June 24, 2020
The Season after Pentecost - Ordinary Time
Featured photo: This issue's header photo was taken by the Rev. Bruce DeGooyer whose passion for photography is reflected in this gorgeous image taken on South Kihei, Maui.
From the Bishop:
Be sure to stay informed with the Bishop's latest messages by clicking on the button at left, and his new series of Bible Study videos on the right. All videos also appear on the Dioceseʻs YouTube Channel and Facebook page.
Bishop's New Video Bible Study Series: The Letter of James
After concluding study on The First Letter of Peter in May, the Bishop recently launched a new Bible Study series on the First Letter of James. On June 17, he released two separate videos: an introduction and explanation of how and why we read the Bible as sacred Scripture, and a full reading of the Letter of James. Click on the Bishop's Bible Study button above to view all of his lessons.

Video Bible Study reflections will continue to be released every Wednesday and can be used for personal or group study and reflection at any point during the week. The Bishop uses the Common English Bible (CEB) translation. If you do not have CEB, you can use the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).
Chronicle Highlight:
A Return to Our Worship Spaces
After three long months, churches in the Diocese were given the go-ahead to open their sanctuaries and to worship in person. Along with CDC, State, and County guidelines, "The Diocesan Customary In the Time of Pandemic" was created to help keep our church spaces and worshipers as safe as possible. To view photos, videos, and comments from clergy and lay as they return to their worship spaces, click HERE.
Annual Meeting of Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi: Saturday, October 24, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, plans for the Annual Meeting in October have been changed and are being carefully considered to comply with safety guidelines of the CDC, our State, and Counties. It will involve some use of online communication (Zoom) and limited gatherings. As CDC, State and/or County guidelines change, plans for the Annual Meeting may have to change, so keep up to date by visiting the Diocesan Convention 52 webpage HERE, or click on the logo at left.
Important Notice from our Chancellor: License Required for Live Streaming Music
As you may know, U.S. copyright laws do not apply for the performance or display of copyrighted works during on-site religious services. However, this religious service exemption does NOT apply to livestreaming or retransmission of the service over the Internet. Churches using copyrighted music in a live streamed service must either obtain specific written permission or a streaming license. Please review the article for more information HERE.

Please contact me if you have any questions:
Email: [email protected] or call (808) 282-6088

Good Shepherd Welcomes The Rev. Cn. Moki Hino
The Rev. Cn. Moki Hino will be the new Priest-in-Charge at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Wailuku, Maui, beginning on August 1, 2020. Fr. Moki has been serving as The Cathedral of St. Andrew's Canon Administrator and Priest-in-Charge for the past 3-1/2 years.

"As you may or may not know, I was ordained to the Priesthood at Good Shepherd and, like the Cathedral, it holds a special place in my heart," said Fr. Moki in an announcement to The Cathedral.

In a letter to The Cathedral, Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick shared the news and thanked Fr. Moki. "I am grateful to Moki for his time back here at the Cathedral. He has walked the Cathedral through administrative reorganization and then nurtured the congregation with the virtual worship required by these first months of the COVID-19 pandemic."

He closed with a fitting quote from Matthew, “‘Well done! You are a good and faithful servant. You’ve been faithful over a little. I’ll put you in charge of much. Come, celebrate with me.” (Matthew 25:23).

Fr. Moki will be celebrating at all three services for his final Sunday at The Cathedral on June 28.
Welcoming our new Retired Clergy Chaplains: The Rev. Alison Dingley & Willis Moore
In our last issue, we highlighted The Rev. Cn. Frank and Norma Chun, who have served as the Diocese's Chaplains to Retired Clergy for the past ten years. Following in their giant footsteps, are the Rev. Allison Dingley and her husband Willis Moore, who shared the following:

Willis and I are excited at moving into this ministry. As we reviewed the list of retired clergy, their spouses and widows, we found some we have known for decades and others who are new friends. We are looking forward to catching up with old friends and getting to know new ones. Willis is collecting the stories of the community of retired clergy so that their memories and experiences serving in the Diocese can be recorded. We hope to be able to bring retired clergy, their spouses and widows together when it is safe to do so. The monthly lunches the retired clergy had on Oʻahu were valued by those who attended them. 

The retired clergy families of the Diocese are amazingly diverse. We are on four islands in Hawaiʻi, 16 states besides Hawaiʻi, and five foreign countries plus Guam. We span almost 30 years in age and reflect the ethnic diversity of the Diocese. 

If we added it all up, we would see that the retired clergy and spouses of the Diocese of Hawaiʻi represent several centuries of faithful service to God, the Church and the Diocese of Hawaiʻi. I'm profoundly grateful for the opportunity to serve them.

(You can contact our Retired Clergy Chaplains at [email protected].)
Episcopal Leaders Consider 2021 General Convention Alternatives
general convention logo
A letter to Episcopalians from Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings.

Dear Bishops and Deputies:

As this pandemic season stretches on, our profound grief for those who have died is compounded by daily reminders of the economic hardship the plague has brought to many of our communities. Even those who have not suffered great losses are enduring smaller ones, such as the cancelation of graduations, summer camps and other occasions to gather in person.  READ MORE
Know Justice, Know Peace:
A Personal Reflection by The Rev. Katlin McCallister
​I had never been to a public demonstration based on Christian faith before. I saw the post on Facebook, “Is there anything happening in Hilo for Black Lives Matter?”

From there, the comments section flew and next thing you know, a sign-waving demonstration was planned for the following Saturday morning.

I felt like I needed to go. The pangs of Ahmaud Arbery’s death were still making my stomach turn and then George Floyd, dead over $20. READ MORE
Mahalo from Camp Mokule'ia: Reopening Schedule Set
Just a week before the Camp was to hold its first youth retreat, the State went into lock down. Since then, the Camp's summer program was cancelled, and staff and hours have been cut back.

Thanks to the Trinity Sunday offering, $23,000 has been raised to support the ministry of Camp Mokule'ia. Executive Director Darrell Whitaker is grateful to all those who supported the Camp and reminds everyone that it's still not too late to make a donation. (Click on the button below to make an online donation today.)

With the lack of campers and empty facilities, the Camp worked in partnership with Family Promise to provide housing and meals for several families through the end of the year.

Government restrictions are being lifted and the Camp announced its Reopening Schedule:

  • Phase 1: Tent Field/Campground is reopening July 1, 2020 - At this time we will be reopening 3 campsites and 3 tentalos (pictured above). Each campsite will have its own sink, shower (cold-water), and a dedicated restroom. Campsites will be $100 per night (maximum of 10 people at each campsite) and tentalos will be $60 each (maximum of 4 people per tentalo). Call (808) 637-6241 or visit their website to make a reservation.

  • Phase 2: Lodge will reopen as soon as City and County guidelines will allow. 

  • Phase 3: Cabins will not be reopening until January 1, 2021. Until then we will be using our cabins to house families through partnership with Family Promise. 
Click on the button above to make a donation and support our Camp. For more information, visit Camp Mokule'ia's website HERE.
Class of 2020: Graduation During a Pandemic
Graduating seniors everywhere have endured the final months of their high school and college experiences with less than stellar memories. Proms, sports championships, ceremonies, hugs and leis piled high, parties and celebrating with friends and loved ones were not to be. Yet they endured. They smiled. They cheered. They innovated. They persevered. The Class of 2020 will be our nation's most memorable class for a long time, not for the celebrations they missed, but for the celebrations they created.  READ MORE
Oʻahu Happenings
Outreach Spotlight: St. Johnʻs By the Sea
During May and June 2020, St. John's partnered with other Windward churches in the "Kahalu'u Meat Ministry," purchasing meat for the Key Project food distribution project in Kahalu'u. 
St. Mark's Gearing up for Sale on July 11
If all goes well in the community, the folks at St. Markʻs will be holding a rummage sale on Saturday, July 11, and are accepting donations. Pictured here, members sort through items with face masks and social distancing in place. For more information, or if you have items to donate, contact the church at (808) 732-2333.
Kauaʻi Happenings
Christ Memorial's Thrift Shop: Back in Business!
For Christ Memorial Episcopal Church in Kilauea, their thrift shop has been a vital source of income for nearly 40 years. At the helm is 95-year old Helen Mitsui, who was honored in 2013 for over 30 years of devoted service, and the shop was renamed to bear her name: The Helen Mitsui Shared Blessings Thrift Shop.

When the pandemic hit, workers took the down time to clean, paint and refurbish the space. On May 15, when the County lifted restrictions, they reopened the beautifully renovated thrift shop with business continuing better than ever.

"We have maintained our pre-pandemic sales numbers which is quite surprising since we are not entertaining tourists on our island now," said Rebecca Hellum, the Bishop's Warden. "Normally, much of our customer base includes a large group of tourists."

Greeters help customers follow social distancing and mask wearing rules. Hellum added, "Our customers continually tell us how happy they are that we are open as we are one of the few variety shopping venues on the Northshore."

But probably no one is happier than Aunty Helen, who is back in her isolated space, busy pricing nearly every item that comes in! For more information, visit their webpage HERE, or Facebook page HERE.
Maui Happenings
St. John's Kula Fellowship Dinner
St. John's Episcopal Church in Kula is offering its first Drive-Through Fellowship Meal on Friday, June 26, between 5:30-7:30 PM. Their menu includes a Polenta Casserole (vegetarian or with Maui venison), cooked veggies, mixed green salad, rolls and cookies. For more information and details (please wear a mask), visit their website HERE.
A Tribute by The Rev. John A. Hau'oli Tomoso
Many in the Diocese are familiar with the Rev. John A. Hau'oli Tomoso, who became an Episcopal priest in 2016. He was a part of the first graduating class of Waiolaihui'ia, the Diocese's formation program. Becoming a priest seemed like a perfect fit. Fr. Hau'oli has been a champion in his community, and worked as a licensed social worker for 42 years, advocating for those in need. It is no surprise that he comes from a family with deep values, so when he lost his mother Winona recently, he shared a poignant reflection about his parents in Fil Am Voice, a local publication on Maui. To read his article, click HERE.
Outreach Spotlight: Good Shepherd Women in Ministry Sewing Red & White Palaka Face Masks
By Louise Aloy, ECW President, Diocese of Hawai'i

To date, the Good Shepherd Women in Ministry outreach members have sewn and sold 351 red and white palaka face masks. It started when Bishop Bob and the Diocesan Support staff requested masks for themselves and loved ones, and the project continued. Moving forward,face masks will be a new "norm" to help protect ourselves and others from illness.

