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Administrative Assistant Position Available | |
Synergie Santé Environnement (SSE) and Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care (CCGHC) are looking for an organized and experienced Executive Administrative Assistant to coordinate and carry out numerous administrative tasks. Working for two organisations, one French-speaking and the other English-speaking, you must be perfectly bilingual French-English, both orally and in writing.
Based in Montreal, you will work directly with the SSE leadership team, and work virtually with the Coalition team and a range of partners across the country.
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CAPE Program Coordinator - Advocacy and Mobilization Training Program
Interested in working at the intersection of environment and health? Want to train health care professionals to be climate & environment leaders?
CAPE is hiring a Program Coordinator for their Advocacy & Mobilization Program, a cohort-based capacity-building program for physicians, nurses, and other health professionals. AMP aims to empower and enable health care professionals to act as environmental and climate leaders by: 1. Training health care professionals (HCPs) on advocacy and organizing skills, 2. Educating HCPs on the health impacts of environmental issues, and 3. Providing HCPs with opportunities to mobilize on existing campaigns or initiate their own.
To Apply: Please submit a cover letter and resume in English or French to hr@cape.ca before Sunday, August 7, 2022.
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PEI electric vehicle charging funding program (PEI EVCF Program)
The PEI government is encouraging business and community organisations across the province to install electric vehicle charging stations targeted for business and public use.
The PEI Electric Vehicle Charging Fund will support up to 75% of eligible costs for business, academic and community organisations in PEI to install commercial EV chargers in public parking areas, workplaces, light-duty vehicle fleet parking, and designated multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs). More detail is offered under definitions below.
Applications will be received until July 2023 or earlier if the EVCF Program is oversubscribed. Once the application is approved, the EV charger must be installed within six months.
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Government of Canada consultation papers to advance the plastics circular economy
Have your say by October 7, 2022
Today, the Government of Canada released two consultation papers to advance the plastics circular economy. The publication of both papers is followed by a public comment period ending October 7, 2022. Consultations through virtual engagement sessions will be held early fall. Circular Innovation Council encourages its members and stakeholders to get involved and have their say on both consultation papers.
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Call for Papers
There is a new Call for Papers for a Special issue active on Leadership in Health Services.
This Special Issue, "Health Service Leaders and Climate Change - An imperative for Change Leadership" seeks submissions consistent with the aims of Leadership in Health Service as stated on their website, with a particular emphasis on the impact of climate change on health services leadership.
Opening date for manuscripts submissions: 18/05/2022
Closing date for manuscripts submission: 31/10/2022
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The cruel irony of inhalers that make climate change worse
The New York Times
Drought and extreme heat, both exacerbated by climate change, have paved the way for prime fire conditions across the western United States. As wildfire season ramps up and smoke re-emerges as a serious health threat, experts are encouraging people to get smoke ready. This includes refilling medical devices like inhalers.
But what if the very devices used to treat the health effects of climate change are themselves contributing to the crisis?
Such is the case with metered-dose inhalers, which are prescribed to treat two of the most common respiratory diseases: asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
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The boiling point: The health effects of climate change
Between Japan experiencing its worst heatwave in 150 years, the United Kingdom surpassing 40 degrees Celcius for the first time ever, and the United States reporting nine individual billion-dollar weather and climate events in the first six months of 2022, one thing is clear: not only is this not normal, but we won’t survive it becoming the new normal.
With the frequency of deadly heat events growing across the globe, Dr. Mellisa Lem says it’s almost impossible to ignore the effects when the proof is already in our faces.
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Health Care Without Harm urges policymakers to advance the Environmental Justice for All Act | |
Anchors in Action: Building a future towards the food system we envision
Science & Environmental Health Network
Imagine if we and our children could eat institutional meals—whether in schools, universities, or hospitals—that were nourishing as well as reflective of our values?
Many of us have delighted in changes we’ve been fortunate to see on at least a small scale, such as on-site school gardens that involve the students and supply the cafeteria’s kitchen.
This is new data that shows just how profound these impacts are, and how expensive. Fortunately, there are exciting new developments that aim to harness the economic power of institutional food procurement, dramatically strengthening efforts to reverse the harms of the current global food system.
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Food for health: Tracking food insecurity with leaders across the country
On Friday April 29, 2022, Nourish Leadership gathered with 33 leaders from ten provinces and territories, coming from diverse roles in food and health systems.
Participants heard from experts from dietetics, academia, community food organisations, and elsewhere about promising policy openings for an integrated health response to food insecurity.
This workshop was part of Nourish Leadership's continuing work to identify policy innovations in the health care system and connected areas.
Nourish Leadership's mission is to catalyze and amplify health care leadership in community well-being, climate, equity and reconciliation.
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Main line health hospital is fighting food insecurity with a farm built in its parking lot
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Back in the 2010s, Main Line Health Lankenau Medical Center noticed a need for its patients it could help fill.
A lot of people coming in were experiencing food insecurity and needed a lifestyle and diet change to become healthier. The hospital decided to turn one of its parking lots into a garden, called Deaver Wellness Farm.
Now, every week, 40 patients are designated to receive a free bag of food from the farm along with recipes that will teach them to cook healthier.
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Electric vehicle registrations have tripled on P.E.I. since 2019
CBC News
P.E.I. easily led the country in growth in new electric vehicle registrations from 2019 to 2021.
Registrations of electric, hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles tripled on the Island during that time, growing from just 166 in 2019 to 494 in 2021, according to a report from Statistics Canada released this week.
Nationally, registrations were up about 50 per cent both from 2019 to 2021, and comparing the first quarters of 2021 and 2022.
