The Grotto Turns 100 in 2024

The Grotto is celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2024 with a year of special events and service to others.

Founded in 1924 by Servite Fr. Ambrose Mayer, The Grotto has been a sanctuary of peace for all people for the past century. The Grotto remains ministry of the Servite Friars, Order of Servants of Mary.

The sanctuary is dedicating the first part of 2024 to service to others, inspired by the Servite's mission of caring for those suffering or alone.

These words remain true today.

100 Units of Blood for 100 Years

To kick off the year, The Grotto is partnering with the American Red Cross to attempt to collect 100 units of blood at a three-day blood drive in our conference center.

Monday, Jan. 8

Tuesday, Jan. 9

Wednesday, Jan. 10

All times ar 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

To register to give blood at one of the January drive's, click here.

Stay Tuned

Upcoming projects include collecting 100 coats, blankets, and barrels of food.

At the dedication of the shrine in 1924, Archbishop Alexander Christie offered this prayer:

“Let this be a sanctuary of peace for all peoples of the earth, and surely in this day a sanctuary is needed. Torn with differences, strife, and grief, the world needs sanctuary where the human spirit can seek peace and consolation.”

These words remain true today.

God our Father, every day you invite us to come and remain in you. Help us to not get lost and turn our gaze from Jesus, your Son. Grant us clear vision of your truth and love in Jesus. May the lure of this passing world not distract us from our journey toward you. Help us in our human weakness and shortsightedness. We ask this through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us.

Daily Mass: 12 noon in the Chapel of Mary

Recitation of the Rosary: 11:30 a.m.

Garden Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Admission to the Upper Gardens is sold until 3 p.m.

Priest Office Hours: 10-11:45 a.m.

Office is located inside the Visitor Center.

Gift Shop Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The Grotto Gift Shop has a wide variety of books, cards, statuary, Rosaries, jewelry, home decor and yummy treats.

Gift Shop Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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