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Case Study: Yukon Home Care Embrace E-Bikes | |
The Coalition has released our first case study as part of our zero-emission awareness initiative which aims to increase public and industry awareness, knowledge and confidence in zero-emission vehicles (ZEV), particularly battery-powered micro-mobility (BPMM) solutions.
In this case study we profile the Yukon Home Care Program which provides at-home care, in part, thanks to two battery-powered micro-mobility devices – otherwise known as ‘e-bikes’ and affectionately called “Speedy Tweety” and “Sylvester.”
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Seeking a Volunteer for Social Media Marketing | |
The Coalition is looking for a passionate and creative volunteer who wants to help forward our mission of a climate resilient, net-zero health system by enhancing our social media presence.
This volunteer opportunity will consist of a few hours a week assisting the Project Coordinator in the development of social media campaigns to promote Coalition events and resources.
Experience with social media marketing is preferred but not required. Email autumn@greenhealthcare.ca to apply today.
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Join our National Health Care Forest | | |
With the help of our partners, the Coalition is helping to create a national health care forest!
If you are interested in planting trees or shrubs at your facility, please reach out to Sama, at Sama@greenhealthcare.ca
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Elizabeth May Chair in Sustainability and Environmental Health
The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Dalhousie University invites applications for the Elizabeth May Chair in Sustainability and Environmental Health, an endowed tenure-track or probationary tenure-track faculty position at the rank of assistant professor. The mission of the Elizabeth May Chair is to provide inspirational, experiential, and transformative leadership for sustainability and environmental health scholarship through research and teaching.
Applications are being accepted until November 24th, 2023.
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Electric Vehicle ChargeON Program
The EV ChargeON program provides funding for the installation of public electric vehicle (EV) chargers in Ontario communities outside of major cities.
EV ChargeON aims to:
increase the number of public EV charging stations throughout Ontario to build a more connected network
- make public chargers more accessible and affordable
encourage more people to switch to EVs
Applications are being accepted until January 31st, 2024.
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Call for Abstracts: CHES 2024 National Conference |
Speaker abstracts are now being accepted for the 2024 CHES National Conference. This national conference attracts leaders from across Canada and around the world in the field of health care facilities design, engineering, operations and maintenance.
The CHES 2024 conference theme is “Enriching Patient Experiences by Optimizing the Environment”.
Accepted speakers will be notified by February 2024.
Please Visit www.ches.org for further details. You may submit your completed form HERE.
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The 2023 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: The imperative for a health-centred response in a world facing irreversible harms
The Lancet
The Lancet Countdown is an international research collaboration that independently monitors the evolving impacts of climate change on health, and the emerging health opportunities of climate action.
In its eighth iteration, this 2023 report draws on the expertise of 114 scientists and health practitioners from 52 research institutions and UN agencies worldwide to provide its most comprehensive assessment yet.
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Sustainable practice: Sustainable prescribing of iron replacement therapy
Production and use of medications represent 12-25% of the greenhouse gas emissions from health care, the largest item in the supply chain with respect to carbon footprint. An accessible entry point for clinicians to reduce their environmental impact is to focus on optimizing prescribing.
Treatment of iron deficiency (with or without anaemia) is an area where clinicians can implement updated recommendations on dose and frequency of iron supplementation that can have a clinical benefit for patients and also help mitigate environmental harms from health care practices.
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Sounding the alarm about disposable plastic in the health care industry
To Jodi Sherman’s way of thinking, the Hippocratic Oath’s vow of doing no harm includes doing no harm to the planet — particularly when it comes to the sea of single-use plastic flooding the health care industry.
Sherman, an associate professor of anesthesiology at Yale School of Medicine and of epidemiology in environmental health sciences at Yale School of Public Health, has spent the past decade promoting sustainability in the U.S. health care industry and documenting the need for more stringent regulation and mandatory reporting of sustainability efforts by health care organisations.
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Prince Rupert nurse takes aim at waste generated by hospitals
Vancouver Sun
Teri Forster’s master’s thesis concentrated on what nurses in northern B.C. are doing voluntarily to reduce waste in hospitals.
