September 12th, 2024

Ottawa Rowing Club


Head of the Rideau Regatta: Half Century of Rowing

The Ottawa Rowing Club (ORC) is excited to host the running of the 50th Anniversary of the Head of the Rideau Rowing Regatta.

What: Head of the Rideau Rowing Regatta

Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024

Time: 7 AM – 4:00 PM

Where: Mooney’s Bay


With a massive regatta like this, comes many volunteer opportunities! If you're looking to help out, or if you have any questions, please contact us by email: or by phone: at 613-241-1120

Row Ontario Cup Hosted by the ORC

All Boats must be off the Water by 7 AM on Saturday, September 14th

Regatta info:

The Row Ontario Cup Regatta is a new competition model implemented by Row Ontario, with the objective of:

  • Better aligning competitions with the Athlete Development Model and the development pathway for rowing in Ontario;
  • Creating a model that promotes co-learning opportunities as they relate to the roles and responsibilities of athletes, coaches, umpires, and volunteers during a regatta.

Athletes will compete in small boats (1x, 2x, or 2-), in a series of promotion-relegation races, over short sprint distances (250m or 500m). 


Athlete Fund - Financial Assistance for the Fall Season

Intake for application is now OPEN

Please contact

Closes September 15th 2024.

RCA Nationals Volunteer Opportunity

The City of Welland is hosting the 2024 RCA National Rowing championships from October 10th-13th and we are in search of volunteers!

As like most regattas, they are in greatest need of boat drivers All volunteers will

be provided with lunch, water, snacks as well as a $20 the city will donate on their behalf to a non profit of their choice. This means it could go directly back to your club!

WIFC volunteers: 2024 RCA National Rowing Championship (

Construction Traffic In Front of Boathouses - Member Awareness

All members should be aware that there will continue to be periodic vehicles passing in front of the buildings at various times to service the construction site under the bridge. This will go on until this January. Black and McDonald the main contractors have agreed to the following protocols:  

  1. Passenger Vehicles. B&M will limit to their own management staff and one vehicle per subtrade ( expecting there to be one trade at a time). There will be occasional inspectors, and management staff accessing the area. B&M and visitors should access the work area from the top access versus driving down whenever possible. All are to slow down to a "dead crawl" - 4km/hr max, put on flashers and tap the horn before passing each building.  
  2. Truck Deliveries / Equipment. B&M will provide flagmen in front and behind each vehicle. B&M will notify ORC staff by email 24 to 48 hours beforehand. ORC (Zak)will provide a list of email addresses for these notifications and notify membership.
  3. Signage. B&M to place temporary signage up at each end of the drive path indicating the 4km/hr speed max, to put on flashers and to tap horn at buildings.
  4. Communication of Procedures. B&M will incorporate into their site specific policy and highlight the same to all trades/ staff coming on in start-up meetings and tailgates. 

All members are requested to be vigilant when exiting buildings, spot for exiting crews/members if on the apron, and report plate numbers and vehicle descriptions to Zak, Kim if these protocols are not being followed.  

On The Road to Success

The Ottawa Rowing Club is launching an exciting new project to support our growing community of rowers. Our current trailer, which has faithfully served us for 40 years, can no longer keep up with our expanding club and increasing number of athletes. To continue supporting the wishes and dreams of our rowers, we need a second trailer to transport boats to and from events efficiently and safely.

Our goal is to raise $58,000 to purchase a new trailer, ensuring our athletes can compete at the highest levels and achieve their goals.

P.S... You can get a tax receipt!

Click Here to Donate!

ORC Discord

New to ORC or haven't heard of Discord? Discord is an instant messaging social platform that has virtual communities, called "servers", which can be accessed through their webpage or app. ORC has its own discord server where all of our important and urgent information, like practice cancellations and updates, will be posted first. Follow the link below to join the ORC server. Once you've entered the server, you will need to select the ORC programs or activities you are associated with to get access to the "channels", or chat groups, affiliated with your program.

Join the ORC Server

Important Dates!

Be sure to stay up to date with all the events taking place!

2024 Regattas

September 14th: Row ON Cup Sprint (ORC)

September 29th: Head of the Rideau (Ottawa)

October 5th to 6th: Head of the Trent (Peterborough)

October 11th to 13th: RCA Nationals (Welland)

October 11th to 13th: Dawson Invite (Montreal)

October 11th to 13th: Brock Invite (St. Catherines)

October 18th to 20th: Head of the Charles (Cambridge, MA, USA)

October 26th to 29th: OUA (St. Catherines)

October 28th to 29th: Head of the Fish (Saratoga, NY, USA)

November 2nd to 3rd: CUs (Victoria, BC)


Annual Year End Banquet

Saturday, November 16th

At the NCC River House

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Thank You to Our Sponsors and Supporters!