May 14, 2020
This week we're presenting mixed media artist Juan Hinojosa, acrylics artist Erica Licea-Kane and painter Marcie Jan Bronstein, all artists who are continuing to work from their homes during the pandemic. This is the third and final part of our three-part series of artist profiles, discussing artists whose works can offer us guidance and ways to regain our calm in this turbulent time.
While you wait for galleries and museums to re-open, check out Artscope's Online Art & Resources page. Here, you'll find online galleries, classes, webinars and other activities you can do at home as well as resources for artists.
The May/June 2020 edition is now available digitally! Access the edition worldwide with Apple News for iOS. To find and purchase your own Artscope interactive digital edition, just search "Artscope" in the App Store. You can purchase new issues as soon as they hit the press or set up a year subscription to guarantee instant access.
- Kristin Wissler
Juan Hinojosa
 Juan Hinojosa, Stand Back, 2020, mixed media on paper, 62" x 40".
Juan Hinojosa describes himself as a "mixed media Latinx artist who works with found objects." He's also, as he refers to it, "an organized hoarder" who searches the streets of New York for suitable items to use in his work. These can include playing cards, stickers, fabric scraps, paper advertisements, matches, and countless other odds and ends that Hinojosa stumbles upon. Or stumbled upon, rather, as the COVID-19 quarantine has prevented him from using his normal process. "It is hard to make artwork based on what I find on the streets of New York when I have been self quarantining for the last 4 weeks," he said. Though his past works are quite large, his current series is made up of pieces small enough to fit in one's hand. The artworks are mostly 2D, but 3D forms exist within them, utilizing color, repetition, and varies textures. Like his past work, these pieces are made with found objects, but said objects are no longer discovered on the street. "I have been using materials I have here at home like old letters, t-shirts I no longer like, match books and even paper clips," he said. "Funny how suddenly everyday items are now my favorite source for materials." Accordingly, his advice for getting through this pandemic is to appreciate and find inspiration in one's surroundings. Boredom has become a quarantine companion for many of us, but perhaps looking at the "found objects" within our own homes and creating something new can offer perspective and eliminate boredom. Hinojosa's unique artwork reminds us of the importance of the small, seemingly insignificant things in life. For more information about Juan Hinojosa and his work, visit his website at juanhinojosa.com.
Sponsored by: Art Basel, ArtSpace Maynard, Vizivel, Bromfield Gallery, Hood Museum of Art, Solomon Rugs and the Artscope Tablet Edition.
Art Basel | Basel 2020
ArtSpace Maynard
Though ArtSpace Maynard remains closed to the public until deemed safe, we are offering a series of VIRTUAL EVENTS intended to keep the public and artists engaged in the arts! These online gatherings are FREE to the public, offering opportunity for participation. The events present a different topic each Saturday from 2:00–4:00 p.m. If interested in receiving information on these events, please contact: maynardartspace@gmail.com and you receive updates through our mailing list.
Also, an exciting public arts collaboration between ArtSpace Maynard and The Revolving Museum may soon be coming your way! The Corona/Crown Project shares the collective response of more than 100 artists and community members to the current COVID-19 crisis. Messages of hope, concerns for safety, and gratitude towards the sacrifices made members of our communities are displayed as part of two traveling arts-mobiles making their way through Massachusetts. Follow the anticipated route on Twitter: #CoronaCrownArt
During this uncertain time, we believe it is absolutely vital that communities find ways to support each other in their individual and collective creative pursuits. Make art and find ways to share it with the world!
CURRENT CALLS FOR ART: ArtSpace Maynard invites artists to submit proposals for exhibitions for the 2020-21 season in our new West Gallery. Please go to: https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=7673 for more information. Submission deadline: June 15, 2020
ATTENTION METALWORKERS!! ArtSpace is organizing a large-scale public art exhibition entitled 'METAL-ITY' that will feature outdoor steel sculptures made by New England artists, to be displayed on ArtSpace grounds. Exhibition dates: July 1, 2020–November 1, 2021, Reception July 11, 1:00–4:00 p.m. If interested, send high resolution images of 3 considered artworks to Jerry Beck, ArtSpace Maynard Executive Director at jerryartspace@gmail.com, or call (978) 897-9828 for more information.
Stay healthy, stay inspired!
JERRY BECK, ArtSpace Maynard
Erica Licea-Kane
 Erica Licea-Kane, Up, Over and Around, 2019, acrylic medium, acrylic pigment and wood burning, 18" x 24" x 1 1/2".
