Hunger for Prayer

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn. Isaiah 61:1-2

When you pray you must have the sense that God's spirit is really close. After such a prayer you will feel relief at having been spiritually victorious. I can tell you to do this, but most important is for you to feel the necessity of prayer on your own. When you are hungry you want to eat; in the same way you must feel the need to pray, feeling unsettled if you do not. With that urge and need to pray often you can experience meaningful prayer. SMM, How to Witness: To State Leaders, April 1, 1977

Hello Richard,

Sunday’s service started with a report from Jerry Heying about the development of Sanctuary Church starting with Hyung Jin Nim (and Yeonah Nim) being fired from FFWPU in 2013 and moving into a house owned by Kook Jin Nim in northeast Pennsylvania. They began worship services in that home, later moving service to a Best Western hotel after too many were coming and then moving to the church purchased in Newfoundland. In 2015, he gave the “Breaking the Silence” sermon explaining about Hak Ja Han leaving True Father’s authority.

The 2nd King launched The King’s Report, the Rod of Iron Ministries and the Freedom Festivals. Last year we gained a victory when a federal judge rejected the Family Fed’s lawsuit to stop Sanctuary’s use of the Tongil mark and the “Cheon Il Guk” term, although the legal bills were a heavy financial burden.  

Gregg Noll spoke about Father’s guidance about tithing, giving with the same heart as Abraham offering Isaac. Hyung Jin Nim desires to build an event center at Tennessee’s Cheongpyeong holding 300-400 people. It will have a large mural showing the Old Testament, New Testament and Completed Testament ages.

Hyung Jin Nim then spoke about the upcoming tour in Korea and Japan. Last summer he told the FFWPU protesters who came to disrupt his speech that they were fighting against True Father, not himself. He did not choose himself. It was True Father who anointed him.

Hyung Jin Nim trained himself and his children to tithe every month. It’s a kind of training not to be attached to money, but to offer 10%, which is symbolic of all things, to God. This preparation helped Hyung Jin Nim to be able to walk away from billions. As the Bible says, “do not despise the discipline of the Lord.”

Because they lack discipline, people who win the Lotto often spend it all within a few years. Shinman saved for many years and built his own tiny home when he was 18 years old. He learned skills he can use for the rest of his life.

Shinjoon is doing wonderful work on a 30 page thesis on why Jesus did not come to die. He is becoming expert in this area. Someday he will be able to debate leading scholars.

Since an intellectual who has no physical skills is often anxious, if not dangerous, Hyung Jin Nim gave his children many physical challenges.

Training at a dojo every day after high school was liberating for him. The rough characters he trained with became his brothers. The majority of children of billionaires have psychological problems. A “beta” male is intimidated, so when they get power they become more brutal. It’s important to develop both mental and physical sides. Men are meant to serve as both priest and king.

Jordan Peterson talks about the value of doing blue collar work. Hazing is a sociological strategy of communal jesting to develop bonds. If you don’t learn that, you won’t understand and you’ll feel separated. It’s common to experience perpetual beatdowns at the dojo. Finally, you hear, ‘you lasted,’ so we accept you now!”

Yeonah Nim grew up more artistic. She had to learn to fight. It helped her to lose fear of other women. She is no longer flustered.

Satan’s power will fade. In 2015 Hyung Jin Nim said that because True Father was betrayed, judgment is coming.

When Father passed, CNN reported about the youngest son being “the Heir to Rev. Moon.” Hyung Jin Nim’s older brother Kook Jin Nim wasn’t jealous. He was obedient to Father’s will and offered his home in Pennsylvania to his younger brother. Kook Jin Nim said, with tears, “you did it! You, like Frodo Baggins, threw away the ring (of power).”

Many mocked him, saying, “where’s the judgment now?” The world seemed peaceful at the time. How many pharisees laughed at the Christians, saying “what happened to the temple being torn down?” Jesus prophesied it, but it took 40 years before Rome destroyed it.

The young blessed couples did a beautiful dance performance at the Las Vegas True God’s Day celebration a few years ago. The fallen culture celebrates the single life, but in Godly culture we invest in and celebrate couples. He spoke about the importance of investing time regularly with your children. Don’t forget to water your plants! Even though Hyung Jin Nim and Yeonah Nim were so busy, they were serious to keep their dates with each of their kids. Now his children are doing the same with their children.

Create a “bank account” of happy memories with your children, where you express gratitude for each other. When they encounter difficulties in relationships, they learn to express gratitude despite the challenges. 

Scripture tells us that the father who disciplines his children loves them. The Bible teaches love, but it does not teach tolerance of evil. It’s important to tell your children that mommy loves Daddy the most and that Daddy loves Mommy the most. There is a hierarchy of love. That prevents some kind of Freudian confusion about competing for Mom or Daddy’s love. It builds a bond of love and trust which is valuable for when the bond is tested in the teen and young adult years.


True Parents' Holy Day Traditions Book

Essential 73 page guide (with photos) to the content and meaning of the 10 Holy Day traditions, key historical events in the True Family before and after True Father’s passing. Also, with added landmark events of the 2nd King, True Father’s 7 deaths and resurrections, as well as testimonies about True Mother Kang and by Mrs. Erikawa.

Download newly published 73 page

True Parents' Holy Day Traditions book!

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True God's Day Motto for 14th Year of Cheon Il Guk

The Victory of "Thank You,

True Father,"

 in the Era of Tribulation

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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