Dear Mr. Minor:
We started in 1957 with experimental installations of direct burial and aluminum poles for street lighting. Initially, with these units and with formal adoption of direct burial in 1960 we specified that the portion of the pole in the ground be dip painted with bituminous material. We also in 1960 installed approximately 600 poles with no coating. We scattered these around the system so that they would be exposed to all types of soil conditions…In 1964, we examined the 600 poles without coating in-stalled five years previously. In every instance, we found the aluminum sound. In December, 1964, our specifications were changed deleting all coatings and have remained that way ever since.
We have had no instances of pole failure. If you wish any further information, please do not hesitate to call upon us.
Yours truly,
G.D. Smith, Overhead Materials and Standards Engineer
Long Island Lighting Company”