“We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.”- Terri Swearigen
Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, SSE and UHN announced as Climate Challenge Champions
Global Green and Healthy Hospitals has recently announce the 2017 winners of the  2020 Health Care Climate Challenge Champion Awards !

By using their innovation, ingenuity, investments and voice, these organisations are reducing their climate footprint, developing low-carbon models of care, adapting to stand resilient to a changing climate and advocating for policies to protect the future health of the planet.

The Canadian winners for 2017 include:

GOLD- Climate Leadership

SILVER- Climate Leadership

GOLD- Climate Resiliency
GOLD- Climate Leadership

To read the full list of winner for 2017, click here .
The Opportunities for Food in Health Care infographic release
This infographic by  Nourish: Future of Food in Health Care  shares the various opportunities available to health care institutions in Canada to leverage food as a way to improve patient, organization and community outcomes. 

This infographic was developed with the support of  Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment , the  Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care , the  Canadian Malnutrition Task Force Dietitians of Canada Food Secure Canada HealthCare CAN MaRS Solutions Lab , and the University Health Network’s  OpenLab .
The English PDF of the infographic is here for download or click the above image.
The French PDF is here
ENERGY STAR Certification for Buildings launched

NRCan is hard at work adapting the ENERGY STAR certification process for use in Canada so that you can earn recognition for your top-performing energy-efficient buildings.

Starting in 2018,  eligible building types  will be able to apply for certification and share their success with everyone who walks by or through their doors. To qualify, your building will need to earn an ENERGY STAR score of at least 75, meet certain other eligibility criteria, and have your application verified by a licensed professional.

Click here to learn more
Utility savings fund Saskatoon hospital upgrades
Royal University Hospital, located on the University of Saskatchewan campus in Saskatoon, is a seven-wing, seven-storey facility that raised the standard of medical treatment in the province when it was built in 1955. Over the years, aging infrastructure and outdated, energy-wasting fixtures needed to be improved, not only for the health and wellbeing of patients and staff, but also to help mitigate the building’s environmental footprint.

To read the full article click here .
Quality products needed to meet green building standards today

Sustainable healthcare facilities will need energy-efficient building enclosures from the outset. For architects looking to design sustainable buildings—especially in healthcare—smart technologies and renewable energy might be top of mind. But often overlooked, and perhaps the most important to get right from the outset, is designing an energy-efficient building enclosure.

Follow this link to read the full article.
Queen's University Global Health Program's Horizons' Magazine on Climate Change
Included is a link to  Queen's University Global Health Program's Horizons' Magazine on Climate Change .   It includes articles from CAPE Executive Director Kim Perrotta on Active Travel, CAPE President Dr. Courtney Howard on Plant-rich food diets for the planet, and CAPE Board Member Dr. Cathy Vakil on the importance of physician advocacy and more. The newsletter was curated by Queen's Family Med. Click on the link above to access the free newsletter. 
Grand River Hospital partners for recycling single use device Reprocessing
Debbie Richarz, Director of Food and Environmental Services, and Max Kan, Environmental Services Supervisor and Waste Lead at Grand River Hospital, learned about a no-cost opportunity to partner with a third party to reduce their facility’s carbon footprint and costs. This free program was fully customized to maximize waste diversion through the collection of single use devices (compression sleeves, laparoscopic sealers, ultrasonic scalpers, trocars, etc.) throughout the hospital.

To read the full case study, follow this link .
Public health in the Anthropocene

Canadian Medical Association Journal has recently released their latest journal, which includes an article by Coalition co-founder, Dr Trevor Hancock.

To access and subscribe to the CMAJ follow this link .
Award-winning programs improve health and cut energy waste
In a promising trend that connects health and energy, a rising number of organisations have launched initiatives within the past 10 years to mitigate indoor health risks while reducing energy waste. Our new report,  T he Next Nexus: Exemplary Programs that Save Energy and Improve Health , recognizes the best by announcing the six winners of the new Health and Energy Linked Programs (HELP) Award.

Their work is invaluable because the buildings we live and work in have a direct effect on our health. Air pollution from power plants, allergens such as pollen, and cold and hot air can all find their way into homes, workplaces, and schools where they can exacerbate a host of health problems ranging from asthma to heart disease.

To download the report, follow this link .
A global game changer for energy efficiency investments
Three hospitals in England recently cut energy costs in half after spending the equivalent of $18 million in energy efficiency upgrades. The projects got a much-needed boost from a certification that gave investors confidence the retrofits would bring returns.

