
This month, we have so much exciting news to share with the community, including a new grant from the Margaret Dunning Foundation, a new board member, our Stronger Families.Stronger Communities campaign, and much more. You can read all about that and a special message from our CEO, Nick Griswold below:

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro
"Growth Works stands in solidarity with communities of Asian Americans, Asians, and Pacific Islanders. Since the beginning of the pandemic last March, there have been over 3,000 reported incidents of violence against these groups of people across the country. We cannot let our guard down in the face of intolerance and must speak out against all forms of prejudice that continue in our society. Our Asian American, Asian, and Pacific Islander clients and staff need the support of our Growth Works Family as they navigate through an increasingly frightening time for themselves and their families. We can all speak up when we encounter anyone using pejorative language, and we should report any acts of hate or bias we witness within the agency to a supervisor.

We have a duty to not only advocate against racism, but also to educate ourselves about privilege and bias. Asian Americans Advancing Justice, the nation's largest Asian American legal and civil rights organization, has created a platform to empower Asian Americans, Asians, and Pacific Islanders to document their experiences of racial and gender hate. The Stand Against Hatred platform is a powerful tool that can be used to educate and inform. We encourage all to visit and share this site so that together we can grow and move toward a more just society."
-Nick Griswold, CEO

Growth Works Welcomes New Board MemberPlease join us in welcoming our newest member to join Growth Works’ Board of Directors, Dr. Cynthera McNeill. As an Assistant Professor and Nurse Practitioner at Wayne State University College of Nursing, Dr. McNeill brings a wealth of experience, as well as a unique perspective that will greatly contribute to the Board’s work. Dr. McNeill is also a practicing internal medicine provider at Harper University Hospital and Advantage Health Centers in Detroit. Additionally, she is the founder of S.A.V.E.T.H.E.M., a youth health nonprofit, and the co-founder of No Nurse Left Behind, which assists in the professional development of nurses and nurse practitioners.

Margaret Dunning Foundation - Growth Works is excited to announce that the Agency has received a $26,000 grant from the Margaret Dunning Foundation to support renovations at the Plymouth location. Building renovations are set to start this month and wrap-up in August. “Growth Works is truly grateful to the Dunning Foundation for their contribution to our agency. We have been in the downtown Plymouth area for many years now and take pride in being a part of this community. We look forward to doing our part by adding to the charm of Plymouth’s small-town experience,” said Growth Works CEO, Nick Griswold. Click the button below to read the full press release!
Since Growth Works began in 1971, we have grown and evolved exponentially to meet the needs of our community and now have 114 employees! We started with youth drop-in center services and now offer family services, adult and youth treatment programs, and community-based opportunities for youth in the juvenile justice system. Many of you have known us for years, while others may be relatively new to Growth Works; we want to make sure you know the Growth Works of today! Each newsletter, we will provide you with an overview of one of our programs and how they serve the community.

This month in our Growth Works Program spotlight, we are recognizing our Community Intervention & Treatment (CITX). Keep reading to learn about this incredible program and its impact on the young men and women in our community.
Description of your program: The Community Intervention & Treatment Team provides both clinical and peer coaching services to Substance Use Disorder clients. We do this in both group treatment and community-based settings as we have partnerships with local Public Safety Departments, St. Mary's Hospital and local Drug Courts. 

How does your program and coordinators support clients?: We try to meet clients where they are at. Many clients aren't super excited about treatment when they get connected to us and some are. We provide education, treatment, support, and ongoing resources to help work towards their goals. 

What is a Quote or Song Title You Feel Embodies Your Program?: “Between stimulus and response there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” - Victor Frankl

Anything else you want people to know?: Due to the pandemic, we don't have any current pictures of our team, but guaranteed you will meet some of the nicest people here at Community Intervention & Treatment! You can learn more about what we do by viewing the graphic below.

For more information about Growth Works and our services, visit our website here.
In honor of our 50th Anniversary, we'd like to introduce you to some of the outside faces behind Growth Works. We’re excited to begin spotlighting our board members, who’s contributions and valuable insight have made Growth Works what it is today. This month we're featuring board member Susan T. Brown.
How long have you been a board member at Growth Works? Since 2013.

What do you enjoy most about volunteering? The idea that somehow we are making a difference in someone’s life - maybe even saving their life. It also feels great to give back to the community. 

Tell us about your background: I spent 10 years at Miller Canfield as a paralegal learning about municipal finance. I then went on to work for Comerica Bank and US Bank as a trustee for municipal bonds. My biggest customers were the City of Detroit and Wayne County Airport. 

Tell us a fun fact about you that others may not know: I have two quarter horses that I have owned for 25 years and I still ride about 3 times a week. 

What is the most rewarding thing you have taken from this experience? Working together as a team to help Growth Works evolve as the needs of our clients change. 
This year marks an incredible milestone for Growth Works as we celebrate 50 years of serving the community. The agency was founded in 1971 and although much has changed since then, Growth Works’ commitment to its mission and values has only grown stronger. As we sit back and reflect on the past 50 years, we’re incredibly proud of how far the organization has come, but we understand that there is still much more to be done.

In honor of our 50th Anniversary, we’re looking towards the future by launching our Stronger Families. Stronger Communities. campaign, aimed to provide resources and activities to help strengthen your family and in turn, strengthen the community. When you sign-up, you’ll receive a certificate and a list of family-friendly activities.

The Stronger Families. Stronger Communities campaign is dedicated to all of our partners like you – because throughout our five decades of serving the community, your support has remained constant. Here’s to 50 years of serving the community, we’re looking forward to 50 more!

Help us reach our goal of 25,000 participants and sign-up for the campaign today by clicking the button below.

On Wednesday's at 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Zoom, Growth Works offers a Recovery Support Group. These sessions offers a casual conversation with a Certified Recovery Coach for people in recovery from addiction to drugs or alcohol. No registration is required!

Please find the Zoom meeting information below:

12 p.m. info:
Meeting ID: 991 4952 3228
Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782 US
Find your local number:

7 p.m. info:
Meeting ID: 977 0562 5319
Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782 US
Find your local number:
Growth Works takes exceptional pride in our expert staff, and we consistently work to hire the best and brightest to fill our available positions. If you know of someone who would be a good fit, please encourage them to apply through the links below. Your referrals are always welcome!

Please click the job titles to apply. The links will lead to a separate web page with a job description for each posting.
These social platforms are a great way to showcase all the amazing work we are doing in the communities that we serve. Feel free to show your support by liking us on Facebook or LinkedIn!
If you want to support our organization and mission to be a positive force for youth and adults in need, you can donate by clicking on the button below! As a non-profit organization, every donation, no matter how big or small, has an impact. Your support helps us to meet the growing needs of the communities that we serve.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be made using credit or debit card, or by PayPal account.

If you prefer to donate by check, please mail your donation to:

Growth Works
Attn: Nick Griswold
271 S. Main Street
Plymouth, MI 48170