Forster remembered when much of her nursing equipment was reusable — a distant memory today, when much of the medical supplies nurses employ are single-use.
Article content “When I was a new grad, we had tons of reusable things,” she said. “Over time, the health authorities have moved to these packaged kits that have layers and layers and layers of plastic. And some are great, but we throw out most of what’s in there.”
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2023 on track to be the hottest year on record, say scientists
The Guardian
The world is set to have been hotter in 2023 than in any other year on record, scientists have declared, before a landmark climate summit this month.
“We can say with near certainty that 2023 will be the warmest year on record, and is currently 1.43C above the pre-industrial average,” said Samantha Burgess, the deputy director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service. “The sense of urgency for ambitious climate action going into Cop28 has never been higher.”
The Copernicus scientists found last month was the hottest October on record globally, with temperatures 1.7C above what they were thought to have been during the average October in the late 1800s.
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'Incremental action is no longer enough': Coalition pushes B.C. to move faster on climate-change mitigation
CBC News
A campaign launched two years ago by a network of advocates, businesses, academics and First Nations says British Columbia is still failing on three of 10 goals it wants the province to meet to mitigate the effects of climate change.
On Tuesday, the B.C. Climate Emergency Campaign released its second progress report, which grades the province on its progress in meeting its climate targets.
Only minor progress is being made on the other seven actions it's demanding, the report says.
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EV Incentives in Canada and Considerations |
Considering electric vehicles for your fleet, but worried about the cost? We’ve got some good news for you:
The federal government offers key incentives that make EVs more accessible for individuals and businesses across Canada.
In this blog, you'll find details about the incentives, and how EVs may be able to lower overall fleet costs.
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Release of RETScreen® Version 9.0
Version 9 of the RETScreen® Clean Energy Management Software platform was released on October 13th, 2022 and is now available for download from the RETScreen website. This update has arrived with a number of salient new features to enhance the RETScreen experience!
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Advancing climate resilience in health centers and their communities: Introducing resources for accessing the inflation reduction act
Join the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health, the National Association of Community Health Centers, Health Center and PCA representatives, and other invited guests as we share a new toolkit that helps patients and health centers build climate change resilience through funding and tax incentives provided through the Inflation Reduction Act.
Date: November 29th
Time: 12pm PT/3pm ET
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Greening Health are 2023 Annual Forum
The issues of energy transition, electrification, decarbonization, and efficiency first are driving change in health care facility policy, planning, finance and operations across North America. Join GHC in Toronto to network for a day with health care leaders as they explore what these changes mean for roles, responsibilities and decision-making in their own organisations, and the kinds of equipment, resources and service delivery models needed to meet emissions reduction targets.
Date: December 4th, 2023
Time: 8am - 6pm
Location: Delta Hotels by Marriott Toronto
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EV Charging National Discussion Series |
Electric Autonomy invites you to join a series of virtual panel discussions as industry experts and key stakeholders take a deep dive into the issues and opportunities facing the public electric vehicle charging experience in Canada.
UP NEXT: Building a resilient Grid
Canada’s grids are each facing challenges to get EV-ready. Whether it’s capacity issues, clean power sources, or the need to update poles and transmission wires, each grid’s needs are different and nuanced. This webinar will explore the options available to utilities as they assess their hardware, software and power-generating needs and contrast them against the projected demand needed in 2025, 2035 and beyond.
Date: November 22, 2023
Time: 1pm ET/ 10am PT
Register HERE.
Other webinars in the series:
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RETScreen® is a Clean Energy Management Software system for energy efficiency, renewable energy and cogeneration project feasibility analysis as well as ongoing energy performance analysis.
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Have you registered as an organ donor?
Contact your local organ donation agency and speak to your family about your wishes. You have the power to save and transform lives.
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The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is Canada’s premier green health care resource network, leading the evolution of green in Canada’s health sector as a national voice and catalyst for environmental change. www.greenhealthcare.ca | |
Some articles referred to in the Digest make reference to services and/or product offerings from specific suppliers. The CCGHC recommends that readers research the service and product offerings available through a wider range of suppliers for comparison purposes and in keeping with public sector purchasing guidelines. These articles should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any product or service.
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