This simple healing meditation was taught by the mahasiddha, Karma Chakme Rinpoche (1613 - 1678). It is based on the healing power of the Medicine Buddha.
Visualize a small form of the Medicine Buddha, no larger than four finger-widths in height, in the actual part of your body that is afflicted. So if it is an illness or pain in the head, visualize a small Medicine Buddha in the head; if it is in the hand, visualize a small Medicine Buddha in the hand, etc. Visualize the Medicine Buddha in that place, and think that from this small form of the Medicine Buddha rays of light are emitted. These rays of light are not simply light, which is dry, but liquid light having a quality of ambrosia. This luminous ambrosia cleanses and removes the sickness and pain—whatever it is. You can do this not only for yourself, by visualizing the Medicine Buddha in the appropriate part of your own body, but you can do it for others as well, by visualizing the Medicine Buddha in the appropriate part of their body.
This healing meditation can be applied not only to physical sickness but to mental problems as well. If you want to get rid of a particular type of anxiety, stress, fear, or any other kind of unpleasant mental experience, you can visualize the Medicine Buddha seated above the top of your head and think in the same way as before that luminous liquid light emerges from his body, filling your body and cleansing you of any problem,
The healing and compassionate energies associated with the Medicine Buddha extend not only to humans but also to animals and all other living beings, perhaps even to the planet itself.
To increase the healing power of this visualization
quietly or mentally repeat the Medicine Buddha Mantra: