Dear, Friends 
On November 29, people all over the world will come together and harness the power of human connection to change our world. Will you join us?
The Haven of Manitowoc County, Inc will be participating in GivingTuesday 2022, and we need YOUR help! On an annual basis The Haven serves over 80 men a year. These men find themselves in destitute situations that are most of the time out of their control. The Haven is a program that will help those men build a foundation back to self-sufficiency!
Here's how you can get ready to help:

  • Give. On November 29, we will be kicking off a special campaign to support The Haven of Manitowoc County. Our mission is to advocate for homeless men while providing community resources and an interfaith approach towards self-sufficiency. With the lack of emergency shelter programs for men in our community, The Haven is the solution to providing homeless men with a safe and stable temporary home until they are able to self-resolve. It costs $150 a day to house one guest in our program up to 90 days. With your support, we can continue to respond to the overwhelming need for our program. Give today! Click on the donate button below! You can also support the mission by signing up to volunteer along with other ways to participate beyond donations when you click the donate button.

  • Spread the word! Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to join you. Share on social media what our mission means to you. Use the special hashtag #morethanaroof so we can harness the power of social media and connection to help share your story! 
Check on our video to learn more about us!
Our Contact Information
The Haven of Manitowoc County
1003 Marshall St
Manitowoc, WI 54220
Follow us and connect us to your network!