July 24, 2020
The Season after Pentecost - Ordinary Time
Featured photo:
This issue's header photo was taken at Kalihiwai Bay on the north shore of Kauaʻi. (Photo by S. Nishioka)
Proper 12
O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: Increase and multiply upon us your mercy; that, with you as our ruler and guide, we may so pass through things temporal, that we lose not the things eternal;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (BCP, page 231)
Hurricane Preparedness! Be Safe!

The approach of Hurricane Douglas is a reminder that we are in the midst of hurricane season. Forecasts show that it should weaken, but there may still be dangerous winds and heavy rains. Be prepared and make sure your 14-day emergency supplies are in place. For more information visit the State of Hawai'i's Emergency Management webpage HERE.
From the Bishop:
Be sure to stay informed with the Bishop's latest messages by clicking on the button above left, and his new series of Bible Study videos on the right. All videos also appear on the Dioceseʻs YouTube Channel and Facebook page.
Chronicle Feature Stories:
Congratulations to The Rev. Jennifer Briggs Latham and The Rev. Stephen B. McPeek
On Thursday, July 9, 2020, Jennifer Briggs Latham was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Grinnell, Iowa, by the Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe, Bishop of Iowa.  READ MORE
On Saturday, July 11, 2020, Stephen Bruce McPeek was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests at the Church of St. Augustine of Canterbury in Wiesbaden, Germany. READ MORE
Annual Meeting of Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi: Saturday, October 24, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, plans for the Annual Meeting in October have been changed and are being carefully considered to comply with safety guidelines of the CDC, our State, and Counties. It will involve some use of online communication (Zoom) and limited gatherings. As CDC, State and/or County guidelines change, plans for the Annual Meeting may have to change, so keep up to date by visiting the Diocesan Convention 52 webpage HERE, or click on the logo at left.
Congratulations Priory Class of 2020!
St. Andrew's Priory Class of 2020 Commencement Ceremony
Commencement ceremonies around the State looked a lot different this year due to the pandemic. The Class of 2020 has endured a lot, and the young women of St. Andrew's Priory were no exception. Although delayed, they finally held their Baccalaureate virtually on Friday, July 17, followed by their Commencement ceremony on Sunday, July 19, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew. There were no throngs of family and friends. Masks and social distancing were in full force, but the spirit and joy hidden from view filled the Cathedral.

You can watch the full ceremony on their Facebook page HERE. You may also watch Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick's Baccalaureate address on YouTube HERE.
Register Now!
Online Clergy "Retreat" 2020 with Br. Randy Greve
In lieu of an in-person annual Clergy Retreat, there will be an online Clergy Gathering on Tuesday, August 25, 2020, from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM via Zoom.

The guest speaker will be Br. Randy Greve, from the Holy Cross Monastery in New York, an Anglican Benedictine community of men. To learn more about Br. Randy, the gathering, and to register, visit the event webpage HERE.
Book Early!
Camp Mokule'ia Announces Its Fall Stay-Cay Packages!
Camp Mokule'ia is offering a wonderful way to escape the confines of the pandemic this fall, with a family "Stay-Cay." Enjoy all the great outdoor activities the Camp has to offer in a safe and friendly environment. But hurry and book now! Dates and accommodations are limited and will go fast! To learn more, click on the flyer at left, or visit the Camp Mokule'ia website HERE.
Church Construction
If your church is considering replacing the roof or re-paving the parking lot, please ask your contractors about some environmentally friendlier options that are out there.

We are not endorsing or recommending any of the above, we just want to give you some options to explore to help our churches to become more environmentally friendly. If you know of any others, please share with us!

Don’t forget to click HERE for the Forms and Documents webpage with the most up-to-date checklists for construction. If you have any questions or comments,contact Rae Costa.
Kupuna Power Vote by Mail
With the Primaries just around the corner, the Office of Elections wants to be sure the transition to voting by mail only goes smoothly. They recently released a Kupuna Power Vote by Mail piece geared especially to our kupuna, with information about the new procedures, along with FAQs, helpful tips on completing the ballot, as well as local community resources.

