The Height of Summer

with the

Worsley Institute

Above: Video of Judy Worsley describing the experience of Summer

Welcome to the Worsley Institute Seasonal News Letter

In this issue:

  • Video: Judy Worsley painting an image of Summer
  • Ask Judy: Transformation in a Patient
  • Worsley Community News: Mexico 2023
  • The WiSESM Way: Summertime Wildlife Care
  • A Tribute to Dr. Leon Hammer, MD (1924-2023)
  • Upcoming Trainings and Events

Ask Judy:

Above: Judy and Annette at the Open Seminar in Mexico

A Question for Judy Worsley

Q: What was the most incredible experience you’ve had, watching a transformation in a patient?

A: The first treatment I ever did. It was everything JR had taught us. He said to follow Natural Law and do exactly what the person needs. As part of the treatment, we were balancing energy on both sides of a meridian. The Akabani imbalance was corrected with one needle, then the sources of the Causative Factor were treated.

The man came back after that one treatment and said that his symptoms were gone. 

JR used to say that you correct the imbalance and the symptoms will resolve.

Do you have a question for Judy? Send it to [email protected]

Worsley Community News:

Above: Annette and Jenny locating points at the Open Seminar

Mexico 2023

The Worsley Institute hosted two wonderful events this past April in Los Barilles, Baja California, Mexico - the final session of our three-year MAP cohort followed by an Open Seminar. Members of our community came from all around the world, including Israel, Australia, Norway, Canada, the US and England. 

Judy offered incredible clarity, precision and insight to the MAP cohort with the support of the MAP coaches. Outside of class, ‘MAPpers’ filled their time with swimming and snorkeling in the Sea of Cortez, daily beach walks, cuddling with Pam’s puppy, Jack Jack, practicing salsa dancing, and of course much laughter and happiness in being together for the third and final year of this MAP series.

Most MAP members stayed to attend the Open Seminar where newer members of the Worsley community enjoyed a rare and incredible opportunity to learn from and alongside practitioners with 20 to 30 years of clinical practice. Attendees learned the basic principles of Worsley Classical Five-Element Acupuncture from Judy Worsley and MAP members, engaged in deep conversation and inquiry, located points, observed a treatment and discussed treatment planning while also having time to make lasting connections within the community.

The WiSESM Way:

Above: A garden pathway at Judy and JR's Church Hill Farm home

Summertime Wildlife Care:

As we enjoy the hot summer weather, we have to be mindful of the wildlife who share our outdoor space with us. Although many wild animals can subsist for long periods of time without food, they do need water to drink and also cool off. Having accessible supplies of clean water can really make a big difference to their survival.

Here are some things you can do to help all of the small creatures in your local environment.

1) Keep at least one birdbath and ensure that it’s always kept full with clean water.

2) Invest in a bubbler, or hang a basic plastic milk jug filled with water with a tiny hole in the bottom over your bird bath. The birds will hear the drip and come for a cool dip and a drink.

3) Leave water-filled containers on the ground (one shallow, and one a little deeper) to help the squirrels and raccoons. Leave shallow containers with water at a higher level for the bees, butterflies and other insects to drink.

4) Make sure to use a good amount of mulch to cover your garden beds. The mulch conserves water and helps the worms and insects.

5) Keep watering your plants regularly to keep them healthy with natural moisture. Bees and butterflies can drink droplets of water from the plants, too.

6) Keep a hummingbird feeder so that the hummingbirds have a steady supply of nectar, even in times of dryness and drought.

7) Save water in rain barrels which gather water rainfall from your roof, or keep a bucket in your shower to collect water when you’re bathing which would otherwise go down the drain. Please ensure that there’s no soap in it!

A Tribute to Dr. Leon Hammer, MD

(1924 - 2023)

Above: Dr. Leon Hammer, MD. Source: Pure Land Farms

A Tribute to Dr. Leon Hammer, MD (1924-2023):  


Judy Worsley, DAc, JD, and Dr. Leon Hammer, MD, first met via Zoom during the NUNM Classical Chinese Medicine Symposium in Spring of 2022. 


They were struck by each other's genuine and heartfelt contribution, a shared love for Nature, especially animals, and a deep respect for one another's work. They became close friends over the following year and half.


Dr. Hammer embodied the message of the Classics by meeting each individual person in the present moment with an open heart and without pretense or expectations. He showed immense respect and appreciation to Judy and for Professor JR Worsley and the Worsley Institute. Judy’s very special friendship with him meant a great deal. 


Judy and all at the Worsley Institute offer their deepest condolences to Leon’s wife, Ewa, and to their family and their professional community. 

Upcoming Trainings and Events:

Above: Judy showing us how to be in the moment with sensory exercises at the Open Seminar in Mexico.



August 19: Consultation Day, London, England

September 17: Celebrating Professor JR Worsley’s 100th Birthday, Oxford, England, both In-Person and Live-Streamed

September 24: Consultation Day, London, England

September 30: Zoom Question and Answer

October 21-22: Study Group, Church Hill Farm, England

November 11: Introduction to Worsley Classical Five-Element Acupuncture, Portland, Oregon and Live-Streamed

November 12-13: Consultation Days, Portland, Oregon

November 14-15: Consultation Days, Seattle, Washington

November 17-18: Consultation Days, Vancouver, British Columbia

December 9-10: Consultation Days, London, England



Question and Answer and Consultation Days Dates to be Announced Soon

April 20-24: Open Seminar, Shanghai, China

November 2-5: MAP, Miami Beach, Florida

Some happy pictures from MAP in Mexico

Left: MAP members enjoying dinner

Middle: MAP members on a snorkeling trip

Right: MAP members Snacks during class

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