At first glance, one might think that Erica Licea-Kane's artwork is made of yarn or some other textile. It has the same heavy, warm quality of a knitted blanket and looks soft to the touch. In fact, her pieces are made of acrylic medium and pigment intentionally reminiscent of textiles. Inspired by her textile training as an art student and her childhood memories of fabric store trips and her grandmother's linen chest, Licea-Kane describes herself as "a painter from a weaver's point of view." "Currently," she said, "I am working on studies of drawings with repetitive lines in ink that I am then cutting up and reassembling. I am working my way to exploring more mixed media surfaces that will eventually incorporate the extruded medium." Her work invites the viewer to explore the physicality of the surface, to look closely at each line and edge, finding the patience the piece took to create. Fortunately, Licea-Kanbe has found that COVID-19 hasn't disrupted her art process much, aside from the premature closure of her Kingston Gallery exhibition. But we can all absorb what her work shows us: patience, mindfulness, and looking closer at the world around us to find surprising truths. To learn more about Erica Licea-Kane and her work, visit her website at licea-kane.com.
Marcie Jan Bronstein
 Marcie Jan Bronstein, Being Here, 2019, watercolor on paper, 16" x 20".
Marcie Jan Bronstein is a painter who uses watercolor to create symbolic and sensual works of art. Her paintings draw upon the natural qualities of watercolor, the way it flows and merges into itself, and the finality of each stroke of the brush. While the pandemic at first made creating difficult, she was soon gripped with the urge to make something meaningful. In the end, she returned to the painting she's always done, "which is actually not unrelated to the pandemic," she said. "Painting images/themes I had been developing–portals and sanctuaries, interdependency and vulnerability–was always a kind of solace." She paints in the moment, focusing on each stroke of the brush as she makes it, responding to the color and flow. For her, both external and internal quiet is what breeds creativity. "I agree with the idea that one cannot be authentically creative while looking for attention," she added. Bronstein's paintings evoke mindfulness and patience, qualities in short supply during this pandemic but ones we desperately need. Bronstein's intimate and emotional artwork can help us find or create these qualities in ourselves. To learn more about Marcie Jan Bronstein and her work, visit her website at marciejbronstein.com.
CALL FOR ENTRIES: "SIZZLE!" Online Exhibition at Bromfield Deadline: July 1
Bromfield Gallery seeks artwork that sizzles with excitement for an online August exhibition. Open to all media, any interpretation. $18 for 3 images. Prizes include a 2021 solo exhibition for First Place, and Second and Third Place awards of $50–$100. Apply online at www.bromfieldgallery.com. Questions? Email info@bromfieldgallery.com.
Bromfield Gallery 450 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA (617) 451-3605 info@bromfieldgallery.com bromfieldgallery.com (Open by appointment)
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth
Tuesday May 20, 12:30–1:00 p.m. VIRTUAL PANEL DISCUSSION Art and Knowledge: Creating Spaces for Learning Join Jami Powell, Associate Curator of Native American Art, and Jamie Rosenfeld, Museum Educator, for a conversation about how they collaborate when developing public engagement strategies and educational resources centered on the Hood Museum of Art's Indigenous collections. Use the QR code or visit the Hood's online calendar of events to register!
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth 6 East Wheelock Street Hanover, NH 03755 hoodmuseum.dartmouth.edu hood.museum@dartmouth.edu
Solomon Rugs
New online store open now! solomonrugs.com
Artscope Tablet Edition 
The May/June 2020 edition of Artscope is available now for your iPad or iPhone!
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With Artscope on your iPad or iPhone, current art news and coverage is available anywhere, anytime, right at your fingertips.
To view all images, "view images" may need to be enabled on your browser. Wondering how your favorite gallery is responding to COVID-19? Check Artscope's COVID-19 Closures & Updates page for a list of COVID-19 updates from galleries and museums all over New England. This page will be updated continuously as we receive more information. In addition, if you are a museum, gallery, artist or open studio event organizer with something that is still going on, please send us a message at pr@artscopemagazine.com so that we can help let people know.
Remember to download the free Artscope mobile app. It is available for iPhone, iPad, DROID & Tablet, and can be downloaded here or in the App store or Google Play. The Artscope app will give you important news, gallery & sponsor listings, live feed of Artscope Online posts, current issue excerpts and interactions that make you an integral part of the Artscope universe.
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Artscope's website has a brand new look! We've redesigned and enhanced artscopemagazine.com, creating a dynamic site with trending articles, popular articles and seamless multi-platform reviews, a listings feed, an events calendar and more. Check it out today!
As always, information on upcoming exhibits and performing arts events can be sent to pr@artscopemagazine.com, to appear in the magazine or in e-blasts such as this. Want to advertise? Reach us here for more information. To learn more about sponsoring these email blasts, contact us at advertise@artscopemagazine.com or call 617-639-5771.     'scope us out! Kristin Wissler
Artscope email blast! editor
phone: 617-639-5771