January 26, 2022
This issue's header photo was taken at The Cathedral of St. Andrew on January 25, as students from St. Andrew's Schools honored Queen Emma in celebration of her birthday. (Photo from The Cathedral Facebook page)
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
From the Bishop
A Message from the Bishop: Update on Our Diocesan Commitment to Address the Climate Crisis
At the annual meeting of the Convention of the Diocese of Hawaiʻi in October, the clergy and elected delegates overwhelmingly resolved to have this Diocese address “the climate crisis and global warming, to urgently accelerate and expand the level of discourse on these topics with the members of the congregations.” Please take a look at the full text of the adopted resolution and share it within your congregation – especially with the members of your Vestry/Bishop’s Committee.

We resolved to do some things within our congregations:

  • Form a “Green Team” in every congregation (or hui of congregations) and begin by identifying one member to act as an “Environmental Coordinator” who will serve as a liaison to the Diocesan Creation Care and Environmental Justice Task Force. The Diocesan Support Center Staff, the Diocesan Council, and the Bishop were asked to monitor the creation of such “Green Teams” and report to the Diocese on the progress of their creation by April 1, 2022. As of January 20, only four congregations have informed us that they have a “Green Team” with a designated “Environmental Coordinator” (St. Peter’s, St. Mark’s, Holy Innocents and St. John’s [Kula]). Creation Care and Environmental Justice Task Force hopes to hear from the other congregations in the very near future. Please contact Denise Esposito HERE with the name of your “Environmental Coordinator” and what church or churches are represented.

  • Congregations were urged to undertake an energy audit for all buildings in order to reduce the church’s carbon footprint, and implementing actions that reduce, reuse, and recycle.

  • Prioritize care for God’s creation through the mission, liturgy, prayer life, education, work, and budget of the Diocese and each congregation.

Grants from the Diocesan 2022 budget and from some reserve funds are available on a limited basis to assist congregations with “greening” their buildings (e.g., LED lightbulbs, energy efficiency improvements, etc.) and to help with the cost of energy audits. Applications for such grants will be entertained with other grants requests from congregations. An online application form will soon be posted for all grant requests. READ FULL MESSAGE HERE
*Please see related article from the Diocesan Creation Care and Environmental Justice Task Force further below.
Coming Up: Bishop's Study in Lent
During each Wednesday in the Lenten Season (March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, and April 6), Bishop Bob will offer a pre-recorded study of the Book of Job and the nature of suffering. These reflections will be posted on the Diocesan website each Wednesday in Lent, and can be used for personal study and reflection, or with small groups. Bishop Bob will provide questions for personal reflection or group discussions. He encourages you to have a Bible for reference and prayerful reading. He will be using the Common English Bible (CEB) translation and he particularly recommends the The CEB Study Bible with Apocrypha for study. Whatever translation you most use will be fine, but it is important to have your Bible handy. Be on the lookout for more details in the coming weeks.
Be sure to stay informed with the Bishop's latest messages by clicking on the button shown. All video messages also appear on the Dioceseʻs YouTube Channel and Facebook page.
The Annual Clergy Retreat with The Rev. Mark Jefferson
By The Rev. Cn. Alexander Graham
The clergy of the Diocese were blessed with the presence and the insights of the Rev. Mark Jefferson, Assistant Professor of Preaching at Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS), during our annual Clergy Retreat on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. Originally planned as a two-day in-person gathering on Kaua'i, the event went virtual due to the surge in COVID-19 numbers.

In preparation for our time together (as well as his preparations for preaching around the Diocese), he has driven around our islands, talked story with many of us, and read up on our collective history (both recent and distant).

The acronym he invited us to consider was R.E.S.T. – Reach, Equip, Serve, and Transform. We were challenged to reconnect with our basic calling as we discern our work within our context (“understanding the scope of our assignment will help us cope with our assignment”), to remain faithful to our specific calling (“God doesn’t call us to be all-star; God doesn’t call us to be perfect; but God does call us to be faithful”), and to not just transform our work, but to be transformed by our work.

We also spent time thinking through practical applications of this framework, while our presenter envisioned three areas for us to focus upon: Developing a Community of Preachers, Embracing Technology, and Investing in Youth. Though our original hope was to be in person, the clergy from across the Diocese who gathered on Zoom were engaged with the presenter, content, and community gathered.

