Sisterhood event in Texas. The art event with brunch offered participants a chance to get to know each other, work together despite different languages and cultures, form friendships and discover new ways to express themselves.

How are you making new friends and expressing yourself in new ways? Send us a note and/or pictures about your sisterhood get-togethers and get-to-know-each-others, so we can all celebrate with you!

Email MW USA

MW USA is looking for a new member of our Leadership Circle to serve as East Coast Representative on our Board. We meet monthly by Zoom and gather annually in person. Our Regional Reps create connections with supporters and women's groups in your region and offer your gifts to further MW USA's events, communications, publications and programming. This is a part-time, paid position.

Please email or phone with interest if you live on the East Coast and feel called to join MW USA's Leadership Circle!

MW USA also warmly welcomes your writings for our publications. MW USA has two opportunities for sharing your story. Each month we feature a piece inspired by scripture in this Grapevine eNewsletter. Send in a 300–600-word devotional based on some specific part of the Bible. Twice a month we feature an original community journal entry in our Women's Voices Blog celebrating and empowering women. Send in a 500–800-word story, reflection, meditation or vision. We welcome you to write from your experience or about the work of a ministry you care about.

Follow this new link for guidelines and inspiration!

Email MW USA

MWUSA Donors enable women to come together in hope, healing and solidarity. We circle around the Bible, guided by women authored Study Guides. We are part of an international gathering of women who reflect on self care and each other care through Sister Care. Pooling our support for Scholarships makes new spiritual leadership possible every semester. God moves in our Conversations and Moves Us to places of growth. Every time we come together in person and online we make ever more links so our gifts and networks can bind the world in God's love.

We make a difference so our sisters can make a difference. Donating makes a difference.

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