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January 23, 2025

This issue's header photo was taken this past Sunday at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church in Maili, where the Bishop made a visit to this young and vibrant congregation. The Rev. Jazzy Bostock, Vicar, (green stole) shared on Facebook, "Today Bishop Robert L. Fitzpatrick came to de-consecrate/re-secularise our old church building, bless our thrift shop, and visit with us at St John’s. My heart was so very full - I love this place, and God’s people here." They will be very busy as they tear down, rebuild, and reimagine their journey into the future. (Photo: St. John the Baptist Facebook page)

Third Sunday after the Epiphany

Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.





In case you missed it...

Bishop Bob on the Right Rev. Mariann Budde's Homily at Washington National Cathedral (1/23/25) - Click HERE to read his special message.

The following reflection by the Bishop was originally prepared for the Feast of St. Stephen on December 26, 2024:

A Reflection on the Diaconate:

The Feast of St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr, December 26, 2024

One aspect of our common life as a Diocese that I hope we will enhance is the calling of vocational Deacons. While those called to the Priesthood pass through a period of transitional diaconate, those called to be Deacons have a special place in our common life.

What does it truly mean to be a Deacon? “An Outline of Faith” (the Catechism in the Book of Common Prayer, page 856) states: “The ministry of a Deacon is to represent Christ and his Church, particularly as a servant of those in need; and to assist bishops and Priests in the proclamation of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments.”

I have known three Deacons that have exemplified the ministry for me:


Be sure to stay informed with the Bishop's latest messages by clicking on the button shown. All video messages also appear on the Dioceseʻs YouTube Channel and Facebook page.


Visit the Diocese's Calendar page HERE for Diocesan events & activities.

Reminder: Register Now!

The Diocese's Clergy Pilgrimage in February

Clergy in the Diocese are invited to attend a "pilgrimage" on O'ahu, February 11-13, 2025. Lodging will be at the St. Anthony Retreat Center, the site of numerous Diocesan gatherings prior to Covid. Its lush and tranquil surroundings will set the tone for a very special gathering.  

Some of the activities will include visiting the massive ‘Umeke Lā'au project with Meleanna Meyer, before it opens at Honolulu Hale; viewing local films and meeting the filmmakers, a visit to 'Iolani Palace, and exploration of the plantation roots of so many of our Hawai'i community. For more information and to register, click HERE. If you have any questions, email Canon Sandy Graham.

Save the date! February 15

Listening Session: Standing Committee Heads to Kaua'i

The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Hawai'i will be holding its monthly meeting at St. Michael and All Angels on Saturday, February 15, 2025. As part of this gathering, the Committee is holding an open “listening session” to hear comments or concerns, and answer any questions that members of the Kaua'i churches may have about the Diocese, the state of the Church, or any other issues related to our common life and ministries with each other. 

This is the second Listening Session being conducted. The first was held on Maui back in August 2024 (pictured). All are welcome to join us in the Parish Hall at St. Michael's (4364 Hardy St., Lihue) at 1:00 PM on Saturday, February 15, 2025.

The Standing Committee consists of 8 members (4 clergy and 4 lay), elected to four-year terms during the Annual Convention. Its main function is to serve as the advisory body to the Bishop, approve ordinations within the Diocese and confirm those elected as Bishop in the broader Episcopal Church. The Standing Committee serves as the ecclesial head of the Diocese in the absence of a bishop. The Standing Committee also oversees and administers the process of selecting a new bishop. 

As we serve the Diocese of Hawai'i, we would love to hear whatever might be on your mind or heart as we all move into the future. This is also an opportunity for all Kaua'i members to ask questions about any of the topics above and get involved in the Diocese.

Coming Up! ECW Annual Lenten Retreat

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) will be holding their annual Lenten Retreat on Saturday, March 15, 2025, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew's Von Holt Room. The Rev. Karen Swanson will lead the retreat that begins with check-in at 8:30 AM. The retreat will end after lunch. For all interested, please RSVP by March 7, to Louise Aloy by email HERE.

Lenten Resources: "40 Days of Welcome and Gratitude"

This year, Lent begins on March 5, but it's not too early to start preparing and ordering your Lent resources. United Thank Offering (UTO) and Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) are offering a multifaceted program this Lent to help people of all ages consider ways they both experience and provide welcome.


  • Register HERE for a five-session book club on “The Ungrateful Refugee: What Immigrants Never Tell You” by Dina Nayeri. Zoom discussions will be held at noon Eastern on Tuesdays from March 11 through April 8.
  • Sign up to receive daily gratitude text messages.
  • Download children’s activities, Prayers of the People for Lent, gratitude calendars, lesson plans for faith formation leaders, and more.

Learn more about United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries.

PROVINCE VIII CREATION CARE NETWORK WEBINAR: JANUARY 28! - The Episcopal Church's Province VIII Creation Care Network will be presenting a webinar on Energy Efficiency

Assessments - Roadmap to Energy Savings, Carbon Redcution, and Funding for Mission, on Tuesday, January 28, at 8:00 AM (HST). The guest speaker will be the Rev. Colby May, a certified energy manager, specializing in energy efficiency for the past 15 years, and has performed energy efficiency assessments at 39 churches in the Diocese of Northern California. To register for this online webinar, click HERE.

2025 - CLERGY PILGRIMAGE: February 11-13 - St. Anthony's Retreat Center - Register HERE

2025 - FREE TENS WEBINAR: February 15 - Finding Your Stewardship Love Language - Register HERE

2025 - SPRING TRAINING: April 5 - Save the date! More info to come

2025 - CLERGY CONFERENCE: August 25-27 (Tentative)

2025 - CONVENTION 57 (Education Day & Annual Meeting): October 24-25 - Save the date!


Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.


This Saturday, January 25!

Kupuna & Caregiver Resource Fair

The Kupuna and Caregiver Resource Fair by Hale Hau'oli Hawai'i will be taking place at The Cathedral of St. Andrew's Von Holt Room, Saturday, January 25, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The keynote speaker will be Dorothy Arriola Colby, a dementia care specialist with more than 25 years of professional and personal experience. For more information, download the event flyer by clicking on the image or HERE.

This Sunday, January 26!

Feast Day Honoring Queen Lili‘uokalani

Please join the Cathedral on this very special Ali‘i Sunday as we celebrate the Feast Day Celebration of Queen Lili‘uokalani!

The Cathedral of St. Andrew: 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813


Evensong Celebration at St. Peter's: February 2

St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Honolulu has a lot to celebrate these days! On Saturday, February 2, 2025, there will be a Celebration of New Ministry for their new Priest, the Rev. Ruth Peterson, beginning at 4:00 PM. Clergy are invited to vest (red stoles). A reception and Lion Dance follows in celebration of Founder's Day and the Chinese New Year. Please RSVP by January 24, by calling (808) 533-1943, or emailing their office HERE. St. Peter's is located at 1317 Queen Emma Street.


St. Peter's Jazz Vespers!

St. Peter's Episcopal Church's Jazz Vespers service was recenly featured in the Aloha State Daily. Now in its tenth year, Jazz Vespers has a faithful following who enjoy Hawai'i's finest jazz musicians every Thursday evening in the Sanctuary. Click HERE to read the article and meet its organizer, Manny Dayao, and the talented musicans!

St. Michael's Kaua'i Receives Award

St. Michael and All Angels' Loaves and Fishes outreach ministry, recently received a Malama Kaua'i award for their role in supporting local farmers, ranchers and food producers. Deann Megonnell and Deacon Mary Margaret Smith run the program, along with 18 volunteers who deliver food to those in need.


(Visit the Diocesan website HERE for more information.)


(Visit the Diocesan website HERE for more information.)

The Episcopal Church & Beyond...

Letter from Episcopal Church leaders on Trump administration immigration executive orders (Dated 1/21/25)

Dear People of God in the Episcopal Church:


Yesterday, Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States. We pray that he and all of our elected officials will, in the words of the Book of Common Prayer, have the wisdom and strength to know and to do God’s will and be filled with the love of truth and righteousness.

Even as we gave thanks for a peaceful transfer of power, we learned from news reports that the new presidential administration has issued a series of executive orders that are a harbinger of President Trump’s pledge to deport undocumented immigrants at a historic scale, restrict asylum, and direct other immigration actions. READ MORE

Trump grinds all refugee resettlement to a halt, a ‘devastating’ blow for those EMM assists

[January 23, 2025] The Episcopal Church has helped resettle more than 100,000 refugees fleeing war and persecution since the United States created its federal resettlement program 45 years ago. That ministry, one of the church’s most revered and robust, was effectively halted this week by a stroke of the president’s pen. READ MORE

Photo: Reuters



Reminders (Previously Announced)

TENS WEBINAR: FINDING YOUR STEWARDSHIP LOVE LANGUAGE The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) will be offering a webinar on Saturday, February 15, 2025, beginning at 7:00 AM (HST). As a member of TENS, the Diocese can offer these webinars free to its churches. Understanding our love languages provides insights into how we think about sharing our gifts and receiving information about giving opportunities. Learn how to inspire your members with new tools and strategies for annual pledge campaigns. Click HERE to register.

REGISTER NOW! THE ASSOCIATION FOR EPISCOPAL DEACONS (AED) will be holding their triennial conference, Ignite Change, in San Antonio, Texas, June 5-8, 2025. The keynote speaker will be Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe, and will feature over 30 guest speakers leading a variety of workshops. For more information and to register, click HERE.

Required Safe Church Training - This is a reminder that Safe Church training is mandatory for all clergy, employees, vestry members, and most volunteers. Please read The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i Safeguarding Policy and the Diocesan Safe Church Training Webpage. This training needs to be renewed every three years. Contact your church's Safe Church Administator or priest for more information, or if you have questions, email Nani Carroll.

Do you have a question? Contact us at (800) 536-7776

The Diocesan Support Center (DSC) staff is ready to help answer your questions. Some of the most common topics are listed along with the person to contact. Click on the linked name to send an email.

BISHOP (meeting with): Nani (ext. 302)

Annual Meeting: Rae (ext. 326)

Archives: Rae (ext. 326)

Budget/Finance: Jasmi (ext. 307)

Communications/News/Website: Sybil

Congregational Membership: Sandy (ext. 309)

TECH Portfolio/Investments: Jasmi (ext. 307)

Hiring/Human Resources: Rae (ext. 326)

Monthly Statement: Jasmi (ext. 307)

Ordination/Licensed Ministries: Nani (ext. 302)

Payroll: Jasmi (ext. 307)

Property (Contracts, Insurance, Agreements): Rae (ext. 326)

Safe Church: Nani (ext. 302)

Stewardship: Sandy (ext. 309)

Supply/Visiting Clergy: Nani (ext. 302)

Worship/Sacraments: Sandy (ext. 309)

Don't forget to visit our FORMS & DOCUMENTS page on the Diocesan website HERE.

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Visit the Diocesan News Website for past articles and Special Announcements

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Contact Information
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776