5685 Beacon Street | Pittsburgh PA, 15217  |  (412) 521-8131
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Parshat Beha'alotcha
June 9, 2017 -  15 Sivan 5777
Shabbat Candle Lighting - by 8:31  pm
Shabbat Ends - 9:40 pm
DVAR TORAH - Thoughts from the Principal & Educational Director
Parashat Beha'alotcha begins with the commandment for the Kohen  to light the  Menorah in the Beit Hamikdash.  The Torah refers to this kindling with the word  L'halot which can be translated as "raising." Rashi  cites a  medrash  to explain that this word refers to a small step that was placed in front of the Menorah and that the Kohen would stand on this step when cleaning the Menorah. Rav Moshe Feinstein, z'l, in his work, Darash Moshe, points out that the Menorah was only 18 tefachim (about five feet) high. Why then was it necessary for there to be a step placed in front of the Menorah? 

Rav Moshe explains that the Menorah in the Mishkan and Beit Hamikdash symbolized the light of the Torah. By extension, the step leading up to the Torah represents our ideal approach to Torah study. Even though there are many aspects of Torah and Judaism that seem to be easily accessible, we must still approach these areas with measured caution as if we were going up a step. In life, we often approach our daily routine with rote monotony. Unfortunately, most of our spiritual and religious practices fall into the category of routine. The message of the stair in front of the Menorah, explains Rav Moshe, is that we must approach even these routine efforts with meticulous thought and deliberation. 

In the observance of our daily mitzvot, it is all too easy to simply go through the motions without thinking, without kavanah. However, the aforementioned medresh reminds us to think about our daily mitzvot as we perform them, and not just "go with the flow."
Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Weinberg
Rabbi Weinberg can be reached at [email protected] .

Kindergarten made flowers for Shavuos.

Can you create a pipeline system that moves water between two cups a distance of two feet using straws?  

Tech Shop Club went to the Bakery Square location to experience the true magic. 

Sixth grade  Chumash siyum enjoyed custard to celebrate their learning accomplishments. 

The Driver-less Uber and technician stopped by for all of our students to tour and learn about the capabilities and specs of the Uber car.  This was one of the main events of STEMWeek. 

The Bnot set up a photo booth in honor of Yom Yerushalim.

The second grade celebrated the completion of Parshat Lech Lecha by putting on a presentation. 
In honor of Yom Yerushalayim, the Early Childhood Department got together and created their own version of the Kotel. The one year old classes used crayons and colored the paper. The Toddler class made hand prints using gold paint. The Nursery classes used glue and scissors and added birds and plants.  The Pre-K classes made the bricks using brown paint. 

Leagues Championship
  Yosef Kaminsky  and Us Squeeze by the Fireblazers 10-9
The Champions pose with their trophies during the Boys Awards Lunch. 
Two weeks ago, the 4-8 grade Leagues C hampionship game was played. The game consisted of the three sports that were played the entire year, hockey, soccer, and speed ball. There were six minutes of each sport, and then the scores for all of them were combined. The two seeded Fireblazers, led by Yehuda Sutofsky and the three seeded Us, led by Yosef Kaminsky, battled it out for 18 minutes, with the score in hockey 1-0 Us, with Yosef scoring the only tally, the score in soccer 2-0 Us, with another two goals from Yosef. The score in speed ballwas 9-7 Fireblazers. The total championship score was 10-9 in Us's favor! Yosef Kaminsky was named MVP of the championship, with six goals and 2 assists. Yehuda Sutofsky scored six goals in the losing effort. Between the pipes, Natan Azaguray led all goalies with 21 saves. He also added one goal and five assists to his ledger. Josh Siebzener had 17 saves in the losing effort. They also played a consolation game between the one seeded Hippopotamuses, led by Zalman Rodkin, and the four seeded Kollel Kids, led by Uzi Jacobs who fought for third place in the final standings after they had been knocked out in the semifinals. The game was no contest, and the Hippos won, 8-2.

Thank you Mr. Angelo for all of your hard work this year making 4-8 grade Leagues an exciting, successful experience for us all!            

Special message 
As the school year draws to a close, we bid "shalom u'vracha" to our terrific graduating seniors, but also to our wonderful Bnot Sherut, Hadar Betito and Naomi Morgenstern. Todah Rabah, Hadar and Naomi, for your incredible devotion to Hillel Academy and our Pittsburgh Jewish Community and for giving us a most memorable and special year. 

A huge debt of thanks is owed to the incredible team at Hillel Academy who supports our Bnot Sherut and makes their National Service year in Pittsburgh a reality and a success: Daniel Kraut, Rabbi Sam Weinberg, Rabbi Oren Levy, Linda and Jim Joshowitz, Harold Wiesenfeld, the teachers and staff of Hillel Academy, and the Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh. We also thank the many Pittsburgh families who provide the financial support needed to have this program.

May we continue to have the strength and will to continue the incredible Bnot Sherut program for many more years IY"H.

- Ronit 

We regret to inform you of the passing of 

Mark Kanal, z"l
אלימלך בן מאיר

beloved father of

Dr. Emanuel Kanal

Go Figure
2nd Graders   finished  Parshat Lech Lecha and put on a wonderful
Moroccan Cigars ordered from Milky Way for the Joshua L. Sindler, z"l, Night of Art and Music.
Time of the 12th grade girls graduation
on Sunday, June 11.
Days until the first day of Camp Hillel. 

Estimated amount of people who attended the Joshua L. Sindler, z"l, Night of Art and Music.
Thursday, June 15 - Date of the annual dinner - please RSVP - call 412.521.8131

Families who have sponsored the k-4 summer birthdays:
Mr. and Mrs. Gelman
Mr. and Mrs. Isenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ackner-Loring
Mr. and Mrs. Blumenfeld

Camp Registration
Hillel Gear Spotted Here!
 Dalya Kraut (A.K.A - DKj) sports the one of a kind HAP (Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh) ball cap at a recent 
Tribe game. 

If you are interested in volunteering or know someone who might be, please contact  [email protected].
Around Town
Kiddish: With gratitude to Hashem, Rabbi Daniel and Anna Yolkut and family will be sponsoring Kiddush this Shabbos at PZ in honor of the birth of Leeba Hinda (Leebie).

G irl's Oneg:   This shabbos,  June 10th ,  will be our final week of Oneg!  Please join us from  3:30 to 4:30  for our Mother Daughter Event!  In the PZ Educational Building.  Thanks for an amazing year!

This Shabbat is Bnei Akiva Pittsburgh's LAST WEEK OF SNIF! Shaare Torah,  4:30 to 5:30. We can't wait to see everyone there! Shabbat Shalom!

Hillel Academy of Pittsburgh

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Please send condolence notices to  [email protected].