high-five fall 2013
Fall 2018



From Darlene's Desk   
This year our resilience as individuals and communities has certainly been put through the test. In this moment, Community Boards' compassionate, helpful, and supportive services matter more than ever.
Staff and our community of volunteer mediators and conflict coaches insist that every person, no matter their resources, receives quality conflict resolution services and a seat at our trainings.

Your support is critical and appreciated!

Each week through December, you'll be learning more from Community Boards' dedicated staff about our impactful programs.

I want to provide a quick snapshot of 2018's successes. This year we trained 657 individuals, facilitated community forums for 98 people, and led mediations for 120 people. We launched a newly-accredited statewide training for public health officials and trainings for homeless service professionals.

More than 365 people received financial aid discounts to our services.

With your generous donation, we will continue to provide Community Boards' services and provide more people with safe and confidential support regardless of their income. Together we'll and empower our neighbors to raise their voices to find solutions to their challenges and thrive.
Our gratitude to you for supporting Community Boards. Please make your gift today by clicking on the link below.

Wishing you a very happy holiday season,

#1: Linda McKay, Volunteer of the Quarter  
I started volunteering at Community Boards 8 years ago, first as a mediator and then as a Conflict Coach. Since my retirement, I've volunteered in the office helping Mac and Karen with intakes and case management.

On a personal level, I had no idea how much I would change by becoming a mediator and conflict coach.  I was a manager in a high-tech company, and my staff noticed changes right away. I listened better - so they felt heard. I didn't jump in immediately with solutions - so they felt more empowered.

And, now that I've assisted with case management and development, I've seen firsthand how challenging it can be to get parties into mediation. I feel even more honored that these people are putting their faith in the Community Boards process and its cadre of volunteer Community Mediators.

#2: OUTREACH 2019: New Trilingual Business Card   
We recently discovered an artifact from Community Boards' past: a folded, trilingual business card that promoted our Neighborhood Mediation Program.

Inspired by its knotted rope imagery, we created an updated version, borrowing the information and color palette from our newest "Neighborhood" brochure.

So now, twenty years later, we have another outreach tool! Just click the image and compare the "before" and "after."

#3: OUTREACH 2019: SF Police Department      
The SF Police Department is our largest single source for referrals of people needing assistance with a conflict. In order to maintain this important relationship, we make ongoing roll call presentations to officers at the department's ten station houses.
To reach the general public throughout the city, we also "piggyback" by making short presentations at the community meetings each station house hosts in its neighborhood.
Because these outreach efforts take a lot of time, energy, and coordination, we're asking for your assistance. Volunteer with us! There are four roll calls each day and the community meetings are monthly. The roll call presentations take only 5 minutes, the community meetings take 10 minutes.

If interested please email Shana, [email protected].

#4: OUTREACH 2019: LinkedIn 'Connections'  
We all know that social media are important outreach and marketing tools these days. In the coming year, we plan to focus on strengthening and expanding Community Boards' LinkedIn network.
A robust LinkedIn platform will broaden the audiences for our professional services. These include onsite and contract trainings, large- and small-group facilitations, and contractual and business dispute mediations.
We have a simple request of you. Please "connect" with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/community-boards/ 

#5: Board of Directors, President's Update
Greetings from the Board of Directors!
I want to thank everyone who came out to our September get together at Virgil's! It was nice to see familiar faces as well as connect with new faces.We raised $800! 
The holidays are just around the corner, but the Board members and Community Board Staff are working on an important Strategic Plan. We look forward to sharing our approach to better serve our community. If you have suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Speaking of the holidays, please stop by our Holiday Party on Friday, 12/14, 6-8:30pm, in Opera Plaza community room.
Finally, you may have seen our recent call for new Board members. If you're interested in playing a more active role in supporting Community Boards -- or know someone who wants to roll up their sleeves alongside our team -- please email Sachin Ganpule at [email protected].  
Stay safe and Happy Holidays!  
Serena Mau, President