We extend a huge mahalo and aloha to Mark for sharing his time, his talents, and his insights with us.
Look for an expanded story about the Rev. Mark Jefferson's visit in the next issue of the Chronicle. His trip to Hawai'i is also in connection with a special project of preaching 200 times across the Church in celebration of the upcoming 200th anniversary of VTS. During his time here in the islands, he will have preached at Holy Apostles (Hilo), All Saints' (Kapa‘a), ‘Iolani School, and the Cathedral of St. Andrew.
Visit the Diocese's Calendar page HERE for Diocesan events & activities.
Photo: The Rev. Cn. Frank Chun
Aloha 'Oe Viliami
The Rev. Deacon Viliami Langi was laid to rest at Diamond Head Cemetary last Wednesday, January 19, 2022. Deacon Langi served at St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church in Honolulu, and the wider Tongan community.

Celebrating at his funeral (pictured) from left are the Rev. David Gierlach, the Rev. Mafi Vakameilalo, the Rev. Imelda Padasdao, and the Rt. Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick.
News from the Creation Care & Environmental Justice (CC&EJ) Task Force
The following is from the CC&EJ Task Force:

1. Some of our team members attended a gathering of local conservation and environmental leaders with some of our state senators and representatives to learn more about legislative efforts toward Climate Action. The recording of the event can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/iH7umMRHxzQ if you are interested in that discussion. The group has formed task force teams to work on different issues related to the climate crisis (i.e. carbon sequestration, carbon pricing, visitor impact fee/green fee, cesspool replacement, etc.). If you are being called to action in one of these areas, please contact Bree Lloyd ([email protected]) or Jenn Latham ([email protected]).

2. Are you looking at ways to be involved in local conservation/restoration efforts? Listed below are some wonderful organizations working in this area. Please feel free to share with the task force, other groups or organizations that your congregations are working with.

#ShutDownRedHill Action Alert -- Testimony Needed!
The first Red Hill Bill is scheduled for a committee hearing this Wednesday, January 26, at 1:10 PM. It needs a few changes to make sure it can best protect our groundwater aquifers. Please take a moment to submit written testimony and sign up to testify orally (on Zoom) if you can. For more information, visit the Sierra Club of Hawai'i's website HERE, and sign up for their latest news and and announcements.
Mark your calendars!
Coming Up: Online Diocesan Trainings and Forums
Mark your calendars and save the dates for the following online training sessions and forums led by the Diocesan Support Center team, through the month of February:

  • January 27, 2:00-3:00 PM: CHATS - The Communications Design Team shares Weebly's best plugin and apps to enhance your church website

  • February 3, 9:00-10:00 AM: Certificate of Election and Church Officials List Training

  • February 9, 10:00-11:00 AM: Parochial Report Training

  • February 16, 10:00-11:00 AM: Workers' Compensation Audit Training

  • February 23, 9:00-10:00 AM: Safe Church Administrators Training - Churches must be sure to comply with Safe Church requirements and training of staff and volunteers

  • February 24, 2:00-3:00PM: CHATS - Topic TBD

For more information and Zoom connection links, contact Rae Costa by email HERE or call (808) 536-7776, extension 326.
Retired Clergy Families: Talk Story Project Continues
The latest installment in the Retired Clergy Families Talk Story Project is now posted on the Diocesan website HERE. This month, the Rev. Alison Dingley reflects about the late Rev. Jerry Gifford, and the Rev. Lynette Schaefer shares her journey to ordination. The Talk Story Project is a (growing) collection of stories from Diocesan-related retired clergy, spouses, and widows. Stay tuned for more updates!
Coming Up: Invite Welcome Connect's Latest Digital Gathering
Invite Welcome Connect (IWC), will be holding a digital gathering on Wednesday, February 9, 2022, from 10:00
AM-11:30 AM (HST). We invite you to join us for this time of sharing learnings & creative initiatives that have emerged out of the pandemic. The cost is $20. For more information and to register visit the IWC website HERE.
Godly Play logo
Godly Play Offers Virtual Workshops
Oʻahu Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
From Epiphany Episcopal Church
In honor of Mrs. Roberta DuTeil's 100th birthday this month, Epiphany Episcopal Church donated $1,000.00 to the Institute for Human Services (IHS). Mrs. DuTeil is the widow of the Rev. Claude DuTeil. He served as priest at St. Stephen's, Wahiawā 1949-1954, Good Shepherd, Wailuku 1954-1958, Saint Christopher's, Kailua 1958-1985, and was the founder of IHS. Mrs. DuTeil is deeply involved in the life of the Episcopal Church here in Hawai'i and continues to be remembered with fondness.
We at Epiphany believe in the power of prayer. Our prayer blanket ministry provides blankets to folks who are recovering from illness or who cannot make it to church. We pray as a congregation for each blanket and lay it on the altar during Eucharist. Then Fr. Chris, along with a member of the congregation, delivers the blanket. Mahalo to Wilma who makes the prayer blankets for Epiphany. (Photos and captioning from the Epiphany website and Facebook page) 
Coming Up: Pickleball Clinic January 30
Hālau Waʻa Episcopal is hosting an Intro to Pickleball Clinic, open to everyone. Come to check it out. Come to learn. Come to meet people in your neighborhood! We will have professional instructors to lead us, teach us, and inspire us to get involved in something new! Great for young and old. If you have any questions, feel free to email us. Please register HERE to let us know that you are coming so that we have enough teachers!
The Cathedral of St. Andrew currently has the following positions open:
Part-time Bookkeeper (10-15 hours per week)
Part-time Sexton (10-13 hours per week)
(Visit the Diocesan website HERE for Lay Position postings.)
Kauaʻi Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
The Rev. Mark Jefferson Preaches at All Saints'
All Saints' Episcopal Church in Kapa'a was honored to host the Rev. Dr. Mark Jefferson, Assistant Professor of Homiletics at Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS), as their guest Preacher.

