Dear Sirs
The protection and promotion of cultural heritage was identified as a priority during Meetings of Ministers and Cultural Authorities in recent years. At regional conferences, Members of Caribbean States all express interest in receiving support for the development and preservation of heritage.
The aim of the Grenada National Trust is to map, document, and share with the general public many of the most important historical buildings, landscapes, and memorial places of Grenada. We intend to start the documentation and awareness process by publishing a Grenada Pictorial Coffee Table Book for the benefit of Government Agencies, Embassies, visitors and the general public.
Why do we need such a national document and inventory? There are at least four important reasons why such a project is important:
1. Honoring the culture and history of Grenada: many places that played an important role in the history of Grenada and its people are scarcely known or completely unrecorded. The Coffee Table Book will provide an opportunity to raise public awareness about the Grenadian heritage.
2. Encouraging visitation and transmitting knowledge: Visitors, local residents, and especially the younger generation can greatly benefit from a broader picture of the sites and historical landscapes of Grenada. Our legacy is diminished when important places are forgotten. 
3. Monitoring and safeguarding: Time and the environment are powerful forces that can degrade and eventually destroy historical sites that are carefully tended. A Pictorial Record will identify the places that should be regularly monitored.
4. Risk Management and Disaster Recovery: Heritage is unique and irreplaceable. Without an accurate listing, photos, and descriptions of our important heritage places, their repair and restoration after a natural or man-made disaster would be impossible.
Grenadians commitment is important as you appreciate and support any cause related to create awareness, safeguard and promote our country-roots. The Grenada Heritage Book can be offered to your relatives and friends as a special gift. As a citizen that is proud of its heritage and a supporter of our country’s development, we are asking your collaboration by purchasing this book that will be available on December 2018 - January 2019. The price per book is USD$ 45 ( see sample attached)
If you would like to purchase the Grenada Heritage Book, please contact us to confirm your order details.

Best Regards,

Adriana Rojas
Executive Director

Grenada National Trust
Preserving, protecting and promoting Grenada's Heritage

Download the Grenada Heritage Map App with over 50 point of interest at
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