You can view the mailer by clicking on the image shown.
Oʻahu Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
The Cathedral of St. Andrew Hosts Special Service
On Saturday, July 11, 2020, The Cathedral of St. Andrew hosted a magnificent gathering of our newest brothers and sisters in Christ. However, there was no fanfare, no promotion, no singing, no hugs (except between family members). What is usually a time of great outward celebration, the COVID-19 pandemic made sure to put a lid on things and keep everyone mindful and cautious about how we interact with each other during these times.  READ MORE
Outreach Spotlight: Victor Young
This issue's Outreach Spotlight shines on 15-year old Victor Young from the Cathedral of St. Andrew. It was an email from Victor that triggered a conversation about Wallyhouse, the Catholic Worker outreach program at St. Elizabeth's in Honolulu. Having recently volunteered there, Victor felt that the Diocese needed to get the word out about this great ministry and the need they have for more volunteers.  READ MORE
Kauaʻi Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
Maui Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
The Big Island Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
St. Augustine's Bustling with Activity
Although the pandemic may change the way we do things, it hasn't slowed the folks at St. Augustine's down at all. Located in Kapa'au, here are some of their community activities they are offering:

  • Drive-in Movie featuring "Aladdin" on Friday, July 31, at 7:30 PM
  • Drive-Thru Community Meals every 1st & 3rd Mondays (4:30 PM)
  • Thrift Shop has re-opened Wednesdays (12:00-3:00 PM) & Thursdays (4:00-6:00PM)
  • Annual Bazaar and Online Silent Auction Coming up September 26

Visit their website HERE for more information or call the office at (808) 889-5390.
The Episcopal Church & Beyond
Renewed focus on racial reconciliation drives interest in upcoming Becoming Beloved Community webinars
Hundreds of Episcopalians have signed up for a webinar series based on The Episcopal Church’s Becoming Beloved Community framework as the recent nationwide protests over racial injustice drive a surge of interest in the church’s racial reconciliation work. READ MORE
Episcopal Church on ‘solid ground’ financially as leaders plan for pandemic’s future impact
The Episcopal Church’s finances are “on pretty solid ground” for 2020 despite the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic, church leaders said July 22 during an online meeting of Executive Council, the church’s governing body between meetings of General Convention. READ MORE
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on the death of John Lewis and C. T. Vivian
"May John Lewis and C. T. Vivian Rest In God’s Peace and may we, like them, rise up to claim the high call of love, never to cease laboring for a just and humane society and world, always showing compassion, and daily living humbly with God until all God’s children are free."
Congregations take worship outdoors amid concerns over greater COVID-19 risk indoors
In a normal year, attending church generally isn’t considered a risky behavior. Add that to the list of norms upended by the coronavirus pandemic. READ MORE
More Headline Links:
Application deadlines: August 14, 2020 and February 26, 2021
UNITED THANK OFFERING 2021 ANNUAL GRANTS: TWO GRANT CYCLES OFFERED - The United Thank Offering (UTO) Board is pleased to announce the availability of their 2021 United Thank Offering Annual Grants. These grants are awarded for projects in The Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion, each year with a different focus. For 2021, the focus is Recovering with Love and Gratitude: An Episcopal Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Local Contexts. READ MORE
One of the Diocese's most successful annual church fundraisers, the Chocolate Extravaganza at Emmanuel, is not letting the pandemic stop them from sharing decadent desserts! Mark your calendars! October 17 is the date, but it's not the in-person event you're used to... stay tuned for more details from Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Kailua, and get ready for some mouth-watering treats!
The Presiding Bishop’s delegation to the 64th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW 64) invites all to join the online study group Beijing +25: Celebrating the Blessing, Realizing the Dream This series of webinars, blogs and conversations are facilitated by the delegates from July through November 2020. To download the schedule, click HERE. For more information and to register, click HERE.
IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM OUR CHANCELLOR: LICENSE REQUIRED FOR LIVE STREAMING MUSIC: As you may know, U.S. copyright laws do not apply for the performance or display of copyrighted works during on-site religious services. However, this religious service exemption does NOT apply to livestreaming or retransmission of the service over the Internet. Churches using copyrighted music in a live streamed service must either obtain specific written permission or a streaming license. Please review the article for more information HERE. Please contact me if you have any questions at [email protected] or call (808) 282-6088.
PALAKA FACE MASKS FOR SALE: Don't forget to order your palaka face mask from either the ECW or St. Elizabeth's for only $4 each. All sales will benefit their outreach ministries. Be sure to note on your check what it is for. Any extra for postage would be greatly appreciated! To order:

  • ECW Good Shepherd Church: Place your order via email to [email protected], and mail your check to 2140 Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793. Your mask will be mailed first class, but Priority flat rate is also available for an additional fee.
  • St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church SOLD OUT!!!
Quick Links: Catch up on articles you may have missed
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Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776