With a world in turmoil -- wars raging and political conflict across the globe, a planet rebelling with natural disasters occurring on every continent, the loss of precious lives and property during these first days of the new year -- this issue's header photo calls on all to pray, and to pray fervently! | |
First Sunday after the Epiphany
Father in heaven, who at the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan proclaimed him your beloved Son and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: Grant that all who are baptized into his Name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Savior; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
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PRAY FOR SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Episcopal Church, 2 rectories destroyed by deadly fast-moving wildfires raging in Southern California
[Episcopal News Service] An Episcopal church in Altadena, California, and two rectories in Pacific Palisades are among the more than 1,000 structures that have been destroyed Jan. 8 by a series of wind-fueled California wildfires, which continue to devastate communities across Los Angeles County.
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Click HERE to view the Bishop's message on the Los Angeles fires with link to Los Angeles Bishop John Taylor's video message. | |
Click HERE to view the Bishop's Epiphany message for 2025, or click on the image to view the video message on YouTube now. | |
During the first week of this new year, announcements about the deaths of three remarkable women in the Diocese have gone out. To view the special announcements, click on their image or linked names: | |
Updates: A Memorial Service for Cecilia Fordham will take place on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at 9:00 AM, at The Episcopal Parish of St. Clement. The Rev. Canon Brian Grieves shares a reflection on the life of Bettye Jo Harris under the Featured Articles section. | |
A Note from the Bishop: A Diocesan Customary
Aloha my dear Siblings in Christ,
Among the many things on the Diocesan website there is page entitled Forms and Documents with extensive information. Under the heading “Sacrament,” you can find A Diocesan Customary. This is filled with details about liturgical norms, information about visitations, expectations of clergy, and other items.
While the whole document might be helpful in understanding some practical aspects of being in the Episcopal Church, there are two items which I want the whole Diocese to consider. I share these because they are “hot” topics within the Episcopal Church. As your Bishop, I want you to know my understanding on these two matters:
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Be sure to stay informed with the Bishop's latest messages by clicking on the button shown. All video messages also appear on the Dioceseʻs YouTube Channel and Facebook page. | |
Reflection on the Life of Bettye Jo Harris
By the Rev. Canon Brian Grieves
| The recent passing of Canon Bettye Jo Harris at age 90 is a moment for the Diocese of Hawai'i to reflect on the generation that provided leadership in the Diocese in the latter decades of the 20th Century. Bettye was a champion for responsible citizenship in the Hawai'i community on many issues, especially quality health care for all. She lived out her baptismal vows through her parish life at St. Christopher’s, her years on Diocesan Council, and her leadership as a deputy in the wider church to General Conventions spanning some 27 years. She was grounded in her local Church, mindful of community needs throughout the Diocese, and an advocate for justice through the legislative process of General Convention and her two terms on Executive Council. Her tireless advocacy leaves a legacy that impacts the life of the Diocese today. READ MORE | |
National Association of Episcopal Schools: Let Your Light Shine!
By the Rev. Canon Sandy Graham
The National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES) may have a self-explanatory title, but when they call a gathering every other year, it becomes clear that the whole breadth of the Episcopal Church will be on display. Educators, staff, administrators, clergy, and diocesan-level workers gather for a week of idea-sharing, fellowship, workshops and inspiring plenaries. READ MORE
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Visit the Diocese's Calendar page HERE for Diocesan events & activities. | |
Clergy Transitions...
Aloha 'Oe Mother Jodene
| A Memorial Service for the Rev. Jodene Hawkins was held at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church on Maui, Monday evening, January 6. Mother Jodene, who died on October 30, 2024, was beloved by all who knew her. The Celebrant was the Rev. Linda Decker, with the Rev. Moki Hino delivering the Homily. Maui clergy were in force, as well as clergy from O'ahu. Pictured above from left, acolytes gather; the Revs. Bruce DeGooyer, Heather Mueller, Amy Crowe and George Wong; the Rev. Moki Hino delivered a heartflet sermon. Below, the pews were packed with Canon Sandy Graham in the foreground; Mother Decker at the altar; Jodene's family: son Philip, husband Kit, and daughter Jennifer Fountain, pose with a portrait of Jodene. The Rev. David Gierlach (retired Rector of St. Elizabeth's in Honolulu) had shared a sermon about Jodene shortly after her death, and that is now posted on the Talk Story page of the Diocese's website HERE. (Contributed photos) | |
Register Now!
The Diocese's Clergy Pilgrimage in February
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Clergy in the Diocese are invited to attend a "pilgrimage" on O'ahu, February 11-13, 2025. Lodging will be at the St. Anthony Retreat Center, the site of numerous Diocesan gatherings prior to Covid. Its lush and tranquil surroundings will set the tone for a very special gathering.
Some of the activities will include visiting the massive ‘Umeke Lā'au project with Meleanna Meyer, before it opens at Honolulu Hale; viewing local films and meeting the filmmakers, a visit to 'Iolani Palace, and exploration of the plantation roots of so many of our Hawai'i community. For more information and to register, click HERE. If you have any questions, email Canon Sandy Graham.