With millions of buildings in need of upgrades and the emergence of a  $20-billion retrofit industry  in the United States alone, there is neither a shortage of projects nor capital looking for environmental opportunities in which to invest. What has been lacking is a way to grow the market to scale. Click here for the full article on energy efficiency.
Mercury, Lamps, Recycling, and Retrofits
Mercury, Lamps, Recycling and Retrofits Webinar
April 24th, 2018
11pm EST

Join us as we highlight reasons why organizations should recycle mercury-containing lights, how health care facilities can drive waste reduction through procurement, along with other key topics. There will be an overview of financial opportunities including rebates, partnerships, regulations, and developments within the marketplace. Key industry leaders will share their experiences supporting green initiatives. RCO and CCGHC aim to support organizations that are interested in expanding their current sustainability programs.

Webinar participants will be provided with tools and resources to support their efforts in reducing health care-generated waste and increasing recycling. Presenters will share emerging solutions to help drive waste reduction while assisting hospitals to gain understanding on how to improve their waste management score in the Coalition’s Green Hospital Scorecard.

This FREE webinar on Mercury, Lamps, Recycling, and Retrofits we will cover:
  • What recycling means
  • Environmental hazards associated with improper disposal of mercury-containing products
  • Recycling options, including leading-edge best practices
  • Tracking and verifying
  • Regulations at provincial, national, and global levels
  • What’s happening in the marketplace
  • ABCs of LED lighting retrofits
  • Value of retrofits
  • Available rebate programs
  • How can this add value to the Coalition’s Green Hospital Scorecard
This webinar is a part of a 4 webinar series initiated by the Recycling Council of Ontario and the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care. The series will also provide a forum for sponsors and service providers to communicate new best-practice methodologies and technologies directly to their target audience in health care. Please contact Dan, at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the webinars.
International Webinar of Experts on Climate Change and Health System Resiliency

International Webinar of Experts on Climate Change and Health System Resiliency
March 29, 2018 from 9:00am – 12:00pm EST

Climate change is increasing challenges to the ability and capacity of health systems worldwide to protect the health and well-being of populations, particularly those most vulnerable to the impacts. Sharing learnings and experiences about efforts to build climate resilient health systems presents the opportunity to collaboratively address this priority area of action and address climate change impacts on health.
As a contribution to the  Third Global Conference on Climate and Health,  the World Health Organization and Health Canada are convening a web-based meeting of international experts to exchange information on:
·           Current research projects and research gaps on health system resiliency
·           Examples of actions to reduce health system vulnerabilities from climate change
·           Challenges and opportunities in efforts to increase the climate resiliency of health systems
Please note that registration is required to join the webinar event and can be completed by accessing the hyperlink below. Login details will be automatically sent to you by email upon registration.
Should you have any questions about the webinar or need further information, please contact Marielle Verret from Health Canada’s Climate Change and Innovation Bureau at  [email protected]
Launch of the Low Carbon Economy Challenge
The Challenge will provide more than $500 million for projects that will generate clean growth and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. All provinces, territories, businesses, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, and Indigenous governments and organizations who meet eligibility criteria will be able to apply.
The dates, times and venues for information sessions are below. In addition to providing information about the Challenge, the sessions will include presentations from other government departments or programs, such as the Clean Growth Hub, Natural Resources Canada or Infrastructure Canada. We are aiming to target relevant programs to each location; as such, the additional presentations will vary. Where event details are yet to be confirmed the following website will post the details and it is also where you can learn more about the Low Carbon Economy Fund .

Hospitals are eligible to apply for the Low Carbon Economy Challenge Fund .
For any questions please send them to the Low Carbon Economy Fund Secretariat at  [email protected] .
Low Carbon Economy Challenge Fund Information Sessions – Tentative Dates
-            Ottawa, Ontario on March 28
-            St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador on March 28
-            Regina, Saskatchewan on April 3
-            Winnipeg, Manitoba on April 5
-            Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on April 6
-            Whitehorse, Yukon on April 10
-            Yellowknife, Northwest Territories on April 12
Le Défi fournira plus de 500 millions de dollars pour des projets qui généreront une croissance propre et réduiront les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Les provinces, territoires, entreprises, municipalités, organismes sans but lucratif et gouvernements et organismes autochtones qui répondent aux critères d'admissibilité pourront présenter une demande.
J'ai également inclus ci-dessous les dates préliminaires des séances d'information. Les dates finales et les détails concernant le lieu et l’heure des séances d’information seront fournis une fois le Défi lancé. Je vous invite à nous rejoindre lors de la séance qui vous convient. N'hésitez pas à partager ces dates avec vos réseaux dès maintenant.
Les hôpitaux peuvent présenter une demande pour le Défi Fonds Carbone Faible.
Défi pour une économie à faibles émissions de carbone : dates préliminaires des séances d’information
- Ottawa, Ontario le 28 mars
- St. John's, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador le 28 mars
- Regina, Saskatchewan le 3 avril
- Winnipeg, Manitoba le 5 avril
- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan le 6 avril
- Whitehorse, Yukon le 10 avril
- Yellowknife, Territoires du Nord-Ouest le 12 avril
Greening Health Care Webinar #1
Greening Health Care Webinar #1 
Date: Wednesday, April 4 th , 2018
Time: 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM EDT

This webinar includes a review of water benchmarking and audits of member hospitals. Find out how water is used, and where the big savings are to be found!

Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership
Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership
April 20-21, 2018 
JW Marriott PARQ Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia

The 2018   Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership , co-hosted by Joule and the   Canadian Society of Physician Leaders  (CSPL) is a must-do.

Immerse yourself in our informative and inspiring conference to hear relevant keynote speakers and take away tools and techniques from a variety of interactive workshops (8 workshops run simultaneously both in the morning and afternoon over 2 days). Rub elbows and exchange ideas with your peers in the leadership community.

Featured presentation session: First do no harm: how physicians can lead the green health movement to heal the planet 
Presenter: Neil Ritchie, BSc., MHSA, Project Lead, Green Health Leader's Initiative, Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, Halifax, N.S.

38th annual CHES Ontario Conference and Trade Show
CHES Ontario Conference and Trade Show
Sunday, June 3, 20189:00 AM 
Tuesday, June 5, 20181:30 PM
Blue Mountain, Jozo Weider Boulevard
The Blue Mountains, ON, L9Y Canada

The theme of this conference is "Targeting Challenges"

Creating an environment for efficient and effective delivery of health care

Click here to learn more about the upcoming 2018 CHES Ontario Conference and Trade Show.
National Health Leadership Conference 
National Health Leadership Conference
June 4-5, 2018  
St. John's, Newfoundland 

This conference is the largest national gathering of health system decision-makers in Canada including trustees, chief executive officers, directors, managers, department heads and other health leaders representing various sectors and professions in health regions, authorities and alliances, hospitals, long-term care organizations, public health agencies, community care, mental health and social services. As well, the conference draws participants from government, education and research organizations, professional associations, consulting firms and industry. 

Creating the winning conditions for change 

Download the comprehensive brochure here

Future conference dates: 
June 10-11, 2019 – Toronto, Ontario 
June 15-16, 2020 – Edmonton, Alberta
OHHA 7 th  Annual Conference and Trade Show “TRUE GRIT”
OHHA 7 th  Annual Conference and Trade Show “TRUE GRIT”
June 5-7, 2018
Pinestone Resort , Haliburton, ON

Deadline to Register is May 18, 2018, so Giddy Up!

Click image below to learn about the various sessions for "True Grit"
CleanMed 2018
May 7-9, 2018 | San Diego, California
Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina

CleanMed is the premier national environmental conference for leaders in health care sustainability who are on the leading edge of greening the health care sector. It’s the one time each year for businesses with environmentally preferable products and services or nutritious, sustainable foods to connect with the health care leaders who make purchasing decisions for their facilities. No other conference will connect you with the leaders at the forefront of implementing sustainability projects, green building design and environmentally preferable purchasing.
CHES National Conference
Smarter Infrastructure for Enhanced Patient Outcomes
CHES 2018 National Conference
September 16-18, 2018
St. John's Convention Centre
St John's. NL

Don't forget to book your booth for the CHES 2018 National Conference in St. John's NL, September 16-18, 2018.  
Space is limited in 2018 so reserve your booth today (if you have not already done so)! 

See ya da once!
Some articles referred to in the Digest make reference to services and/or product offerings from specific suppliers. The CCGHC recommends that readers research the service and product offerings available through a wider range of suppliers for comparison purposes and in keeping with public sector purchasing guidelines. These articles should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any product or service.
Do you have any photos or stories to share with The Green Digest? Please send them to Dan at [email protected]