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Dear Audrey:

Can you believe it's almost 2024? It's our last HR Journey for the year and we're pleased to see so many of you reading and contacting us about the latest HR topics. Please enjoy and as always, reach out if you have any compensation needs.

Stay tuned for some big updates and have a Happy New Year!

Audrey Croley Little

Principal Consultant

Young African designer looking through window thinking about the future

Coming Soon: Revolutionize Your Workplace

by Audrey Croley Little

Embracing the wave of pay transparency

The landscape of pay transparency is evolving rapidly, with legislation sweeping across the nation. While not every state has enacted laws yet, the trend is unmistakable.

In anticipation of compliance with diverse state regulations and to uphold fairness and equity within your workforce, strategic planning for an internal equity audit is imperative. A proactive approach is best even if the full impact of pay transparency hasn't reached your organization....MORE

Workers working on banner network graphic overlay on table

Featured Service: AMJETT

(Atwater Martin Job Evaluation Technology Tool)

The compensation system of an organization is a critical component of the overall human resources strategy to preserve the company’s competitiveness and success. The compensation system is very important in providing an approach to recruit and retain highly skilled and quality talent. For alignment and to receive a high return on your investment, it is key to link compensation to overall goals and strategies.  

Compensation systems must be designed to ensure that the company is rewarding the essential elements of jobs that will ultimately allow the organization to realize success. Having a customized, formal job architecture will provide:

  • pay based on the strategic goals of the organization
  • a framework that will determine the value of jobs under a fair and equitable assessment process
  • consistent job titles

Are you having second thoughts on your organization’s approach to compensation? 

Let’s talk.

Industry Insights


Want to discuss your pay related needs? 

Contact [email protected]

