Greater Grays Harbor invites you to attend our annual Membership Meeting, featuring a special presentation by CEO Dru Garson that will provide highlights from 2019 and provide a glimpse into our plans for 2020.
After a snow cancellation in January, GGHI is very excited to announce that Westport Winery‘s Business After Hours event has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 11th.
The Grays Harbor Board of Commissioners voted to support a Summit Pacific Medical Center-led effort to improve the health of Harborites with $25,000 going toward a Blue Zones assessment.
A bill introduced sponsored by all local legislators would eliminate the reduction in state basic education funding that occurs in counties with federal and state forestlands.
Seattle tops all metro areas of more than 2 million people nationally in a measure of its economic dynamism and now ranks as the fastest-growing major metro in the nation.