We have mailed masks to WA, SC, CT, UT, PA, GA, CA LA, FLA, Big Island, Kaua'i, O'ahu and Maui. The largest order of 50 went to Navajoland in AZ. They were graciously donated by a member of a church in Honolulu.
It is very therapeutic for me to sew each night. I started sewing for myself, some coworkers, and for family as well. Nights of late have been sewing to build up our church fundraiser inventory that is neverending, with orders coming in spurts.

Cora Brown, our Church Secretary, has also been hard at work building inventory and filling orders too!

We enjoy sewing face masks knowing it will keep many folks safe and healthy. Thank you all for the love and support by purchasing a mask or two or three... as we continue to sew one stitch at a time!

Note: If you'd like to purchase a mask, look under "Previously Announced Reminders" below.
The Big Island Happenings
St. Jude's Hosts Summer School for Kaʻu High School Students
(From the St. Jude's Newsletter) The Ka’u High school vice principal, Deisha Davis, asked if the school could use St. Jude’s facilities to hold Ocean View Summer School classes. The school doesn’t have a way to transport students from Ocean View to Pahala for summer school classes. Teachers were willing to drive to Ocean View, if St. Jude’s was available for summer school classes.

On Tuesday June 16, St. Jude’s hosted the first summer school class, with ten students. Summer school will proceed inside St. Jude’s on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 AM until noon. The school received a van with Wi-Fi installed and planned to use it to support Ocean View Summer School. Testing the system indicated the technology wasn’t satisfactory, so the teachers and students connected to the church WiFi.

Both the teachers and students will wear masks and practice social distancing during the summer school sessions at St. Jude’s. The last task of the day will be for the students and teachers to clean and sterilize the tables, chairs, computer, and anything else they touch at St. Jude’s.
The Episcopal Church & Beyond
St. John’s Church in Washington vandalized again
St. John’s Episcopal Church, the “church of presidents” in Washington, D.C., that has become a major flashpoint during weeks of unrest related to systemic racism and police brutality, was vandalized again on June 22 during another night of clashes between police and protesters in front of the White House. READ MORE
Presiding Bishop joins Poor People’s Campaign’s massive online demonstration
With COVID-19 restrictions preventing an intended in-person rally in Washington, D.C., at least a million supporters of the Poor People’s Campaign reportedly tuned in on June 20 to watch a mix of live speeches and pre-recorded clips of liberal religious leaders calling for a “moral revolution” and the enactment of a sweeping policy agenda focused on the poor. READ MORE
As Supreme Court lets DACA stand for now, Episcopal leaders push for permanent protections
Episcopal leaders on June 18 welcomed the U.S. Supreme Court’s surprise decision preserving protections for about 700,000 immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children. Even so, The Episcopal Church remains focused on advocating for legislation that will offer them permanent protection from deportation and, eventually, U.S. citizenship. READ MORE
Mississippi bishop joins calls for removal of Confederate flag from state’s flag
As Americans reexamine the persistence of systemic racism in the United States in light of recent highly publicized killings of Black people by police, the debate has gone beyond policies, sparking arguments about what symbols should be displayed in public places. READ MORE
UPDATE: ORDINATION OF STEPHEN MC PEEK The ordination of Stephen McPeek is scheduled for Saturday, July 11, 2020 (WAS July 12), at The Church of St. Augustine of Canterbury in Wiesbaden, Germany. To view the official invitation, click HERE. Your prayers are requested.
PALAKA FACE MASKS FOR SALE: Don't forget to order your palaka face mask from either the ECW or St. Elizabeth's for only $4 each. All sales will benefit their outreach ministries. Be sure to note on your check what it is for. Any extra for postage would be greatly appreciated! To order:

  • ECW Good Shepherd Church: Place your order via email to [email protected], and mail your check to 2140 Main St., Wailuku, HI 96793. Your mask will be mailed first class, but Priority flat rate is also available for an additional fee.
  • St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church: Mail your check to the church at 720 N. King St., Honolulu, HI 96817. First class postage is included or pick up can be arranged by calling the office at (808) 845-2112.
2020 ELECTIONS BY MAIL IN HAWAIʻI: Hawaiʻi is switching to VOTE BY MAIL (VBM), starting this year. If you plan to exercise your right to vote in this extremely consequential year, to to  https://olvr.hawaii.gov/   to register, confirm, or update your voter registration address.
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Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776