Jefferson was also the guest speaker at the Annual Clergy Retreat held on January 25. The retreat was originally scheduled to be an in-person event held on Kaua'i, but went virtual after COVID-19 numbers surged.

The folks at All Saints' are very happy that he still came to Kaua'i, and has now become 'ohana! To listen to his sermon, watch the recorded service HERE (at approximately 29:00). (Photo from the All Saints' Facebook page)
Maui Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
Hawaiʻi Island
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
The Episcopal Church & Beyond
Presiding Bishop Speaks at Annual MLK Day Event in Atlanta
[January 19, 2022] Presiding Bishop Michael Curry was the keynote speaker January 17 at the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance organized by the King Center in Atlanta, Georgia. The Beloved Community Commemorative Service was livestreamed, and video of the event can be viewed on the King Center’s YouTube channel. Curry was among a limited number of participants speaking at the event in person. Others included Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock and Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens. WATCH VIDEO
Photo: Photo courtesy Christ The King Episcopal Church
Orlando church offers late-night COVID-19 tests to meet workers’ needs
[January 24, 2022] An Episcopal church in Orlando, Florida, is offering free COVID-19 tests at night to meet the needs of neighbors who can’t make it to daytime clinics because of work or child care responsibilities. With at-home tests in short supply and the omicron variant surging in Florida, Christ the King Episcopal Church/Iglesia Episcopal Jesus de Nazaret – two congregations worshiping in the same building – READ MORE
Photo: Carey Connors
Churches step up homeless ministries during winter, with some offering buildings as shelter
[January 21, 2022] Congregations across The Episcopal Church have long supported efforts to help people who are homeless, whether they are looking for a place to stay, a nourishing meal or friendly conversation. The urgency of such ministries increases during the winter months, when lack of shelter can become a life-threatening hazard. READ MORE
Photo: Rodger Patience
Indigenous children who died at boarding school finally make it home as tribes repatriate remains
[January 20, 2022] Kirby Metoxen had long heard the stories of Pennsylvania’s Carlisle Indian Industrial School from his parents, grandparents and other elders on the Oneida Reservation in Wisconsin, just west of Green Bay. READ MORE
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Previously announced reminders:
Available for Purchase: Hawaiian BCP & Gospels
The Diocese has made available two very special publications for purchase: The Hawaiian Book of Common Prayer, with over 400 pages of translated biblical scirpture liturgical prayers and orders of service, including King Kamehameha IV's preface as translated by him into English, and Nā ‘Euanelio Hemolele - This lectionary-sized book contains the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, in the Hawaiian-language, complete with diacritical marks. The book was a project of the Rev. Cn. Malcolm Naea Chun, 20 years in the making, and whose publication was funded by the Diocese's Commission on Native Hawaiian Ministry. There is also an option to buy these as a set for a discounted price. To order your copies today click HERE.
Be sure to stay informed with all the latest COVID-19 updates in Hawai'i through the State's portal HERE. You'll find latest news updates, stats, media resources, information on Safe Travels, Vaccination sites, and much more. Quick links to separate County vaccine webpages are shown below:

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Contact Information
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Multimedia Consultant
Madison Franks, Communications Coordinator
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776