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Preparing for Your Church Annual Meeting: Reminders & Online Q&A Sessions Coming Up!
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All Annual Meetings for churches in the Diocese must take place during the month of January, and the required Church Officials and Certificate of Election form must be filed online by Monday, February 24, 2025, 4:00 PM. Operations Manager, Rae Costa, recently sent out an email (January 2, 2025) to all clergy, wardens, treasurers and church administrators with helpful information and forms to prepare for your annual meetings. There will also be two online Q&A sessions with DSC staff to answer your questions on the following dates:
THIS SATURDAY! January 11, 9:00 AM
- Wednesday, January 15, 12:00 PM
Church leadership, if you did not receive the email with the informational documents and link to register for the sessions, contact Rae via email HERE or call her at (808) 536-7776, ext. 326.
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Seabury Hall Announces New Head of School | |
Seabury Hall on Maui has announced that Mr. Nicholas "Nick" Rodriguez will be their next Head of School beginning July 1, 2025. Mr. Rodriguez has served as the Head of School at Corbett Preparatory School of IDS in Tampa, Florida, and has held key leadership roles, including Head of School at Brandon Academy and Assistant Head of School and Director of Advancement at Carrollwood Day School, in Tampa, Florida. He is an exceptional administrator with a distinguished educational background, and his leadership is fueled by a deep passion for doing what is best for students. He is deeply aligned with Seabury Hall’s mission and values, and we have every confidence that he will be a strong steward of our unique culture as he leads Seabury Hall into an exciting future. | |
Registration now open!
Association for Episcopal Deacons Triennial Conference
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The Association for Episcopal Deacons (AED) will be holding their triennial conference, Ignite Change, in San Antonio, Texas, June 5-8, 2025. The keynote speaker will be Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe, and will feature over 30 guest speakers leading a variety of workshops. For more information and to register, click HERE. | |
Retired Clergy Families:
The Talk Story Project - The Kennedys & Hawkins
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The latest installment in the Retired Clergy Families Talk Story Project is now posted on the Diocesan website HERE. In this posting, we celebrate the life of the Rev. Canon David Kennedy and his wife Anna Marie, written by the Rev. Canon Frank Chun. It also includes memories by their son and the Homily delivered by the Rev. Canon Brian Grieves at their Memorial Service, held on September 22, 2024, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew..
Also newly posted is the Homily by the Rev. David Gierlach, written about the Rev. Jodene Hawkins, who passed away on October 30, 2024. Her service was recently held at Good Shepherd Maui, that is shown further above in this issue. The Talk Story Project is a (growing) collection of stories from Diocesan-related retired clergy, spouses, widows and their families.
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Reminder About Phishing Scams
As we head into 2025, we remind everyone to remain alert about the relentless phishing attacks that may appear in your emails and text messages. ALWAYS be wary of messages with sources from unfamiliar email addresses and phone numbers (not just the name showing). We continue to get reports of folks receiving "fake" messages from clergy (including the Bishop). Attackers are becoming more and more sophisticated, so it is important to remain vigilant, making sure your emails and texts are from a trusted source, and questioning the content of suspicious messages, especially if it's asking for money, service or assistance. NEVER click on links in suspicious messages, and when in doubt, always double check with the "real sender" directly.
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Racial Reconciliation Task Force Welcomes New Members!
The Racial Reconciliation Task Force is currently welcoming new members to join this dynamic and involved committee. We are now shifting our focus from curriculum development to actively fostering opportunities for reconciliation to flourish! For more information, click on the image or download the informational flyer HERE, or email Joseph Eppink or Mary Carpenter.
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BECOME A CLIMATE AMBASSADOR! - Are you worried about the climate crisis and don't know what to do? Do you feel called as a faithful Episcopalian to care for God’s Creation and aren’t sure where or how to start? You can become a Climate Ambassador with online training offered by Blessed Tomorrow. The training is free and developed in partnership with The Episcopal Church for our members. Visit their website HERE and choose the link to The Episcopal Church training. If you have questions, contact our Environmental Justice/Creation Care team HERE and be sure to visit the Diocesan website HERE for more info on this important ministry!
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2025 - CLERGY PILGRIMAGE: February 11-13 - St. Anthony's Retreat Center - Register HERE
2025 - FREE TENS WEBINAR: February 15 - Finding Your Stewardship Love Language - Register HERE
2025 - SPRING TRAINING: April 5 - Save the date! More info to come
2025 - CLERGY CONFERENCE: August 25-27 (Tentative)
2025 - CONVENTION 57 (Education Day & Annual Meeting): October 24-25 - Save the date!
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Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
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Sunday, January 12, 2025
5:30 PM
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Seize this new opportunity to combine spiritual and physical fitness! Join in bi-weekly Cathedral Run Club meet-ups (every other Monday) beginning January 13, at 5:30pm in Kapiʻolani Regional Park.
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Series begins Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 2:00 PM, Von Holt Room (Movie: The Antidote)
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Coming Up January 25!
