The Guild for Human Services newsletter
The latest news and updates from The Guild
From CEO Amy Sousa: Our new monthly newsletter
We hope you enjoy our new newsletter, which is designed to keep you up to date on happenings at The Guild and provide a look at what makes The Guild such a special place. We welcome your ideas about the type of content you would like to see in future issues.
'Happy camper' once again
Since arriving at The Guild School in 2014, Jesse H. has resumed being the cheerful, outgoing individual his parents knew before he suffered a brain seizure in 2011. Read more.
Dismantling 'helicopter' hyperbole
Until it is easier for parents of individuals with disabilities to navigate a frustrating, fragmented system, Guild CEO Amy Sousa writes in The Concord Journal that it's not yet time to land our helicopters. Read more.
Giving voice to non-verbal students
Speech therapy assistant Emily Calden says transformative breakthroughs bring utter joy and immense pride to both Guild School students and teachers. Read more.
Adult resident makes great progress
A proud mother is appreciative of the efforts of the staff members at Walpole House, who helped her son, Daniel, adjust after a difficult experience at an out-of-state placement. Read more.
Families join students at Field Day
Dozens of family members joined their students at The Guild's annual Field Day. The highlight for many students was watching their teachers get soaked in the dunk tank. More photos on Facebook.
New chief clinical officer named
Jennifer Magnuson is responsible for the creation, implementation, evaluation, and integration of clinical supports and techniques at The Guild School. Read more.
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