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EV week Winnipeg to purchase 100 electric buses, overhaul transit system
Electric Autonomy
The City of Winnipeg is moving ahead with plans to purchase electric buses and revamp its transit system after securing funding from three levels of government.
Last week, the federal, provincial and municipal governments pledged $509 million to Winnipeg Transit.
The money will go towards a redesign of Winnipeg Transit’s entire network with the acquisition of 100 electric buses, 135 diesel buses, charging infrastructure and a new garage.
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Battery electric vehicle registrations in Canada hit a record high in Q1 2022, StatsCan reports
Electric autonomy
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Electric vehicle registrations posted a big leap forward in the first quarter of 2022, with the highest number of battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) registered in a single quarter, the latest data from Statistics Canada show.
Quarter-on-quarter, Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) registrations (battery electrics and plug-in hybrids combined) per StatsCan data jumped 1.5 per cent, hitting 7.7 per cent in the first quarter of 2022, up from 6.2 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2021.
For just BEVs alone, the national adoption rate for Q1 2022 hit 5.8 per cent, a sizeable increase from the 4.2 per cent recorded in Q4 of 2021.
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Thunder Bay hospital gets accredited with 'exemplary' standing
TB News Watch
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre impressed a team of evaluators from Accreditation Canada who recently visited the hospital.
Surveyors from the independent, not-for-profit organisation spent a week at TBRHSC in May to conduct an on-site assessment of leadership, governance, clinical programs and services.
In an announcement Wednesday, TBRHSC described the results as "outstanding." It said that for the first time in the hospital's history, it's among a select group to receive Accreditation Canada's highest possible rating – Exemplary Standing.
An executive summary of the report is available online.
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Top areas to keep clean in senior care facilities
Healthcare Facilities Today
Senior care facilities require specific cleaning protocols. And while cleanliness is important in all areas of a care facility, there are some areas which are critical to keep clean. These areas, if overlooked, can cause significant problems.
Cleaning senior care facilities is somewhat similar to cleaning daycares and schools, a fact that surprises some people. But why is this? Because unlike office spaces or industrial workplaces, there is a far greater risk of infection or disease in senior care facilities. Thorough cleaning, especially in key areas, is essential.
Critical touch points to be cleaned in senior care homes include door handles, faucets, food trays, countertops, chairs, tables, light switches, toilet handles, handrails, and elevator buttons.
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Energy Star Canada Awards 2022 Winners
Natural Resources Canada
Congratulations to Horizon's Saint John Regional Hospital for winning ENERGY STAR's 2022 Building of the Year!
Natural Resources Canada congratulates 17 organisations and 10 buildings for winning the 2022 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards for advancing energy efficiency.
The awards recognize organisations that have demonstrated excellence in offering Canadians the most energy-efficient products and technology available on the market.
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Eleven winners announced in the 2022 SABMag Canadian Green Building Awards
Eleven projects have been awarded in the 2022 SABMag Canadian Green Building Awards, with both Prince Edward Island and the Yukon being represented, along with entries from BC, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec.
Five of the winners were Passive House certified projects in a large range of building types, confirming that the industry is taking the challenge of reducing operating energy seriously without compromising its architectural ambitions.
See the winning projects
Register for the 2023 awards
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Near real-time hourly weather data is now available directly within the latest version of RETScreen Software’s Performance Analysis module. As part of our ongoing collaboration with NASA, you can now download hourly weather data for the entire surface of the planet!
Click here to download RETScreen Expert
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The Sustainability in Parma & Healthcare Congress | |
How best can your company move towards net zero? Learn more at The Sustainability in Pharma & Healthcare Congress on the 8th and 9th of September in London, UK. Strategic shifts towards NetZero operations have been trending globally, with key interest across pharma and health care industries.
This two-day event aims to accelerate this transition and compel key stakeholders to embrace a ‘greener’ perspective, via in-depth talks, interactive sessions, and networking. Designed to explore the key challenges facing the development and implementation of sustainable practices throughout the industry, the programme will facilitate solution-oriented discussion and collaboration to advance sustainability practices.
Contact Faye Rowe for information on discounted passes! F.rowe@oxfordglobal.co.uk
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Culinary medicine in food service round table
Attend a free virtual roundtable covering the intersection of food and health through presentations and conversations with leaders across the culinary world, hospital foodservice, advocacy, government, research, social sciences and education.
Date: September 19th, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM EDT
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Join CAPE-BC for their Healthy Climate Solutions Fair!
The Healthy Climate Solutions Fair is a public exhibition that explores the health impacts of climate change, and celebrates energy solutions in Canada we can use today to transition to 100% clean energy.
Dates: Aug. 20th & Sept. 17th, 2022
Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM PT
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Booking for booths at IFHE 2022 is open! |
The online booking form for booths at the IFHE 2022 Congress | CHES 2022 National Conference taking place September 17-21, 2022 in Toronto ON is now open.
CHES, together with the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, is encouraging all event participants to consider requesting exhibition space in the GREEN PARK.
A block of rooms is being held at The Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto. To receive the conference rate, mention "Congress of the IFHE 2022" when making your reservation.
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RETScreen® is a Clean Energy Management Software system for energy efficiency, renewable energy and cogeneration project feasibility analysis as well as ongoing energy performance analysis.
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Have you registered as an organ donor?
Contact your local organ donation agency and speak to your family about your wishes. You have the power to save and transform lives.
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The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is Canada’s premier green health care resource network, leading the evolution of green in Canada’s health sector as a national voice and catalyst for environmental change. www.greenhealthcare.ca | |
Some articles referred to in the Digest make reference to services and/or product offerings from specific suppliers. The CCGHC recommends that readers research the service and product offerings available through a wider range of suppliers for comparison purposes and in keeping with public sector purchasing guidelines. These articles should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any product or service.
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