Kupuna & Caregiver Resource Fair
Registration is now open for the Kupuna and Caregiver Resource Fair by Hale Hau'oli Hawai'i. The event will be taking place at The Cathedral of St. Andrew's Von Holt Room, Saturday, January 25, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Doors open at 8:30 AM. The keynote speaker will be Dorothy Arriola Colby, a dementia care specialist with more than 25 years of professional and personal experience. For more information, download the event flyer by clicking on the image or HERE.
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New EfM Group Beginning on Maui
Info Session on January 22, 2025
The Education for Ministry (EfM) program is forming a new opportunity on Maui, led by the Rev. Chistopher Golding. An information session will be held on Wednesday, January 22, at 6:30 PM, at Seabury Hall. EfM is a transformative, adult formation program designed to nurture spiritual growth and empower service and justice-seeking. The program will run from March-December 2025. Click HERE to register, or for more information, contact Golding HERE.
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Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate
Bill Heran will be ordained to the Transitional Diaconate on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 6:00 PM, at the Church of the Holy Nativity. Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick will be officiating. All are welcome. Holy Nativity is located at 5286 Kalanianaole Highway in Aina Haina. For more information, contact the church office at (808) 373-2131.
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St. Clement's LGBTQ+ Gathering
Friday, January 24, 2025
Join the folks at St. Clement's in Honolulu for an LGBTQ+ Talk Story and Potluck, January 24, 2025, at 6:00 PM. St. Clement's is located at 1515 Wilder Avenue, Honolulu.
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St. Peter's: Celebration of New Ministry, Sunday, February 2, 2025
Save the date! St. Peter's Episcopal Church will be celebrating their new Priest-in-Charge, the Rev. Ruth Peterson, on Sunday, February 2, 2025. St. Peter's is located at 1317 Queen Emma Street, Honolulu. More info to come!
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A Journey of Hope in 'Ele'ele
St. John's (ECWK) on Kaua'i, was recently featured in the local newspaper, The Garden Island, with coverage of their Christmas Eve service and pageant. Click HERE to view the full hard copy version, or HERE to view the electronic article-- (you may have to create an account).
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The Rev. Peter Wallace in MidWeek
The Rev. Peter Wallace of St. Timothy's recently appeared in a MidWeek column entitled "Golden Advice from 2 Saints." He talks about two childhood heroes that helped shape his belief system. Click HERE to read the article.
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(Visit the Diocesan website HERE for more information.)
(Visit the Diocesan website HERE for more information.)
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The Episcopal Church & Beyond... | |
Jimmy Carter remembered by grandsons, friends, President Biden at National Cathedral funeral
Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe officiates at service for 39th president
[January 9, 2025] Family members, friends, former colleagues, members of Congress and all five living U.S. presidents gathered Jan. 9 to pay tribute to former President Jimmy Carter, who was mourned at his state funeral held at Washington National Cathedral, the landmark Episcopal cathedral in the nation’s capital city. READ MORE
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Photo: Associated Press via ENS | |
Q&A: Bishop Carol Gallagher looks back on 35 years of service in dioceses across the church
Compiling a concise biography for Bishop Carol Gallagher can be a daunting task. She has been active in ordained ministry for so long – 35 years – and served in so many dioceses and in so many capacities that the highlights make up no short list. READ MORE
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Reminders (Previously Announced)
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TENS WEBINAR: FINDING YOUR STEWARDSHIP LOVE LANGUAGE The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) will be offering a webinar on Saturday, February 15, 2025, beginning at 7:00 AM (HST). As a member of TENS, the Diocese can offer these webinars free to its churches. Understanding our love languages provides insights into how we think about sharing our gifts and receiving information about giving opportunities. Learn how to inspire your members with new tools and strategies for annual pledge campaigns. Click HERE to register.
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Do you have a question? Contact us at (800) 536-7776 | |
The Diocesan Support Center (DSC) staff is ready to help answer your questions. Some of the most common topics are listed along with the person to contact. Click on the linked name to send an email.
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BISHOP (meeting with): Nani (ext. 302)
Annual Meeting: Rae (ext. 326)
Archives: Rae (ext. 326)
Budget/Finance: Jasmi (ext. 307)
Communications/News/Website: Sybil
Congregational Membership: Sandy (ext. 309)
TECH Portfolio/Investments: Jasmi (ext. 307)
Hiring/Human Resources: Rae (ext. 326)
Monthly Statement: Jasmi (ext. 307)
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Ordination/Licensed Ministries: Nani (ext. 302)
Payroll: Jasmi (ext. 307)
Property (Contracts, Insurance, Agreements): Rae (ext. 326)
Safe Church: Nani (ext. 302)
Stewardship: Sandy (ext. 309)
Supply/Visiting Clergy: Nani (ext. 302)
Worship/Sacraments: Sandy (ext. 309)
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Don't forget to visit our FORMS & DOCUMENTS page on the Diocesan website HERE.
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Catch up on articles you may have missed below! | |
Contact Information
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776
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